This journal publishes original papers dealing with potential theory and its applications, probability theory, geometry and functional analysis and in particular estimations of the solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations; analysis of semi-groups, resolvent kernels, harmonic spaces and Dirichlet forms; Markov processes, Markov kernels, stochastic differential equations, diffusion processes and Levy processes; analysis of diffusions, heat kernels and resolvent kernels on fractals; infinite dimensional analysis, Gaussian analysis, analysis of infinite particle systems, of interacting particle systems, of Gibbs measures, of path and loop spaces; connections with global geometry, linear and non-linear analysis on Riemannian manifolds, Lie groups, graphs, and other geometric structures; non-linear or semilinear generalizations of elliptic or parabolic equations and operators; harmonic analysis, ergodic theory, dynamical systems; and boundary value problems, Martin boundaries, Poisson boundaries.
This journal publishes research papers in modern probability theory, its relations to analysis, geometry and other areas in mathematics, and its various fields of application. It also contains survey papers on emerging areas of importance. The subjects covered in Probability Theory and Related Fields include: statistical mechanics, ergodic theory, mathematical biology, filtering theory, mathematical statistics, theoretical computer science, optimization and control, stochastic geometry, and stochastic algorithms.
Problems of Information Transmission is an official journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This English translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii features articles of interest to investigators in all aspects of communication systems research and development. Readers will find coverage of statistical information theory; coding theory and techniques; noisy channels; error detection and correction; signal detection, extraction, and analysis; analysis of communication networks; optimal processing and routing; the theory of random processes; and bionics.
The AMS has published peer-reviewed journals of the highest quality in mathematical research for over 100 years. Each journal is unique in its offering of articles, book reviews, and reports. And each is managed by editors who are prominent in their fields. In addition to publishing and distributing printed journals, the AMS offers searchable electronic versions. Articles are posted before they are included in an issue, so the electronic versions are available prior to the print versions.
The Proceedings, Journal and Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society are among the world's leading mathematical research periodicals. They share a common Editorial Advisory Board, with shorter papers going to the Bulletin, those of middling length to the Journal, and longer papers to the Proceedings. Subject coverage of the LMS periodicals ranges across a broad spectrum of mathematics, covering the whole of pure mathematics together with some more applied areas of analysis, mathematical physics, theoretical computer science, probability, and statistics.
MetaPress provides e-content management and end-user access Web sites for the world’s leading scholarly publishers. Since the migration of converting content from print to electronic has evolved, MetaPress has established an excellent reputation for disseminating scholarly information on the Web, and hosting highly ranked journals and e-books in many disciplines.
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics is a cover-to-cover translation of the Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta imeni V.A. Steklova of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Each issue ordinarily contains either one book-length article or a collection of articles pertaining to the same topic.
This journal publishes refereed papers covering current research in mathematics. The papers present results of original work, critical reviews of important fields, and applied areas. The journal also features special issues devoted to advances in specific areas of mathematics and proceedings of selected high quality conferences.
PSICOLOGICA was born in 1980 as an instrument for publication of articles in Methodology and Experimental Psychology. This is an open access journal, available since 1998. It is published in 1 volume per year (2 issues) by the Department of Methodology of the Behavioral Sciences of the University of Valencia (Spain) (Legal Dep.: -1419-1981. print ISSN 0211-2159, electronic ISSN 1576-8597). We maintain a MAILING LIST with the addresses of all interested readers to keep them periodically informed of accepted papers and news. If you are interested in receiving this information, please register at the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology) repository. PSICOLOGICA is included in several databases such as PsycINFO, Psyclit Database, Psychological Abstracts, Ulrich International Periodical Directory, PUBLIST (The Internet Directory Publications), ISSN International, PSICODOC, the ISOC database (PSEDISOC), CSIC-RISO, CIRBIC-REVISTAS, COMPLUDOC, and in the Spanish listing of Social Sciences, A: Psychology and Education. More important, as of January, 2005, PSICOLOGICA is been covered in the SOCIAL SCIENCE CITATION INDEX (Thomson-ISI).
The journal Psychometrika is devoted to the advancement of theory and methodology for behavioral data in psychology, education and the social and behavioral sciences generally. Its coverage is offered in two sections: Theory and Methods (T& M), and Application Reviews and Case Studies (ARCS). T&M articles present original research and reviews on the development of quantitative models, statistical methods, and mathematical techniques for evaluating data from psychology, the social and behavioral sciences and related fields. Application Reviews can be integrative, drawing together disparate methodologies for applications, or comparative and evaluative, discussing advantages and disadvantages of one or more methodologies in applications. Case Studies highlight methodology that deepens understanding of substantive phenomena through more informative data analysis, or more elegant data description. Officially cited as: Psychometrika Psychometrika is published in cooperation with The Psychometric Society.