IJCIS provides a professional and scholarly forum for cross-learning between different scientific and technological disciplines, and between business and economic, as well as between societal and managerial, disciplines in the area of critical infrastructures. Critical infrastructures are networks for the provision of telecommunication and information services, energy services (electrical power, natural gas, oil and heat), water supply, transportation of people and goods, banking and financial services, government services and emergency services.
IJDRBE is a CIB-encouraged journal that promotes research examining the role of building and construction to anticipate and respond to unexpected events that damage or destroy the built environment.
The International Journal of Food Microbiology publishes papers dealing with all aspects of food microbiology. Articles must present information that is novel, has high impact and interest, and is of high scientific quality. They should provide scientific or technological advancement in the specific field of interest of the journal and enhance its strong international reputation. Preliminary or confirmatory results as well as contributions not strictly related to food microbiology will not be considered for publication.Full-length original research papers, short communications, review articles and book reviews in the fields of bacteriology, mycology, virology, parasitology, and immunology as they relate to the production, processing, service and consumption of foods and beverages are welcomed. Within this scope, topics of specific interest include: (1) incidence and types of food and beverage microorganisms, microbial interactions, microbial ecology of foods, intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting microbial survival and growth in foods, and food spoilage; (2) microorganisms involved in food and beverage fermentations (including probiotics and starter cultures); (3) food safety, indices of the sanitary quality of foods, microbiological quality assurance, biocontrol, microbiological aspects of food preservation and novel preservation techniques, predictive microbiology and microbial risk assessment; (4) foodborne microorganisms of public health significance, and microbiological aspects of foodborne diseases of microbial origin; (5) methods for microbiological and immunological examinations of foods, as well as rapid, automated and molecular methods when validated in food systems; and (6) the biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology of microorganisms as they directly relate to food spoilage, foodborne disease and food fermentations.Papers that do not have a direct food or beverage connection will not be considered for publication. The following examples provide some guide as to the type of papers that will not be admitted to the formal review process (for a more extensive list please refer to the journal’s Guide for Authors:Studies in animal models that determine the responses of probiotic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract;Fundamental physiology and gene expression studies of food/ beverage microorganisms, unless they directly relate to the food/ beverage ecosystem;The isolation and characterization of antimicrobial substances such as essential oils, bacteriocins etc, unless their efficacy is tested and validated in the food/beverage ecosystem;Development of new methods for the analysis of microorganisms, unless the method is tested and validated in the food/beverage ecosystem.This journal also publishes special issues of selected, peer-reviewed papers from suitable meetings, workshops, conferences, etc, related to the field of food microbiology.
The International Journal of Impact Engineering, established in 1983, has as its objective the publication of original research findings related to the response of structures, bodies and materials from the exposure to impact and blast events. Pertinent areas encompass the following general topics and those associated with them:Structural impact and failureEnergy absorbing systemsTerminal ballisticsDynamic material behaviour and failureStress wavesStructural crashworthinessBlast loading and its effects on structuresHigh-speed mechanical and forming processesHazards assessments, safety and protection involving impact and blast loadingTesting/measurement techniques coupled with applicationManuscripts submitted for publication will be subjected to stringent peer review and assessed for their contribution to scientific understanding of impact phenomena or fundamental insights gained towards engineering design for high rate loading. Papers concerned primarily with the fields of mathematics, materials science or computation, with little direct relevance to impact and blast dynamics, as well as those of a purely descriptive nature will be declined.. However, well-designed and well-documented experimental studies that advance the body of knowledge are encouraged. Manuscripts that focus on parametric studies (e.g. using commercial software), unaccompanied by convincing validation and discussion of application of results generated, as well as papers on novel computational techniques without comparison with established methods or test data are also not solicited.Papers in the International Journal of Impact Engineering should generally be of interest to aeronautical engineers, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, naval architects, nuclear engineers, ocean engineers, offshore engineers, transportation engineers and workers in other branches of engineering and science who are involved in various aspects of impact and blast loading.Companion papers Authors should aim at submitting manuscripts that can be reviewed on their own, without assuming that preceding or subsequent related manuscripts will be published. Authors of companion papers should inform the Editor of the reasons for publishing their work in multiple parts.
The International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IJIEOM) is an academic, peer-reviewed journal focused on the diffusion of articles in the field of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. IJIEOM is published on behalf of IEOM Society International.
The International Journal of Information Security is an English language periodical on research in information security which offers prompt publication of important technical work, whether theoretical, applicable, or related to implementation. Coverage includes system security: intrusion detection, secure end systems, secure operating systems, database security, security infrastructures, security evaluation; network security: Internet security, firewalls, mobile security, security agents, protocols, anti-virus and anti-hacker measures; content protection: software protection, tamper resistant software; applications: electronic commerce, government, health, telecommunications, mobility; and foundations: privacy, access control, authentication, identification, applied cryptography, and formal methods in information security.
The IJMPT aims to address issues of interest to all industrialists and researchers concerned with new materials, new processes and new products.
The International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) is a peer-reviewed, English-language quarterly. It is a delayed Open Access journal with articles more than one year old available free of charge.
Product Lifecycle Management is defined as a strategic business approach for effective management and use of corporate intellectual capital. Challenges faced by product development teams include globalisation, outsourcing, mass customisation, fast innovation and product traceability, enhancing the need for collaboration and knowledge management along the product lifecycle stages. PLM systems are gaining acceptance for managing all information about products throughout their whole lifecycle, from conceptualisation to operations/disposal. IJPLM addresses the development, promotion and coordination of PLM science and practice.
IJRS provides an authoritative source of information and an international forum in the field of reliability and safety. It is a highly professional and refereed journal that aims to achieve a balance between academic rigour and practical applications from all disciplines. In addition, prominent members of the reliability and safety community may serve as guest editors of special issues dedicated to a specific subject.
IJRQSE is a refereed journal focusing on both the theoretical and practical aspects of reliability, quality, and safety in engineering. The journal is intended to cover a broad spectrum of issues in manufacturing, computing, software, aerospace, control, nuclear systems, power systems, communication systems, and electronics. Papers are sought in the theoretical domain as well as in such practical fields as industry and laboratory research. The journal is published quarterly, March, June, September and December. It is intended to bridge the gap between the theoretical experts and practitioners in the academic, scientific, government, and business communities. Review articles and case studies are also welcome in addition to innovative works in all key areas of the journal.
IJSN proposes and fosters discussion on and dissemination of network security related issues.