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Carpathian Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 1584-2851eISSN: 1843-4401

Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications

ISSN: 2345-5853eISSN: 2345-5861

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy

ISSN: 0923-2958eISSN: 1572-9478

The international journal Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy is concerned with the broad topic of celestial mechanics and its applications, as well as with peripheral fields. The papers published in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy include treatments of the mathematical, physical and computational aspects of planetary theory, lunar theory, general and special perturbation theory, ephemerides, resonance theory, geodesy of the Earth and the planets, dynamics, the 3-body problem, the n-body problem, space mechanics, ring systems, galactic dynamics, reference frames, time, relativity, nongravitational forces, computer methods, computer languages for analytical developments, and database management. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy is the journal of record in its field and is an indispensable component of reference libraries on Dynamical Astronomy, Astrodynamics and Dynamical Systems.

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Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering

ISSN: 1865-5025eISSN: 1865-5033

The field of cellular and molecular bioengineering seeks to understand, so that we may ultimately control, the mechanical, chemical, and electrical processes of the cell.  A key challenge in improving human health is to understand how cellular behavior arises from molecular-level interactions.  CBME, an official journal of the Biomedical Engineering Society, publishes original research and review papers in the following seven general areas:

Molecular: DNA-protein/RNA-protein interactions, protein folding and function, protein-protein and receptor-ligand interactions, lipids, polysaccharides, molecular motors, and the biophysics of macromolecules that function as therapeutics or engineered matrices, for example.

Cellular: Studies of how cells sense physicochemical events surrounding and within cells, and how cells transduce these events into biological responses.  Specific cell processes of interest include cell growth, differentiation, migration, signal transduction, protein secretion and

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Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics

eISSN: 2080-119X
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Chaos, Solitons and Fractals

ISSN: 0960-0779eISSN: 1873-2887

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals aims to be a leading journal in the interdisciplinary field of Nonlinear Science, and Nonequilibrium and Complex Phenomena. It encourages the submission of articles on the following subjects in this field: dynamics; non-equilibrium processes in physics, chemistry and geophysics; complex matter and networks; mathematical models; computational biology; applications to quantum and mesoscopic phenomena; fluctuations and random processes; self-organization; social phenomena.The journal can only accept papers whose primary subject area lies within the above Aims & Scope. In particular, please take notice of the following:• Papers of a more applied or engineering nature can be considered when they are closely connected to one of the subjects of the journal and contribute to a better understanding of that subject.• In order to be acceptable, manuscripts on integrable systems should at least attempt a connection to physical insight or new qualitative features. The word “Solitons” should be understood as a label especially extended to all nonlinear integrable systems in complex natural phenomena. The paper should not bear on some explicit formulae, some standard solutions, constructions, or asymptotic methods.• The journal is interested in articles providing strong insights in the mathematical theory of fractals that play an important role either in understanding the general theory or are profound for an important particular application, especially in complex systems. Numerical computations should only assist the developed results. Also welcome are the discovery of new fractals that are crucial for important applications.The subject listing is specified further in the journal's classification list. Authors are required to specify matching classifications upon submission of their work.Note for authors:Plagiarism is unethical behaviour and is not tolerated at Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. All manuscripts submitted to Chaos, Solitons & Fractals will be checked for originality using the CrossCheck database. For more information on CrossCheck, please visit

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Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science

ISSN: 1054-1500eISSN: 1089-7682

chaos is a quarterly journal published by the American Institute of Physics and devoted to increasing the understanding of nonlinear phenomena and describing the manifestations in a manner comprehensible to researchers from a broad spectrum of disciplines.

