Educational Studies in Mathematics presents new ideas and developments of major importance to practitioners working in the field of mathematical education. It reflects both the variety of research concerns within the field and the range of methods used to study them. Articles deal with didactical, methodological and pedagogical subjects, rather than with specific programs for teaching mathematics. The journal emphasizes high-level articles that go beyond local or national interest.
Educational and Psychological Measurement publishes referred scholarly work from all academic disciplines interested in the study of measurement theory, problems, and issues. Theoretical articles will address new developments and techniques, and applied articles will deal strictly with innovation applications.
Published in agreement with Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (VDE), Electrical Engineering-Archiv für Elektrotechnik features original research papers across the broad spectrum of topics in electrical and electronic engineering, including its intersection with physics. Exploring both theoretical and experimental work, the journal focuses on contributions that are fundamental to the development of electrical engineering and its applications. In addition to research articles, readers will find insightful reviews and letters to the editors. Â
The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) is Scotland's National Academy. Its mission is to advance learning and useful knowledge and by doing so it supports the cultural, economic and social well-being of Scotland and its people. It is not influenced by causes promoted by others and is an important source of independent expertise across the whole range of intellectual, business and public life in Scotland.
nternational Press of Boston, Inc. is an academic publishing company founded in 1992. After eighteen years of growth, International Press now publishes fifteen journals in various fields of academic mathematics research, including a prestigious journal of statistics. International Press also publishes high-level mathematics and mathematical physics book titles, including monographs, textbooks, and more.International Press enjoys a productive partnership with the American Mathematical Society, with whom we have co-published the AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics book series since 1997.Having close ties to the Chinese mathematics community, International Press has also developed a close partnership with Higher Education Press of Beijing—the leading Chinese curriculum planner, and publisher and distributor of academic books—as well as with the Chinese publishers Tsinghua University Press, Hunan Science and Technology Press, and others.
The Electronic Journal of Probability publishes full-size research articles in probability theory. The Electronic Communications in Probability (ECP), a sister journal of EJP, publishes short notes and research announcements in probability theory.Both ECP and EJP are official journals of the Institute of Mathematical Statisticsand the Bernoulli society.Both EJP and ECP have been selected for coverage in Thomson ISI® services. Beginning with Volume 9 (2004), information on the contents of these two Journals are indexed in: * Science Citation Index Expanded®* ISI Alerting Services®* CompuMath Citation Index®* Current Contents®/Physical, Chemical, and Earth Sciences®This Journal has several mirror sites, which may not always be most current. The master site is located at the Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA which carries the most updated version.
The Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (EJQTDE) is dedicated to bringing you high quality papers on the qualitative theory of differential equations. Papers appearing in EJQTDE are available in PDF format that can be previewed, or downloaded to your computer. The EJQTDE is covered by the Mathematical Reviews and the Zentralblatt. It is also selected for coverage in Thomson Reuters products and custom information services, which means that its content is indexed in Science Citation Index, Current Contents and Journal Citation Reports. Our journal has the International Standard Serial Number HU ISSN 1417-3875.
The Electronic Journal of Statistics (EJS) publishes research articles and short notes on theoretical, computational and applied statistics. The journal is open access. Articles are refereed and are held to the same standard as articles in other IMS journals. Articles become publicly available shortly after they are accepted.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics is a venue for the rapid electronic publication of the proceedings of conferences, of lecture notes, monographs and other similar material for which quick publication is appropriate. Organizers of conferences whose proceedings appear inElectronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, and authors of other material appearing as a volume in the series are allowed to make hard copies of the relevant volume for limited distribution. For example, conference proceedings may be distributed to participants at the meeting, and lecture notes can be distributed to those taking a course based on the material in the volume.
Instructions for Preparing Manuscripts
This electronic publication requires that papers are prepared using LaTeX macro files that have been created to ensure a uniform format for the series.Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics does NOT publish papers prepared using word processing software. Please click to download the generic ENDM style package. This package contains the ENDM macro style files as well as instructions on how to use them and a template for preparing your paper.
Copyright Notice
Please note that the publication of an abstract or extended abstract inElectronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics will NOT restrict the author(s) from publishing a full-length article on the same topic and with the same title in another journal (possibly with another publisher) provided that the original publication is sufficiently enhanced (i.e. approximately doubled in size). However, a simple copyright form must be signed for the (extended) abstract in order for it to be posted on ScienceDirect.
Journal overview: This electronic-only journal publishes research announcements of significant advances in all branches of mathematics and short complete papers of original research (up to about 15 journal pages). Both research announcements and short papers should be designed to communicate their contents to a broad mathematical audience and should meet high standards for mathematical content and clarity. All papers are reviewed, and the entire Editorial Board must approve the acceptance of any paper.
This journal is a translation of papers from the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. The journal publishes original research findings in power generation, transmission and conversion, electrical machinery, control theory and industrial controls, robotics, electrical transportation equipment (including magnetic levitation devices), insulation, solar energy, high-power semiconductors, as well as economic and environmental aspects of energy production and distribution.
Empirical Economics publishes high quality papers using econometric or statistical methods to fill the gap between economic theory and observed data. Papers explore such topics as estimation of established relationships between economic variables, testing of hypotheses derived from economic theory, treatment effect estimation, policy evaluation, simulation, forecasting, as well as econometric methods and measurement.Empirical Economics emphasizes the replicability of empirical results, and authors are expected to make their data available for readers who might wish to replicate published work. The journal publishes replication studies that report on both positive and negative aspects of previously published results in the literature. Officially cited as: Empir EconNow listed with ISI.
Energies is an open access journal of related scientific research, technology development and policy and management studies. It publishes reviews, regular research papers, and communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.