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Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering

ISSN: 1673-9108

Clays and Clay Minerals

ISSN: 0009-8604eISSN: 1552-8367

Clays and Clay Minerals is the official publication of THE CLAY MINERALS SOCIETY. The JOURNAL publishes articles of interest to the international community of clay scientists, including but not limited to areas in mineralogy, crystallography, geology, geochemistry, sedimentology, soil science, agronomy, physical chemistry, colloid chemistry, ceramics, petroleum engineering, foundry engineering, and soil mechanics. Clays and Clay Minerals exists to disseminate to its worldwide readership the most recent developments in all of these aspects of clay materials. Manuscripts are welcome from all countries.

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Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology

ISSN: 1064-3389eISSN: 1547-6537

Understanding and assessing the myriad environmental problems that face society today and devising rational strategies and methods for their control are two of the major international challenges of our time. There is a global demand for pollution abatement, but adequate and appropriate measures for pollution control, pollution prevention, and remediation of past environmental degradation requires sound technical knowledge of the factors and processes involved. Environmental science is the complex and dynamic interaction of diverse scientific disciplines, including earth and agricultural sciences, chemistry, biology, medicine, and engineering, and the development of new disciplines such as environmental toxicology and risk assessment. This journal serves as an international forum for the critical review of current knowledge on the broad range of topics in environmental science. It addresses current problems of the day and the scientific basis for new pollution control technologies. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology provides comprehensive and timely reviews by the leading authorities in each subject area. Topics Covered * Waste and wastewater treatment * Fate and transport of contaminants * Bioremediation * Soil contamination * Wetland function and design * Waste reduction, recycling, and reuse * Air, soil, and water contaminant biogeochemistry * Risk assessment and management * Environmental toxicology and epidemiology Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Cryosphere Discussions

ISSN: 1994-0432eISSN: 1994-0440
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ISSN: 0011-9164eISSN: 1873-4464

Desalination is the premier international journal dedicated to communicating the latest developments in desalination including theoretical and applied research, technological and industrial development, other osmotic processes and the experience of operators and users.Desalination welcomes submissions describing use of desalting technologies such as thermal, membrane, sorption and hybrid processes. In addition, the journal considers exceptional research on new desalination materials, processes and technologies; transport and process modeling; energy consumption, renewable energy and energy recovery; pre-treatment, post-treatment and integrated systems; causes, consequences, and countermeasures of fouling and scaling; and technical, economic, and regulatory analyses of full-scale plants.Desalination welcomes theoretical and experimental research as Full Text Papers, Short Communications, State-of-the-Art Reviews and Letters to Editors on all aspects of desalination described above. Prospective Review authors are requested to contact one of the Editors prior to submission. Short Communications should be concise and not exceed 4-6 printed pages but must include complete descriptions of any investigation of the research which must be cutting-edge and novel with knowledge that warrants speedy communication to the readership.

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Desalination and Water Treatment

ISSN: 1944-3994eISSN: 1944-3986

Due to the galloping growth of the desalination field to help supply water to an exploding active thirsty population, there has been a surge in the number of scientists and engineers involved in water desalting and wastewater reclamation.

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Drinking Water Engineering and Science

ISSN: 1996-9457eISSN: 1996-9465
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Eau, l'INDUSTRIE, les Nuisances

ISSN: 0755-5016

Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research

ISSN: 1687-4285eISSN: 1687-4285

The Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research is published by the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. The Journal is devoted to the publication of original papers and reviews in all branches of aquatic sciences (Oceanography, Limnology, Fisheries, Aquaculture and environmental sciences).

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Energy & Environmental Science

eISSN: 1754-5706

Energy & Environmental Science is an international journal dedicated to publishing exceptionally important and high quality, agenda-setting research tackling the key global and societal challenges of ensuring the provision of energy and protecting our environment for the future. The scope is intentionally broad and the journal recognises the complexity of issues and challenges relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science. For work to be published it must be linked to the energy-environment nexus and be of significant general interest to our community-spanning readership. All scales of studies and analysis, from impactful fundamental advances, to interdisciplinary research across the (bio)chemical, (bio/geo)physical sciences and chemical engineering disciplines are welcomed.