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Chebyshevskii Sbornik

ISSN: 2226-8383

Chemical Engineering Science

ISSN: 1873-4405

Chemical Engineering Science publishes papers on the fundamentals of chemical engineering, including the development of chemical engineering knowledge and process into and from other disciplines including biology, chemistry, physics, and applied mathematics. We welcome manuscripts describing original research, with significant results based on experiments and/or developments in theory. Such results may be the outcome of studies that range from the molecular level to the plant level. Increasingly, published research addresses and impacts global issues. We also will consider critical reviews of cutting-edge developments, and prospective authors are encouraged to contact an Executive Editor prior to submission. Industrial areas covered by the journal include biotechnology, chemicals, energy, food, materials, microelectronics, nanotechnology, specialty chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

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Chemical Product and Process Modeling

ISSN: 2194-6159eISSN: 1934-2659
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Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems

ISSN: 0169-7439

Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems publishes original research papers, short communications, reviews, tutorials and software descriptions reporting on novel developments in techniques for chemistry and related disciplines that are characterised by the application of statistical and computer methods.Chemometrics is the chemical discipline that uses mathematical and statistical methods to design or select optimal procedures and experiments, and to provide maximum chemical information by analysing chemical data.The journal deals with the following topics:1) Development of new statistical, mathematical and chemometrical methods for Chemistry and related fields (Environmental Chemistry, Biochemistry, Toxicology, System Biology etc.)2) Novel applications of chemometrics to all branches of Chemistry and related fields (typical domains of interest are: process control, experimental design, data mining, signal processing, supervised modelling, decision making, robust statistics, mixture analysis, multivariate calibration etc.) Routine applications of established chemometrical techniques will not be considered.3) Development of new software4) Well characterized data sets to test performance for the new methods and software.The journal complies with International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' Uniform requirements for manuscripts.

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Chiang Mai Journal of Science

ISSN: 0125-2526

Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B

ISSN: 0252-9599eISSN: 1860-6261

Chinese Annals of Mathematics (CAM) is a comprehensive mathematical journal published bimonthly in English carrying original papers on pure and applied mathematics. It aims at presenting the latest achievements in mathematical research. The journal is published jointly by the Editorial Office of CAM (Fudan University) and Springer. Contributions from mathematicians all over the world are welcome.

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Chinese Journal of Electronics

ISSN: 1022-4653

Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing

ISSN: 0278-081XeISSN: 1531-5878

Rapid developments in the analog and digital processing of signals for communication, control, and computer systems have made the theory of electrical circuits and signal processing a burgeoning area of research and design. The aim of Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (CSSP) is to help meet the needs of outlets for significant research papers and state-of-the-art review articles in the area. The scope of the journal is broad, ranging from mathematical foundations to practical engineering design. It encompasses, but is not limited to, such topics as linear and nonlinear networks, distributed circuits and systems, multi-dimensional signals and systems, analog filters and signal processing, digital filters and signal processing, statistical signal processing, multimedia, computer aided design, graph theory, neural systems, communication circuits and systems, and VLSI signal processing. The Editorial Board is international, and papers are welcome from throughout the world. The journal is devoted primarily

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Clinical Simulation in Nursing

ISSN: 1876-1399

Clinical Simulation in Nursing is an international, peer reviewed journal published online monthly. Clinical Simulation in Nursing is the official journal of the International Nursing Association for Clinical and Simulated Learning (INACSL) and the Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE). The journal will review and accept articles from other health provider disciplines, if they are determined to be of interest to our readership. The journal accepts manuscripts meeting one or more of the following criteria:Research articles and systematic reviews using simulation and/or standardized patients;Practice articles using simulation and/or standardized patients;Innovative teaching/learning strategies developed through simulation and technology;Innovative implementation and management strategies for simulation within practice and academic centers; andArticles updating knowledge, guidelines, regulations, and legislative policies that impact nursing and health care education and practice.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Coastal Engineering Journal

ISSN: 0578-5634eISSN: 1793-6292

Coastal Engineering Journal is a peer-reviewed medium for the publication of research achievements and engineering practices in the fields of coastal, harbor and offshore engineering. The CEJ editors welcome original papers and comprehensive reviews on waves and currents, sediment motion and morphodynamics, as well as on structures and facilities. Reports on conceptual developments and predictive methods of environmental processes are also published. Topics also include hard and soft technologies related to coastal zone development, shore protection, and prevention or mitigation of coastal disasters. The journal is intended to cover not only fundamental studies on analytical models, numerical computation and laboratory experiments, but also results of field measurements and case studies of real projects.

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Cogent Mathematics

eISSN: 2331-1835
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Cogent Mathematics & Statistics

eISSN: 2574-2558
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Collectanea Mathematica

ISSN: 0010-0757eISSN: 2038-4815
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