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Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii

ISSN: 0321-4095eISSN: 2413-7987

Waste Forum

eISSN: 1804-0195

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution

ISSN: 0049-6979eISSN: 1573-2932

NEWS!  Effective 2013, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution has changed its publication structure to a new publication model: Continuous Article Publishing. This means that papers will be published immediately after acceptance in a volume/issue. For more details, see the journal's Instructions For Authors, Part II.Water, Air, & Soil Pollution is an international, interdisciplinary journal on all aspects of pollution and solutions to pollution in the biosphere. This includes chemical, physical and biological processes affecting flora, fauna, water, air and soil in relation to environmental pollution. Because of its scope, the subject areas are diverse and include all aspects of pollution sources, transport, deposition, accumulation, acid precipitation, atmospheric pollution, metals, aquatic pollution including marine pollution and ground water, waste water, pesticides, soil pollution, sewage, sediment pollution, forestry pollution, effects of pollutants on humans, vegetation, fish, aquatic species, micro-organisms,

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ISSN: 0277-5212eISSN: 1943-6246

Wetlands is an international journal concerned with all aspects of wetlands biology, ecology, hydrology, water chemistry, soil and sediment characteristics, management, and laws and regulations. The journal is published 6 times per year, with the goal of centralizing the publication of pioneering wetlands work that has otherwise been spread among a myriad of journals. Because wetlands research crosses a range of disciplines, the journal is not restricted to specific subjects but presents manuscripts reporting research results from all relevant disciplines. This broad scope goes beyond the sciences to include articles focusing on management topics and regulatory considerations. Wetlands offers only the highest quality peer-reviewed material.The Mark Brinson Review series was initiated in 2013 and aims to bring together in-depth, over-arching reviews in the fields of wetland science and management, in the widest sense of those terms. These reviews may synthesize observations over long periods of time or may pul

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World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL

ISSN: 1613-2394