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Formal Methods in System Design

ISSN: 0925-9856eISSN: 1572-8102

Formal Methods in System Design reports on the latest formal methods for designing, implementing, and validating the correctness of hardware (VLSI) and software systems. Readers will find high quality, original papers describing all aspects of research and development. Contributions to the journal serve its goal of developing an important and highly useful collection of commonly applicable formal methods that will strongly influence future design environments and design methods.

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Forum Mathematicum

ISSN: 0933-7741eISSN: 1435-5337

Forum Mathematicum is a general mathematics journal, which is devoted to the publication of research articles in all fields of pure and applied mathematics, including mathematical physics. Forum Mathematicum belongs to the top 50 journals in pure and applied mathematics, as measured by citation impact.

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Forum of Mathematics, Pi

eISSN: 2050-5086
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Forum of Mathematics, Sigma

eISSN: 2050-5094
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Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory

ISSN: 1567-2190eISSN: 1567-2328
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Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control

ISSN: 2325-6818eISSN: 2325-6826

Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science

ISSN: 1551-305XeISSN: 1551-3068
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Foundations of Computational Mathematics

ISSN: 1615-3375eISSN: 1615-3383

Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM) publishes research and survey papers of the highest quality, which further the understanding of the connections between mathematics and computation, including the interfaces between pure and applied mathematics, numerical analysis and computer science.

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Fractal and Fractional

eISSN: 2504-3110
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ISSN: 0218-348XeISSN: 1793-6543

The investigation of phenomena involving complex geometry, patterns and scaling has gone through a spectacular development in the past decades. For this relatively short time, geometrical and/or temporal scaling have been shown to represent the common aspects of many processes occurring in an unusually diverse range of fields including physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, economics, technology and human behavior. As a rule, the complex nature of a phenomenon is manifested in the underlying intricate geometry which in most of the cases can be described in terms of objects with non-integer (fractal) dimension. In other cases, the distribution of events in time or various other quantities show specific scaling behavior, thus providing a better understanding of the relevant factors determining the given processes.Using fractal geometry and scaling as a language in the related theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations, it has been possible to get a deeper insight into previously intractable problems. Among many others, a better understanding of growth phenomena, turbulence, iterative functions, colloidal aggregation, biological pattern formation, stock markets and inhomogeneous materials has emerged through the application of such concepts as scale invariance, self-affinity and multifractality.The main challenge of the journal devoted exclusively to the above kinds of phenomena lies in its interdisciplinary nature; it is our commitment to bring together the most recent developments in these fields so that a fruitful interaction of various approaches and scientific views on complex spatial and temporal behaviors in both nature and society could take place.The journal "FRACTALS: Complex Geometry, Patterns, and Scaling in Nature and Society" will publish the following types of peer-reviewed articles.*Full-length research papers, *Short communications, *Reviews of both technical and pedagogical nature, and*Popular (educational, Scientific American type) articles.

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Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis: An International Journal for Theory and Applications

ISSN: 1311-0454eISSN: 1314-2224

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis (FCAA) is a specialized international journal based on worldwide editorship, authorship and readership. Since its beginning in 1998, the journal aims to be the most prestigious and suitable forum for publication of high quality original results and surveys on the FCAA topics, for exchange of ideas, discussions, open problems and announcements on recent and forthcoming books and events in the area. It was conceived as a meeting place for pure and applied mathematicians, theoretical physicists and researchers in other natural and social sciences, engineers, and all interested in FCAA topics.
After 13 years of publication history at IMI - BAS (,
archives at: ,,
the FCAA journal is now co-published by  Versita and Springer.

The primary topics of FCAA are:
  - Fractional Calculus
  - Special Functions and Integral Transforms, related to Fractional Calculus
  - Fractional Order Differential and Integral Equations and Systems
  - Mathematical Models of Phenomena, described by the above topics

Secondary topics of FCAA include related areas of applied analysis, such as:
  - Algebraic Analysis, Operational and Convolutional Calculi
  - Generalized Functions, Harmonic Analysis
  - Series, Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions of Mathematical Physics
  - Numerical and Approximation Methods, Computational Procedures and
    Algorithms, related to the Primary FCAA topics
  - Fractional Stochastic Processes
  - Fractal and Integral Geometry

Applications of these techniques to:
  - Differential and Integral Equations, Problems of Mathematical Physics
  - Control Theory, Mechanics, Probability and Statistics, Finances, Engineering,, etc.

Other contributions:
  - If revealing connections between Fractional Calculus and the
     above-mentioned topics to model problems of the real physical and social world

Suggested MSC 2010 entries: (link
  - 26A33: 33E12, 34A08, 34K37, 35R11, 60G22 (primary)
  - 30C45, 30E15, 31B15, 33C60, 33E30, 34A25, 42A45, 42C10,
    44A20, 44A35, 44A40, 45E10, 93B60, 93D09, 05C72, etc. (secondary)

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Frontiers in Physics

eISSN: 2296-424X
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Frontiers of Mathematics

ISSN: 2731-8648eISSN: 2731-8656

Frontiers of Mathematics in China reports on recent advances in the field of mathematics. It covers all the main branches of mathematics, both pure and applied, presenting core areas, such as geometry, algebra, and number theory, as well as applied areas, such as statistics, numerical analysis, and mathematical biology.In addition, the journal features papers in developing and promising fields as well as papers showing the interaction between different fields of mathematics, or the interaction between mathematics and science and engineering. The journal shall be an ideal platform for mathematical researchers, investigators and even strategists who want to know more about the rapid, strong and substantial mathematical achievements in China.