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Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development

ISSN: 0013-9157eISSN: 1939-9154

Now in its 50th year of publication, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development analyzes the problems, places, and people where environment and development come together, illuminating concerns from the local to the global. More readable than specialized journals and more timely than textbooks, Environment offers peer-reviewed articles and commentaries from researchers and practitioners who provide a broad range of international perspectives. This ISI-rated magazine also features in-depth reviews of major policy reports, conferences, and environmental education initiatives, as well as guides to the best Web sites, journal articles, and books. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Environmental Conservation

ISSN: 0376-8929eISSN: 1469-4387
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Environmental Earth Sciences

ISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-6299

Environmental Earth Sciences is an international multidisciplinary journal concerned with all aspects of interaction between humans, natural resources, ecosystems, special climates or unique geographic zones, and the earth: Water and soil contamination caused by waste management and disposal practices Environmental problems associated with transportation by land, air, or water Geological processes that may impact biosystems or humans Man-made or naturally occurring geological or hydrological hazards Environmental problems associated with the recovery of materials from the earth Environmental problems caused by extraction of minerals, coal, and ores, as well as oil and gas, water and alternative energy sources Environmental impacts of exploration and recultivation – Environmental impacts of hazardous materials Management of environmental data and information in data banks and information systems Dissemination of knowledge on techniques, methods, approaches and experiences to improve and remediate the environ

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Environmental Fluid Mechanics

ISSN: 1567-7419eISSN: 1573-1510

Environmental Fluid Mechanics is devoted to the publication of basic and applied studies broadly relating to natural fluid systems, particularly as agents for the transport and dispersion of environmental contamination. Understanding transport and dispersion processes in natural fluid flows, from the microscale to the planetary scale, serves as the basis for the development of models aimed at simulations, predictions, and ultimately sustainable environmental management. Within this scope, the subject areas are diverse and may originate from a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines: civil, mechanical and environmental engineering, meteorology, hydrology, hydraulics, limnology, and oceanography.

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Environmental Geochemistry and Health

ISSN: 0269-4042eISSN: 1573-2983

Environmental Geochemistry and Health publishes original research papers and review papers across the broad field of environmental geochemistry. Environmental geochemistry and health establishes and explains links between the natural or disturbed chemical composition of the earth’s surface and the health of plants, animals and people. 

Beneficial elements regulate or promote enzymatic and hormonal activity whereas other elements may be toxic. Bedrock geochemistry controls the composition of soil and hence that of water and vegetation. Environmental issues, such as pollution,  arising from the extraction and use of mineral resources, are discussed. The effects of contaminants introduced into the earth’s geochemical systems are examined.  Geochemical surveys of soil, water and plants show how major and trace elements are distributed geographically. Associated epidemiological studies reveal the possibility of causal links between the natural or disturbed geochemical environment and disease. Experimental research illuminates the nature or consequences of natural or disturbed geochemical processes.

The journal particularly welcomes novel research linking environmental geochemistry and health issues on such topics as: heavy metals (including mercury), persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and mixed chemicals emitted through human activities, such as uncontrolled recycling of electronic-waste; waste recycling; surface-atmospheric interaction processes (natural and anthropogenic emissions, vertical transport, deposition, and physical-chemical interaction) of gases and aerosols;  phytoremediation/restoration of  contaminated sites; food contamination and safety; environmental effects of medicines; effects and toxicity of mixed pollutants; speciation of heavy metals/metalloids;  effects of  mining;   disturbed geochemistry from human behavior, natural or man-made hazards;  particle and nanoparticle toxicology; risk and the vulnerability of populations, etc.

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Environmental Geotechnics

eISSN: 2051-803X

Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management

eISSN: 2215-1532
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management is a journal devoted to the publication of peer reviewed original research on environmental nanotechnologies, monitoring studies and management for water, soil , waste and human health samples. Critical review articles, short communications and scientific policy briefs are also welcome. The journal will include all environmental matrices except air. Nanomaterials were suggested as efficient cost-effective and environmental friendly alternative to existing treatment materials, from the standpoints of both resource conservation and environmental remediation.

The journal aims to receive papers in the field of nanotechnology covering;

Developments of new nanosorbents for:

•Groundwater, drinking water and wastewater treatment
•Remediation of contaminated sites
•Assessment of novel nanotechnologies including sustainability and life cycle implications

Monitoring and Management papers should cover the fields of:

•Novel analytical methods applied to environmental and health samples
•Fate and transport of pollutants in the environment
•Case studies covering environmental monitoring and public health
•Water and soil prevention and legislation
•Industrial and hazardous waste- legislation, characterisation, management practices, minimization, treatment and disposal
•Environmental management and remediation

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Environmental Processes

ISSN: 2198-7491eISSN: 2198-7505
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Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy

ISSN: 1944-7442eISSN: 1944-7450

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy is a quarterly publication of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers reporting on critical issues of the environment, including remediation and treatment of solid or aqueous wastes, air pollution, sustainability, and sustainable energy. Each issue helps engineers and scientists stay on top of technological advances in all areas associated with the environment through peer-reviewed technical manuscripts, updates, book and software reviews, and editorials. With an emphasis on applications, topics covered include:

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Environmental Research: Water

eISSN: 3033-4942

Environmental Research: Water in an interdisciplinary, open access journal devoted to addressing important challenges associated with water in a way that bridges efforts relating to global change, nexus, resilience, mitigation, adaptation, security, and solutions in the broadest sense.

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