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Man-Made Textiles in India

ISSN: 0377-7537

Manufacturing Engineering

ISSN: 0361-0853

Manufacturing Letters

ISSN: 2213-8463

Manufacturing Letters, an official journal of the The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), in cooperation with the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (NAMRI/SME), is an online, rapid-publication journal providing a home for short, high-quality papers from the international academic and industry community on important advances from all interdisciplinary research areas impacting manufacturing.The journal promotes an exchange of ideas and communicates significant developments of immediate interest to others engaged in formative research that contributes to progress in manufacturing techniques, models, processes, and systems.Original concise papers are encouraged describing new kinds of manufacturing based on new processes or materials, new concepts in manufacturing systems or enterprises, or novel ways to look at old problems and solutions in manufacturing that show promise. Papers merit acceptance, for example, by detailing the key elements of an emerging field of research, describing the potential of an experimental or theoretical improvement, or demonstrating a new contribution to practice or policy. Papers should not merely confirm or extend previous work.To meet a vital need to rapidly disseminate current scientific findings, Manufacturing Letters uses a streamlined review process. Papers are peer reviewed and (1) accepted as written or (2) rejected within four (4) weeks of submission. Rejected papers can be revised but must be resubmitted as new manuscripts.Papers are limited to 1500 words, not including the abstract, references, and a maximum of four (4) figures or tables. Papers must be original contributions, not simultaneously submitted elsewhere, previously published or scheduled to be published. The language of the journal is English.Emerging research communicated in Manufacturing Letters is presumed to be ongoing; therefore, authors are encouraged to submit a full-length journal paper to an appropriate publication outlet, such as the Journal of Manufacturing Systems or Journal of Manufacturing Processes.

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Manufacturing Review

eISSN: 2265-4224
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Manufacturing Technology

ISSN: 1213-2489

Materials Advances

eISSN: 2633-5409

Materials Advances is an international, gold open access journal, publishing high-quality research across the breadth of materials science. The journal accepts experimental or theoretical studies that report new understanding, applications, properties and synthesis of materials, building on and complementing the materials content already published across the Royal Society of Chemistry journal portfolio. Submissions are handled by our high profile associate editors, all of whom also look after submissions to Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C. The Materials Advances publishing experience comes with the reputation, standards, commitment and expertise you would expect from an RSC journal, plus the visibility boost that comes from being open access and part of the Journal of Materials Chemistry family.

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Materials and Manufacturing Processes

ISSN: 1042-6914eISSN: 1532-2475

Materials and Manufacturing Processes deals with issues that result in better utilization of raw materials and energy, integration of design and manufacturing activities requiring the invention of suitable new manufacturing processes and techniques, unmanned production dependent on efficient and reliable control of various processes including intelligent processing, introduction of new materials in industrial production necessitating new manufacturing process technology, and more. Information is offered in various formats, including research articles, letter reports, review articles, conference papers, applied research, book and conference reviews, patent reports, and entire issues devoted to symposia. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Mechanics & Industry

ISSN: 2257-7750eISSN: 2257-7777

With papers from industry, Research and Development departments and academic institutions, this journal acts as an interface between research and industry, coordinating and disseminating scientific and technical mechanical research in relation to industrial activities.

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Melliand International

ISSN: 0947-9163

Membrane Technology

ISSN: 0958-2118

Membrane Technology brings you everything you need to keep up-to-date with what is happening in the international membrane industry, highlighting emerging markets, summarising important industry news and identifying new business opportunities for your company.Each issue includes:• Technology news - all the latest developments including processes projects, contracts, systems, new products, testing facilities, etc.• Business news - key information on your competitors' movements in the market• Feature articles - experts share the secrets of their own success• Patents - the latest new patents from around the world• Research trends - highlights of recently published research work• Events' calendar - comprehensive listing of all the international conferences and exhibitionsMembrane Technology covers the following areas: chemicals, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food and beverage, Brewing and wine, drinking water treatment, desalination, sewage treatment, oil and gas, mineral extraction, power generation, pulp and paper, and electronics.

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Metal Finishing

ISSN: 0026-0576

Metal Finishing keeps readers informed on the practical and technical aspects of finishing metal and plastic products, including waste treatment and pollution control.Metal Finishing provides how-to articles along with news, developments, patents, and shop problems.The supplement, the 147;Metal Finishing Guidebook & Directory Issue148;, is a complete source for all metal finishing process operations, from basis material preparation to final quality control testing. An additional supplement, the 147;Metal Finishing Organic Guidebook & Directory148; is the complementary complete source for all organic finishing operation. Both Guidebooks and Directories contain complete listings of manufacturers of finishing equipment, processes and supplies with addresses and phone numbers for easy accessibility.

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Molecular Systems Design & Engineering

eISSN: 2058-9689

Molecular engineering employs experimental, theoretical and computational approaches to establish new understanding of molecular properties and behaviours and uses this understanding to design and assemble better materials, systems, and processes to achieve specific functions. MSDE provides a hub for research into new understanding of molecular systems and the use of this understanding in applications of technological significance that help address global challenges.

