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Building Engineer

ISSN: 0969-8213

Building Physics

ISSN: 0171-5445eISSN: 1437-0980

Bauphysik ist die einzige deutsche Fachpublikation zu dieser Thematik. Seit mehr als 30 Jahren ist die Zeitschrift Spiegel der Forschung in Wissenschaft und Industrie, der Normung und ingenieurpraktischen Tatigkeit. Sie ist nicht nur fur Bauphysiker ein Arbeitsmittel und Nachschlagewerk, sondern fur alle am Bau Beteiligte, z. B. Beratende Ingenieure, Architekten und Fachplaner. Themenuberblick:.

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Building Research and Information

ISSN: 0961-3218eISSN: 1466-4321

BUILDING RESEARCH & INFORMATION (BRI) is a leading international refereed journal focussed on buildings and their supporting systems. Unique to BRI is a focus on a holistic, transdisciplinary approach to buildings and the complexity of issues involving the built environment with other systems over the course of their life: planning, briefing, design, construction, occupation and use, property exchange and evaluation, maintenance, alteration and end of life. Published articles provide conceptual and evidence-based approaches which reflect the complexity and linkages between cultural, environmental, economic, social, organisational, quality of life, health, well-being, design and engineering of the built environment.

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Building Services Engineering Research and Technology

ISSN: 0143-6244eISSN: 1477-0849

Building Services Engineering Research & Technology is one of the foremost, international peer reviewed journals that publishes the highest quality original research relevant to today’s Built Environment.Published in conjunction with CIBSE, this impressive journal reports on the latest research, providing you with an invaluable guide to recent developments in the field.BSER&T covers the full range of energy and environmental services in buildings, including:HeatingVentilationAir conditioningBuildingElectrical servicesBuilding acousticsWater supply and sanitationVertical transportOutstanding features of BSER&T:All articles are peer reviewedInternational Advisory Board ensures the highest standards of qualityArticles on ground breaking researchRedesigned formatContains critical book reviews of the latest literature in the fieldDiscussion forum, enabling comment and interaction with leading expertsBased on high quality articles Building Services Engineering Research & Technology ensures the very latest information is presented throughout each issue.BSER&T Article makes the final two in the Carbon Trust Innovation AwardsSAGE would like to congratulate article author, Robert Lowe MA, PhD, on reaching the finals of the prestigious Carbon Trust Innovation Awards.His article, "Evidence for heat losses via party wall cavities in masonryconstruction" presents empirical evidence and analysis that supports the existence of a significant heat loss mechanism resulting from air movement through cavities in party walls in masonry construction.The overall message being that if you don't regularly measure building performance in some detail, you may have no idea what might be going on.To access this article for free, please .

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Building Simulation

ISSN: 1996-3599eISSN: 1996-8744

Building Simulation: An International Journal publishes original, high quality, peer-reviewed research papers and review articles dealing with modeling and simulation of buildings including their systems. The goal is to promote the field of building science and technology to such a level that modeling will eventually be used in every aspect of building construction as a routine instead of an exception. Of particular interest are papers that reflect recent developments and applications of modeling tools and their impact on advances of building science and technology. Paper submission is solicited for the following five fixed sections: A: Building thermal, lighting, and acoustics modeling B: Building systems and components C: Indoor/outdoor airflow and air quality D: Architecture and human behavior E: Advances in modeling and simulation tools The above scope will develop as the field of building simulation evolves. Authors are encouraged to contribute papers from different angles of interest, making Building

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Building and Environment

ISSN: 0360-1323eISSN: 1873-684X

Building and Environment is an international journal that publishes original research papers and review articles related to building science and human interaction with the built environment.The Journal invites research articles conveying robust, tested knowledge on:•technologies and integrated systems for high performance buildings and cities•thermal, acoustic, visual, air quality building science and human impacts•tools for the design and decision-making community, including tested computational, economic, educational and policy tools.•solutions for mitigating environmental impacts and achieving low carbon, sustainable built environments.The Journal is focused on new knowledge, rigorously verified with measurement and analysis, related to the environmental performance of buildings in different scales, ranging from cities, communities, buildings, to building systems and assemblies.

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Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

ISSN: 1570-761XeISSN: 1573-1456

Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering presents original, peer-reviewed papers on research related to the broad spectrum of earthquake engineering. The journal offers a forum for presentation and discussion of such matters as European damaging earthquakes, new developments in earthquake regulations, and national policies applied after major seismic events, including strengthening of existing buildings.Coverage includes seismic hazard studies and methods for mitigation of risk; earthquake source mechanism and strong motion characterization and their use for engineering applications; geological and geotechnical site conditions under earthquake excitations; cyclic behavior of soils; analysis and design of earth structures and foundations under seismic conditions; zonation and microzonation methodologies; earthquake scenarios and vulnerability assessments; earthquake codes and improvements, and much more. This is the Official Publication of the European Association for Earthquake Engineering.

