The award-winning WIREs (Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews) series combines some of the most powerful features of encyclopedic reference works and review journals in an innovative online format. They are designed to promote a cross-disciplinary research ethos while maintaining the highest scientific and presentational standards, but should be viewed first and foremost as evolving online databases of cutting-edge reviews.
WIREs Computational Molecular Science
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ZDM is one of the oldest mathematics education research journals. The papers appearing in the seven themed issues per year are strictly by invitation only followed by internal peer review by the guest-editors and external review by invited experts. The journal exists to survey, discuss and extend current research-based and theoretical perspectives as well as to create a forum for critical analyses of issues within mathematics education. The audience is pre-dominantly mathematics education researchers around the world interested in current developments in the field.
Zeitschrift f r Analysis und ihre Anwendungen Journal of Analysis and its ApplicationsFounded in 1982 183; ISSN 0232-2064 183; Electronic EditionManaging Editors J. Appell. M. G nther. S. Luckhaus The concern of this international mathematical journal is to disseminate theoretical knowledge in the field of analysis and. at the same time. cultivate and extend its applications. In this sense. it publishes research articles in the areas of functional analysis. theory of functions. differential equations. mathematical physics. differential geometry. measure theory. and analytical aspects of the theory of optimization. All submitted articles are subjected to peer-reviewing. Book reviews and information of general interest to the mathematical community are also considered for publication. For fastest access:Choose your nearest server!Contentsbeginning with Volume 1.
mSystems® is an open-access journal that publishes preeminent work that stems from applying technologies for high-throughput analyses to achieve insights into the metabolic and regulatory systems at the scale of both the single cell and microbial communities. The scope of mSystems encompasses all important biological and biochemical findings drawn from analyses of large data sets, as well as new computational approaches for deriving these insights. mSystems welcomes submissions from researchers who focus on the microbiome, genomics, metagenomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics, glycomics, bioinformatics, and computational microbiology. mSystems provides streamlined decisions, while carrying on ASM's tradition of rigorous peer review.
manuscripta mathematica was founded in 1969 to provide a forum for the rapid communication of advances in mathematical research. Edited by an international board whose members represent a wide spectrum of research interests, manuscripta mathematica is now recognized as a leading source of information on the latest mathematical results.
This is a new international interdisciplinary journal which contains original articles, short communications, and reviews on progress in various areas of pure and applied mathematics related with p-adic, adelic and ultrametric methods, including: mathematical physics, quantum theory, string theory, cosmology, nanoscience, life sciences: mathematical analysis, number theory, algebraic geometry, non-Archimedean and non-commutative geometry, theory of finite fields and rings, representation theory, functional analysis and graph theory: classical and quantum information, computer science, cryptography, image analysis, cognitive models, neural networks and bioinformatics: complex systems, dynamical systems, stochastic processes, hierarchy structures, modeling, control theory, economics and sociology: mesoscopic and nano systems, disordered and chaotic systems, spin glasses, macromolecules, molecular dynamics, biopolymers, genomics and biology: and other related fields.