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IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

ISSN: 1063-6706eISSN: 1941-0034

The IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems publishes high quality technical papers in the theory, design, and application of fuzzy systems. Readers are encouraged to submit papers which disclose significant technical knowledge, exploratory developments and applications of fuzzy systems. Emphasis is given to engineering systems and scientific applications. The Transactions also contains a letters section which includes information of current interest, and comments and rebuttals submitted in connection with published papers.


Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Library of Medicine


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IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications

eISSN: 2332-7804

As a result of recent advances in MEMS/NEMS and systems biology, as well as the emergence of synthetic bacteria and lab/process-on-a-chip techniques, it is now possible to design chemical “circuits”, custom organisms, micro/nanoscale swarms of devices, and a host of other new systems. This success opens up a new frontier for interdisciplinary communications techniques using chemistry, biology, and other principles that have not been considered in the communications literature. The IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications (T-MBMSC) is devoted to the principles, design, and analysis of communication systems that use physics beyond classical electromagnetism. This includes molecular, quantum, and other physical, chemical and biological techniques; as well as new communication techniques at small scales or across multiple scales (e.g., nano to micro to macro; note that strictly nanoscale systems, 1-100 nm, are outside the scope of this journal). Original research articles on one or more of the following topics are within scope: mathematical modeling, information/communication and network theoretic analysis, standardization and industrial applications, and analytical or experimental studies on communication processes or networks in biology. Contributions on related topics may also be considered for publication. Contributions from researchers outside the IEEE’s typical audience are encouraged.

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IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

eISSN: 2327-4697

The IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering is committed to timely publishing of peer-reviewed technical articles that deal with the theory and applications of network science and the interconnections among the elements in a system that form a network.

In particular, the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering publishes articles on understanding, prediction, and control of structures and behaviors of networks at the fundamental level. The types of networks covered include physical or engineered networks, information networks, biological networks, semantic networks, economic networks, social networks, and ecological networks. Aimed at discovering common principles that govern network structures, network functionalities and behaviors of networks, the journal seeks articles on understanding, prediction, and control of structures and behaviors of networks.

Another trans-disciplinary focus of the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering is the interactions between and co-evolution of different genres of networks. The core topics covered include: Network Sampling and Measurement; Learning of Network Topology; Modeling and Estimation of Network Dynamics; Network Inference; Models of Complex Networks; Modeling of Network Evolution; Network Design; Consensus, Synchronization and Control of Complex Networks; Interactions between and Co-evolution of Different Genres of Networks; Community Formation and Detection; Complex Network Robustness and Vulnerability; Network Interdependency and Cascading Failures; Searching in Complex Networks; Information Diffusion and Propagation; Percolation and Diffusion on Networks; Epidemiology in Complex Systems.


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IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

ISSN: 0162-8828eISSN: 1939-3539

The IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence publishes articles on all traditional areas of computer vision and image understanding, all traditional areas of pattern analysis and recognition, and selected areas of machine intelligence, with a particular emphasis on machine learning for pattern analysis. Areas such as techniques for visual search, document and handwriting analysis, medical image analysis, video and image sequence analysis, content-based retrieval of image and video, face and gesture recognition and relevant specialized hardware and/or software architectures are also covered.


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IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

ISSN: 0018-9545eISSN: 1939-9359

The IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology is dedicated to the publication of peer-reviewed original contributions of research regarding the theory and practice of electrical and electronics technology in vehicles and vehicular systems. The intended audience is comprised of engineers, researchers, educators, and graduate students of vehicular technology concepts and theory in academia, industry, and government. The scope of the Transactions is threefold (which was approved by the IEEE Periodicals Committee in 1967) and is published on the journal website as follows: Communications: The use of mobile radio on land, sea, and air, including cellular radio, two-way radio, and one-way radio, with applications to dispatch and control vehicles, mobile radiotelephone, radio paging, and status monitoring and reporting. Related areas include spectrum usage, component radio equipment such as cavities and antennas, compute control for radio systems, digital modulation and transmission techniques, mobile radio circuit design, radio propagation for vehicular communications, effects of ignition noise and radio frequency interference, and consideration of the vehicle as part of the radio operating environment. Transportation Systems: The use of electronic technology for the control of ground transportation systems including, but not limited to, traffic aid systems; traffic control systems; automatic vehicle identification, location, and monitoring systems; automated transport systems, with single and multiple vehicle control; and moving walkways or people-movers. Vehicular Electronics: The use of electronic or electrical components and systems for control, propulsion, or auxiliary functions, including but not limited to, electronic controls for engineer, drive train, convenience, safety, and other vehicle systems; sensors, actuators, and microprocessors for onboard use; electronic fuel control systems; vehicle electrical components and systems collision avoidance systems; electromagnetic compatibility in the vehicle environment; and electric vehicles and controls. In order to achieve its purpose, the Transactions receives and processes original contributions, for potential publication, from researchers, educators and students in the areas of vehicular technologies. The contributions can be conceptual, theoretical, or experimental. Two types of manuscripts are considered for publication. The publication categories are: Papers presenting the results of on-going or completed research, novel applications or tutorial summaries of the state of the art in engineering and technology; Correspondence presenting short original contributions, commenting on papers previously published, posing critical implementation problems, discussing experiences using published results, and reporting on successful and unsuccessful applications of engineering and technology concepts and methodologies. The audience of the Transactions on Vehicular Technology is predominantly the scholarly community conducting research on various aspects of engineering and technology in academic institutions, industrial organizations, research centers and government agencies.