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CTBUH Journal

ISSN: 1946-1186

Cement and Concrete Composites

ISSN: 0958-9465eISSN: 1873-393X

This journal is designed to reflect current developments and advances being made in the general field of cement-concrete composites technology and in the production, use, and performance of cement-basedconstruction materials. The word cement is interpreted in a wide sense, including not only Portland cement but also blended cements and other binding materials. In addition to novel aspects of conventional concrete materials, the journal covers a wide range of composite materials such as fiber-reinforced cement composites, polymer cement composites, polymer impregnated composites, ferrocement, and cement composites containing special aggregate inclusions or waste materials. Original papers dealing with microstructure (as it relates to engineering properties), material properties, testing and test methods, fracture mechanics, durability aspects, composite mechanics/technology, modelling, design, fabrication and practical applications of these materials form the major themes of the journal. Provided there is sufficient linkage to properties defined at the material scale, papers concerning the behavior of structural components and systems, in situ performance, and field studies will also be accepted for review, as well as those concerning the repair and maintenance, serviceability behavior, and sustainability of structures made with these materials.The journal has within the above context several specific objectives. It wants to foster a better understanding of construction materials, provide a forum for unusual and unconventional materials, encourage the development of low cost energy saving materials and bridge the gap between materials science, engineering performance, environmental effects, in situ behavior, design/service life and construction. It is the intention of the journal to also publish special issues devoted to topics of current or emerging interest. The journal aims to provide a unifying basis for collaboration between materials scientists, engineers, designers and fabricators.

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Cement and Concrete Research

ISSN: 0008-8846

The aim of Cement and Concrete Research is to publish the best research on cement, cement composites, concrete and other allied materials that incorporate cement. In doing so, the journal will present: the results of research on the properties and performance of cement and concrete; novel experimental techniques; the latest analytical and modelling methods; the examination and the diagnosis of real cement and concrete structures; and the potential for improved materials. The fields which the journal aims to cover are:• Processing: Cement manufacture, mixing and rheology, admixtures and hydration. While the majority of articles will be concerned with Portland cements, we encourage articles on other cement systems, such as calcium aluminate.• Structural and Microstructural Characterisation of the unhydrated components and of hydrated systems including: the chemistry, crystal structure, pore structure of cement and concrete, characterisation techniques, and structural and microstructural modelling.• The properties of cement and concrete, including: fundamental physical properties; transport, mechanical and other properties, the processes of degradation of cement and concrete; and the modelling of properties, both as a means of predicting short and long performance, and as a means of relating a material's structure to its properties.• Applications for cement and concrete, including: concrete technology, fibre reinforcement, waste management, and novel concretes.The journal's principal publications are original articles containing new information, major reviews and selected papers from important conferences. Discussion of published material and rapid communications will form part of the journal where appropriate. The journal will focus on papers with a broad interest, based upon their subject area, the quality of the research, the novelty of the results and the potential for assimilation of the findings.

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Cement, Wapno, Beton

ISSN: 1425-8129

Chang'an Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Chang'an University (Natural Science Edition)

ISSN: 1671-8879

Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures

ISSN: 0005-9900eISSN: 1437-1006

Beton- und Stahlbetonbau veroffentlicht seit mehr als 100 Jahren anwendungsorientierte Beitrage zum gesamten Massivbau. Mit ihren wissenschaftlich fundierten Beitragen gibt sie monatlich praktische Hilfestellung fur die Arbeit des Bauingenieurs. Themenuberblick:.

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Construction History

ISSN: 0267-7768

Construction Innovation

ISSN: 1471-4175eISSN: 1477-0857

A CIB-encouraged journal that publishes papers on a range of multidisciplinary subjects in the field of construction innovation

Construction Management and Economics

ISSN: 0144-6193eISSN: 1466-433X

Construction Management and Economics is the leading international refereed journal that publishes original research concerning the management and economics of building and civil engineering, while also including the management of built facilities. Construction Management and Economics has recently been recognised by the Australian Business Deans Council as an A* rated journal, signifying that it is amongst the best in its field. Statistical Summary of Annual PerformancePeer Review PolicyAll Papers and Notes in this journal have undergone anonymous double-blind review by four referees. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Construction and Building Materials

ISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-0526

Construction and Building Materials provides an international forum for the dissemination of research and development in the field of construction and building materials and their application in new works and repair practice. The journal publishes a wide range of research and application papers which describe laboratory and numerical investigations or report on full scale projects.Construction and Building Materials also publishes detailed case studies and review articles, as well as short communications and discussions.The materials and technology covered include: cement, concrete reinforcement, bricks and mortars, additives, corrosion technology, ceramics, timber, steel, polymers, glass fibres, recycled materials and by-products, sealants, adhesives.The scope of Construction and Building Materials includes, but is not restricted to, new works and repair and maintenance of the following: bridges, high-rise buildings, dams, civil engineering structures, silos, highway pavements, tunnels, water containment structures, sewers, roofing, housing, coastal defences.At a time when the pressure is on all engineers, architects and contractors to optimise use of new materials and up-to-date technologies, Construction and Building Materials provides essential information that will help improve efficiency, productivity and competitiveness in world markets. It is therefore vital reading for all professionals and academics involved with research into, or specification of, building materials.Author duties: Acceptance of a manuscript for publication in the journal carries with it an understanding that the author, when requested, will fulfil an obligation to contribute their expertise to the review of others' manuscripts. Authors who are unwilling to assist with the review of a colleague's paper may in extreme cases find that their manuscripts are no longer welcomed for publication in Construction and Building Materials.

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Curved and Layered Structures

eISSN: 2353-7396
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Diqiu Kexue - Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue Xuebao/Earth Science - Journal of China University of Geosciences

ISSN: 1000-2383
Publisher: Gai Kan Bianjibu

ENR (Engineering News-Record)

ISSN: 0891-9526