Marine & Freshwater Research is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes original and significant research from all aquatic environments and subject areas. Subject areas include biology and ecology, fisheries science, biogeochemistry, physiology, genetics, biogeography and phylogeography, hydrology, oceanography, toxicology, and aquatic ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling. Environments range from groundwaters, wetlands and streams to estuaries, rocky shores, coral reefs, and the open ocean.Papers that address broad conceptual questions, are interdisciplinary and of wide interest, and that consider further implications and management applications are especially encouraged, given the Journal´s broad scope. Specialist papers at the forefront of their field are also welcome as long as their context is clearly stated. Descriptive papers are published if they are placed in an appropriate conceptual setting and have global relevance. However, papers that are purely taxonomic, parochial, describe preliminary or incremental results, or simply present data without context will not be considered.Research can be presented as Full Papers, Reviews, Short Communications, or Comments and Replies. Groups of authors with ideas for a series of 3-7 related papers that might be packaged as part of a single issue as a Special Feature should directly contact the Editor with a proposal. Key and invited papers from conferences are also published as Special Issues comprising a full volume of Marine & Freshwater Research.
Marine Biodiversity Records is a rapid peer-reviewed, online publication that complements the long-established Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Marine Biodiversity Records has been launched in response to the changing marine and coastal environment and an increasing demand for the documentation of marine organisms in locations where they have not formerly been recorded, as well as of species loss from habitats. Marine Biodiversity Records therefore welcomes original research articles which document and review changes in geographical ranges of marine species, including the effects of the introduction of novel or alien species to marine ecosystems, and of taxonomic studies relevant to these changes.
Marine Biology publishes original and internationally significant contributions from all fields of marine biology. Special emphasis is given to articles which promote the understanding of life in the sea, organism-environment interactions, interactions between organisms, and the functioning of the marine biosphere. While original research articles are the backbone of Marine Biology, method articles, reviews and comments are also welcome, provided that they meet the same originality, importance and quality criteria as research articles. Articles of exceptional significance are published as feature articles. They are accompanied by an editorial comment. Aspects of particular interest include: marine biogeochemistry ecology of marine populations and communities marine ecophysiology behavioural biology of marine organisms development and life cycles of marine organisms biochemistry and physiology of marine organisms evolution of marine organisms population genetics of marine organisms marine co
Marine Biology Research is the result of a successful merger of two well respected journals in the field of Marine Biology: Sarsia, North Atlantic Marine Science (published by Taylor & Francis in collaboration with the University of Bergen and the Institute of Marine Research, Norway) and Ophelia, International Journal of Marine Biology (published by Marine Biological Laboratory in collaboration with Freshwater Biological Laboratory, both University of Copenhagen). Sarsia and Ophelia were both established in the 1960's and have both become well respected international journals presenting original research on all aspects of oceanography and marine biology, Sarsia giving particular emphasis to results from Nordic and North Atlantic environments. Marine Biology Research has continued with similar aims and scopes in addition to presenting invited reviews and thematic issues on selected research topics to subscribers in over 40 different countries. Marine Biology Research aims to provide practitioners and academics with a forum for ideas and discussion on all areas of marine biology and oceanography. The Journal will cover a broad range of topics, including: * Ecology * Behaviour * Benthic dynamics * Biodiversity * Biogeography * Coastal and Oceanic habitats * Ecosystem functioning * Evolution * Phylogeny * Physiology * Taxonomy Applied aspects (environment, fisheries) of marine biological research, which contribute to general biological insight, will also be covered. Rapid Online Publication Marine Biology Research now offers faster publication for its authors. With our Build Issue service, articles are entered straight into the online issue as soon as possible upon receipt of the corrected proofs. Articles thereby receive final page numbers at a far earlier stage in the publication process. We anticipate that this rapid production service will allow top-end research to reach its audiences even sooner, without compromising the peer-review process and whilst continuing to ensure our commitment to publishing research of the highest quality. Call for Papers The editors welcome original research papers on all aspects of marine biology and applied aspects. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to: Contributions are accepted from around the world and will be directed at a highly international audience. Disclaimer The Institute of Marine Research and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.
Marine Ecology (formerly Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli) publishes original contributions on the structure and dynamics of marine benthic and pelagic ecosystems, and on the critical links between ecology and evolution of marine organisms.
The leading journal in its field, MEPS covers all aspects of marine ecology, fundamental and applied. Topics covered include microbiology, botany, zoology, ecosystem research, biological oceanography, ecological aspects of fisheries and aquaculture, pollution, environmental protection, conservation, and resource management. MEPS aims for the highest quality of scientific contributions, quick publication, and a high technical standard of presentation.