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Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering

ISSN: 1672-6030eISSN: 2589-5540
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Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu

ISSN: 2071-2227

New Design

ISSN: 1472-2674

Noise Control Engineering Journal

ISSN: 0736-2501

O Papel (Brazil)

ISSN: 0031-1057

Operations Management Research

ISSN: 1936-9735eISSN: 1936-9743

Operations Management Research: Advancing Practice through Theory publishes short, focused research studies that advance the theory and practice of operations management. OMR is a rigorous, double-blind peer-reviewed journal that is oriented toward fast reviews and publication of high-quality research that makes a clear contribution to the science and practice of operations management in today’s global institutions. Coverage includes all topics in operations management as well as research paradigms from mathematical modeling to ethnography.

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Operations Research Letters

ISSN: 0167-6377eISSN: 1872-7468

Operations Research Letters is a publication for literature on all aspects of operations research and the management and decision sciences. The features distinguishing it from other journals in the field are* Concise articles, generally limited to 6 journal pages* Extended abstracts of two to four, announcing results without full proofs;* Rapid review and fast publication;* Broad coverage of the literature.Apart from the page limitation, originality, relevance, quality and clarity are the only criteria for selecting the material to be published. A sound methodological basis is a requirement, but technical correctness alone is not sufficient for publication. The subject matter can be theory, methodology, empirical studies, and applications. The mainstream of contributions focuses on new models, theorems, algorithms, and experimental work that the author wants to disseminate rapidly. We will publish theory and methodology with proofs omitted or only sketched, provided that the author submits support material that enables us to verify the findings. We will also publish computational and experimental studies that are not necessarily based on new theory or methodology, but are of significant scientific value because they confirm or refute prior results. Similarly, we will publish reports on applications and case studies that demonstrate a novel use of existing techniques or contain significant ideas about data collection and analysis, modelling, or implementation.Area Editors:Approximation and heuristicsGerhard J. WoegingerThe area covers all issues relevant to the development of efficient approximate solutions to computationally difficult problems. Examples are heuristic approaches like local search, worst case analysis or competitive analysis of approximation algorithms, complexity theoretic results, and computational investigations of heuristic approaches.Continuous optimizationPatrice MarcottePapers in all fields of continuous optimization that are relevant to operations research are welcome. These areas include, but are not restricted to, nonlinear programming (constrained or unconstrained, convexor nonconvex, smooth or nonsmooth, exact or heuristic, finite or infinite-dimensional), complementarity, variational inequalities, bilevel programming, and mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints.Financial engineeringJussi S. KeppoFinancial engineering utilizes operations research methods (such as optimization, simulation, decision analysis and stochastic control) to analyze financial markets. This area is interested in papers that innovate in terms of methods or models that help financial applications. The studied problem examples include the pricing and hedging of financial instruments, credit and energy markets and portfolio selectionGame theoryNimrod MegiddoThe area published papers in game theory with relevance to the field of operations research.Graphs and networksGianpaolo OrioloThe area seeks papers that apply, in original and insightful ways, discrete mathematics to advance the theory and practice of operations research, as well as those reporting theoretical or algorithmic advances for the area.Of particular, but not exclusive, interest are papers devoted to novel applications, telecommunications and transportation networks, graphs and web models and algorithms.Inventory controlSridhar SeshadriThe area welcomes innovative papers focused on inventory management. Examples of topics include, but are not limited to supply chain management, pricing, capacity planning, multi-item/echelon systems, algorithms and bounds, and incentive design.Life sciences and healthcareGunnar W. KlauOperations research methodologies are used in the healthcare sector, for example, in treatment or clinical trial design, robotic surgery, location of healthcare facilities, medical resource allocation, and vaccine scheduling. Recently, operations research is likewise emerging as a crucial component of basic research in the life sciences, for example, in genomeassembly, phylogenetics and network biology, structural biology and drug design. The area welcomes theoretical and applied contributions to these and related fields.Linear and stochastic optimizationRüdiger SchultzThe area solicits original articles dealing with theoretical and computational issues in linear optimization or optimization under stochastic uncertainty.Logistics and revenue managementMahesh NagarajanThe area includes topics related to operations management and supply chain design such as location problems, production planning, transportation and routing, and revenue management and pricing. We welcome papers that study existing or new models and applications in these areas and provide significant new results. Examples are papers introducing new models, new algorithms or new analysis of known models or algorithms. Emphasis will be put on the relative importance of the paper's contribution to known theory and practice.Mixed integer optimizationVolker KaibelAll submissions advancing the theory and practice of mixed integer (linear or nonlinear) programming like novel techniques and algorithmic approaches in convex relaxations, branch and cut, polyhedral combinatorics and theory driven heuristics are welcome. Case studies may be considered if they contribute to the general methodology.Reliability and maintenance optimizationJeffrey P. KharoufehThe area invites novel reliability and maintenance optimization contributions with a rigorous operations research component. Examples include, but are not limited to, stochastic models of reliability, dynamic maintenance decision making, novel uses of data within analytical frameworks, matrix-analytic methods and asymptotic results. The area will consider formal models, algorithms, bounds and computational advances.SchedulingMarc UetzWe seek original and significant contributions to the analysis and solution of sequencing and scheduling problems. This includes structural and algorithmic results, in particular optimization, approximation and online algorithms, as well as game theoretic modeling. All results are welcome aslong as the relevance of a problem and significance of the contribution is made compellingly clear.Stochastic networks &queuesJohn HasenbeinThe area focuses on networks and queueing systems where stochastic variability and uncertainty play a crucial role. The area seeks papers that propose original models and develop novel analytical or computational methods. Innovative ideas and broad results receive precedence over incremental extensions or niche areas.

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Pakistan Textile Journal

ISSN: 0048-2757