Aimed primarily at mathematicians and physicists interested in research on nonlinear phenomena, the journal’s coverage ranges from proofs of important theorems to papers presenting ideas, conjectures and numerical or physical experiments of significant physical and mathematical interest.
The scope of the journal is to provide a multidisciplinary forum for scientists, researchers and engineers involved in research and design of nonlinear processes and phenomena, including the nonlinear modelling of phenomena of the nature. The journal accepts contributions on nonlinear phenomena and processes in any field of science and technology.
The journal Numerical Algorithms presents original and review papers on all aspects of numerical algorithms: new algorithms, theoretical results, implementation, numerical stability, complexity, parallel computing, subroutines and applications. Papers on computer algebra related to obtaining numerical results also included. The journal offers high quality papers containing material not published elsewhere. The journal also provides book reviews and announcements of scientific meetings.
Numerical Analysis and Applications is the translation of Russian periodical Sibirskii Zhurnal Vychislitel’noi Matematiki (Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics) published by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publishing House since 1998. The aim of this journal is to demonstrate, in concentrated form, to the Russian and International Mathematical Community the latest and most important investigations of Siberian numerical mathematicians in various scientific and engineering fields.The journal deals with the following topics: Theory and practice of computational methods, mathematical physics, and other applied fields: Mathematical models of elasticity theory, hydrodynamics, gas dynamics, and geophysics: Parallelizing of algorithms: Models and methods of bioinformatics.
In original research papers, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization examines the development and applications of functional analysis and operator theoretic methods in numerical analysis, approximation theory, optimization, control and systems theory, harmonic analysis, and signal processing. Emphasis is placed on interaction and unification of these fields, and the use of abstract methods to provide insight and fundamental contributions to problems and models in the natural, physical, engineering, and decision sciences. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization occasionally features comprehensive survey and expository articles, annotated bibliographies, book reviews, and an entire issue devoted to one topic. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Published monthly, this journal addresses all aspects of the methodology for the numerical solution of problems in heat and mass transfer as well as fluid flow. The journal's scope also encompasses modeling of complex physical phenomena that serves as a foundation for attaining numerical solutions, and includes numerical or experimental results that support methodology development. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
This journal is directed at researchers in Numerical Analysis, Computer Sciences and Natural Sciences, engineers and economists who either take part in the development of methods in Numerical Linear Algebra or use such methods in their research.
An international journal that aims to cover research into the development and analysis of new methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations, it is intended that it be readily readable by and directed to a broad spectrum of researchers into numerical methods for partial differential equations throughout science and engineering. The numerical methods and techniques themselves are emphasized rather than the specific applications. The Journal seeks to be interdisciplinary, while retaining the common thread of applied numerical analysis.
Numerische Mathematik publishes papers of the very highest quality presenting significantly new and important developments in all areas of Numerical Analysis. 'Numerical Analysis' is here understood in its most general sense, as that part of Mathematics that covers: 1. The conception and mathematical analysis of efficient numerical schemes actually used on computers (the 'core' of Numerical Analysis) 2. Optimization and Control Theory 3. Mathematical Modeling 4. The mathematical aspects of Scientific Computing