For more information on Methods in Ecology and Evolution click here.
Microbial Ecology is a dedicated international forum for the presentation of high-quality scientific investigations of how microorganisms interact with their environment, with each other and with their hosts. It offers articles of original research in full paper and note formats, as well as brief reviews, commentaries and topical position papers. The journal was founded more than 50 years ago by Dr. Ralph Mitchell, Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Biology at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA. It has evolved to become a premier location for the presentation of manuscripts that represent advances in the field of microbial ecology.
Coverage includes the ecology of microorganisms in natural and engineered environments; genomic, metagenomic and molecular advances in understanding of microbial interactions; microbial diversity and phylogeny; microbial drivers of biogeochemical processes; inter- and intraspecific microbial communication; ecological studies of human, animal, plant and insect microbiology and dMicrobiology Spectrum® (Spectrum) is an online-only, fully open-access journal that publishes research from all domains of basic, applied, and clinical microbial sciences. Rather than making subjective evaluations of potential impact, Microbiology Spectrum publishes research studies that are of high technical quality and are useful to the community. All decisions are made by an international and diverse editorial board that fully represents the microbiology research community. The journal provides authors with fair, rapid, and rigorous peer review. The journal offers rapid publication and wide dissemination of excellent research at no cost to readers.
We are pleased to announce that Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change has been accepted in September 2010 by Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI) for inclusion in the Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, and Current Contents®/Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change addresses a wide range of timely environment, economic and energy topics including global climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, acid deposition, eutrophication of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, species extinction and loss of biological diversity, deforestation and forest degradation, desertification, soil resource degradation, land-use change, sea level rise, destruction of coastal zones, depletion of fresh water and marine fisheries, loss of wetlands and riparian zones and hazardous waste management.The journal provides a forum to review, analyze and stimulate the development, testing and impl
Molecular Ecology publishes papers that utilize molecular genetic techniques to address consequential questions in ecology, evolution, behaviour and conservation. Studies may employ neutral markers for inference about ecological and evolutionary processes or examine ecologically important genes and their products directly. We discourage papers that are primarily descriptive and are relevant only to the taxon being studied. Papers reporting on molecular marker development, molecular diagnostics, barcoding, or DNA taxonomy, or technical methods should be re-directed to our sister journal, Molecular Ecology Resources. Likewise, papers with a strongly applied focus should be submitted to Evolutionary Applications. Research areas of interest to Molecular Ecology include:
Molecular Ecology Resources is a vehicle for the rapid dissemination of new tools for molecular genetic studies in natural populations. Papers that report on the ecology, evolution, behaviour, and conservation of organisms, rather than on technical issues, should be submitted to our companion publication, Molecular Ecology. We recommend that empirical papers with a strongly applied focus be directed to Evolutionary Applications. The main areas covered by Molecular Ecology Resources are the development of new genotyping resources, the reporting of important new techniques and the announcement and testing of new computer software. The journal also publishes empirical and theoretical papers on DNA Barcoding and reviews of recent technical advances in the field of molecular ecology. Wiley-Blackwell and Molecular Ecology Resources maintain a user-friendly database for the information reported in Primer Notes. The database contains an archive of all notes published in Molecular Ecology. Authors submit their primer sequences, amplification conditions, polymorphism levels, and cross-species amplification data as a condition of publication, thereby providing a searchable resource for the community.
animal behaviour, biogeography, environmental sciences, evolutionary biology, mathematical ecology, organism movement
Natural Product Reports (NPR) is a critical review journal that stimulates progress in all areas of natural products research, including isolation, structural and stereochemical determination, biosynthesis, biological activity and synthesis. Natural Product Reports covers natural products from marine, plant, fungal and microbial environments. The scope of the journal is very broad, and many reviews discuss the role of natural products in the wider bioinorganic, bioorganic and chemical biology communities. Areas covered include the following: Total synthesis and semi-synthesis; Enzymology and structural biology; Biosynthesis and biotechnology; Nucleic acids; Genetics; Chemical ecology; Carbohydrates; Primary and secondary metabolism; Analytical techniques
Nature Ecology Evolutionis a new journal starting January 2017. We are interested in the best research ifrom across the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology, with our broad scope ensuring that work published reaches the widest possible audience of scientists. We will also publish News & Views, Reviews, Comments, Features and a range of other content that elaborate on significant advances and debates in the field and cover topical issues and societal implications.