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Functional Analysis and Its Applications

ISSN: 0016-2663eISSN: 1573-8485

Functional Analysis and its Applications contains articles devoted to current problems of functional analysis, including representation theory, theory of abstract and functional spaces, theory of operators, spectral theory, theory of operator equations, and the theory of normed rings. The journal also covers the most important applications of functional analysis in mathematics, mechanics, and theoretical physics. Founded by I. M. Gel'fand in 1967, Functional Analysis and its Applications is a translation of the peer-reviewed Russian journal Funktsional'Nyi Analiz i Ego Prilozheniya, a publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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Functiones et Approximatio, Commentarii Mathematici

ISSN: 0208-6573eISSN: 2080-9433

Fundamenta Informaticae

ISSN: 0169-2968eISSN: 1875-8681

Fundamenta Informaticae is an international journal publishing original research results in all areas of mathematical foundations of computer science and their applications. Papers are encouraged which contain:* solutions, by mathematical methods, of problems emerging in computer science,* solutions of mathematical problems inspired by computer science,* application studies that follow the situations in (i) and (ii).Besides traditional disciplines of interest for computer science, such as mathematical theories of programs and programming, logic in computer science and artificial intelligence, theory of computing, complexity theory, design and analysis of algorithms, theory of formal languages and automata theory, concurrency, cellular automata, database theory, logic programming, nonmonotonic reasoning, parallel algorithms, term rewriting, theory of parallel and distributed computing, the journal is open to contributions presenting methods on more areas such as adaptive strategies of computing, approximate reasoning, agent system theory, bio-computing, machine learning and pattern recognition, data mining and knowledge discovery, decision theory, DNA computing, evolutionary computation, natural computing, neural networks, quantum computing, soft computing including fuzzy sets, rough sets and granular computing. This enumeration is not intended to be exclusive.

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Fundamenta Mathematicae

ISSN: 0016-2736eISSN: 1730-6329
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Fundamental and Applied Mathematics

ISSN: 1560-5159

Fuzzy Information and Engineering

ISSN: 1616-8658eISSN: 1616-8666

Fuzzy Information and Engineering - An International Journal wants to provide a unified communication platform for researchers in a wide area of topics from pure and applied mathematics, computer science, engineering, and other related fields. While also accepting fundamental work the journal focuses on applications: research papers, letters, and reviews are welcome. Technical topics within the scope include: 1) Fuzzy Information a. Fuzzy information theory and information systems b. Fuzzy clustering and classificationc. Fuzzy information processing d. Hardware and software co-designe. Fuzzy computer f. Fuzzy database and data miningg. Fuzzy image processing and pattern recognition h. Fuzzy Information Granulation i. Knowledge acquisition and representation in Fuzzy Information 2) Fuzzy Sets and Systems a. Fuzzy sets b. Fuzzy analysis c. Fuzzy topology and fuzzy mapping d. Fuzzy equation e. Fuzzy programming and optimal f. Fuzzy probability and statistic g. Fuzzy logic and algebra h. General systems i. Fuzzy socioeconomic system j. Fuzzy decision support system k. Fuzzy expert system 3) Soft Computing a. Soft computing theory and foundation b. Nerve cell algorithmsc. Genetic algorithms d. Fuzzy approximation algorithmse. Computing with words and Quantum computation 4) Fuzzy Engineeringa. Fuzzy control b. Fuzzy system engineering c. Fuzzy knowledge engineering d. Fuzzy management engineering e. Fuzzy design f. Fuzzy industrial engineering g. Fuzzy system modeling 5) Fuzzy Operations Researcha. Fuzzy evaluation and decision-making b. Fuzzy overall plans and scheduling c. Fuzzy prediction and forecasting d. Fuzzy countermeasuree. Fuzzy graph theory and network flow f. Fuzzy management in knowledge 6) Artificial Intelligence a. Fuzzy basis , system in knowledge b. Approximate reasoning and fuzzy reasoning machinec. Fuzzy neural networks d. Intelligent controls and robotse. Fuzzy automata f. Statistical learning theory and support vector machine 7) Othersa. Rough sets theory and its applications b. Fuzzy grey systemsc. Fuzzy education d. Fuzzy linguistics e. Fuzzy biology Selected papers from relevant conferences are also welcome. The research and practice of fuzzy information and fuzzy engineering for special interest groups and from special geographic locations will be accommodated by publishing special issues with the help of guest editors. Conference organizers are invited to contact the Editor-in-Chief for further information.

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Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making

ISSN: 1568-4539eISSN: 1573-2908

Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making has been accepted for Science Citation Index Expanded and Current Contents/Engineering Computing and Technology and will first appear with an Impact Factor in the 2009 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), published in June 2010. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making covers all aspects of the theory and practice of fuzzy optimization and decision making in the presence of uncertainty. It examines theoretical, empirical, and experimental work related to fuzzy modeling and associated mathematics, solution methods, and systems. The journal publishes papers in the following areas: modeling, theoretical developments, algorithmic developments, systems development and applications. This journal promotes research and the development of fuzzy technology and soft-computing methodologies to enhance our ability to address complicated optimization and decision making problems involving non-probabilistic uncertainty. It helps foster the understanding, development, and practice of fuzzy te

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