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IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

ISSN: 1536-1276eISSN: 1558-2248

The IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications publishes high-quality manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of wireless communications. Both theoretical contributions (including new techniques, concepts, and analyses) and practical contributions (including system experiments and prototypes, and new applications) are encouraged.  The general scope of the Transactions includes, but is not limited to, the following: Modulation and coding , Detection and estimation, Diversity techniques and equalization, Propagation and channel characterization, Fading countermeasures, Multiuser detection, Signal separation and interference rejection, DSP applications to wireless systems, Broadband wireless communications, Network architectures and protocols, with an emphasis on physical and link layer communication, Adaptive antennas for wireless systems, Multiple access techniques, Space-time processing , Synchronization techniques, Software radio, Resource allocation and interference management, Multirate and multicarrier communications, Security, privacy, and authentication, Experimental and prototype results, Systems and services including mobile satellites, wireless local loops, wireless LANs, wireless PBX, and PCS/cellular.
In addition, papers on specific topics or on more non-traditional topics related to specific application areas, are encouraged.  Examples include Simulation tools and methodologies for design, analysis, rapid prototyping, performance prediction, and cellular system engineering; Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing; MIMO systems, and Wireless over optical.

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IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing

ISSN: 2329-9290eISSN: 2329-9304

The IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing covers audio, speech and language processing and the sciences that support them. In audio processing: transducers, room acoustics, active sound control, human audition, analysis/synthesis/coding of music, and consumer audio. In speech processing: areas such as speech analysis, synthesis, coding, speech and speaker recognition, speech production and perception, and speech enhancement. In language processing: speech and text analysis, understanding, generation, dialog management, translation, summarization, question answering and document indexing and retrieval, as well as general language modeling.

Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Laboratory of Medicine

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IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

ISSN: 1545-5963eISSN: 1557-9964

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics emphasizes the algorithmic, mathematical, statistical, and computational methods that are central in bioinformatics and computational biology; the development and testing of effective computer programs in bioinformatics; the development of biological databases; and important biological results that are obtained from the use of these methods, programs and databases; the emerging field of Systems Biology, where many forms of data are used to create a computer-based model of a complex biological system. The publication represents a mixture of three research modalities: a) fundamental methodological, algorithmic, mathematical and statistical research directly motivated by biological issues; b) papers focusing on experimental and implementation issues; and c) papers on serious application of methods and programs that lead to discoveries of biological significance. Increasingly, papers contain elements of all three modalities. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to, sequence analysis, comparison and alignment methods; motif, gene and signal recognition; molecular evolution; phylogenetics and phylogenomics; determination or prediction of the structure of RNA and Protein in two and three dimensions; DNA twisting and folding; gene expression and gene regulatory networks; deduction of metabolic pathways; micro-array design and analysis; proteomics; functional genomics; molecular docking and drug design; computational problems in genetics such as linkage and QTL analysis, linkage disequilibrium analysis in populations, and haplotype determination; systems biology.

Additional Information:

While the orientation of the transactions is on computational issues, at the same time, the journal must insist that the papers have a genuine connection to biology and not just concern computational problems that are "motivated" by biology. As the field matures, it is expected that a large percentage of the papers in the journal will validate new methods and ideas with real or realistically simulated data. It will be common for papers to be the product of joint research by computationally oriented researchers together with biologists.

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ISSN: 2185-4106eISSN: 2185-4106

IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences

ISSN: 0916-8508eISSN: 1745-1337

IET Control Theory and Applications

ISSN: 1751-8644eISSN: 1751-8652

IET Control Theory & Applications is dedicated to control systems in the broadest sense, and publishes theoretical papers which discuss the applications of new and established control methods. Most of its papers represent original research from industrial and government laboratories and universities. However it also covers subject reviews and tutorial expositions of current methods and correspondence discussing published papers. Topics covered include system modelling, identification and simulation, the analysis and design of control systems (including computer-aided design), and practical implementation. The scope encompasses technological, economic, physiological (biomedical) and other systems, including man–machine interfaces.

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IET Networks

ISSN: 2047-4954eISSN: 2047-4962
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IET Systems Biology

eISSN: 1751-8857

IET Systems Biology publishes papers that take a systems and signal-oriented approach to the dynamic interactions within and between cells. It also includes papers that analyse genomic data in order to identify variables, and basic relationships between them, where the results provide a basis for mathematical modelling and simulation of cellular dynamics. IET Systems Biology covers topics including the following: • Genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, cells, tissue and the physiome • Molecular and cellular interaction, gene, cell and protein function • Networks and pathways • Metabolism and cell signalling • Dynamics, regulation and control • Systems, signals, and information • Experimental data analysis • Mathematical modelling, simulation and theoretical analysis • Biological modelling, simulation, prediction and control • Methodologies, databases, tools and algorithms for modelling and simulation • Synthetic biology and bioengineering based on systems biology

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IETE Journal of Research

ISSN: 0377-2063eISSN: 0974-780X

IETE Journal of Research is a Bimonthly journal published by the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), India. It publishes scientific and technical papers describing original research work or novel product/process development. Occasionally special issues are brought out on new and emerging research areas. IETE Journal of Research is useful to researchers, engineers, scientists, teachers, managers and students who are interested in keeping a track of original research and development work being carried out in the broad area of electronics, telecommunications, computer science and engineering and information technology.

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IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics

ISSN: 0272-4960eISSN: 1464-3634

The IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics is a direct successor of the Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications which was started in 1965 with the aim of publishing papers in all areas of the application of mathematics. Since the appearance of the IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis in 1981, analytic and numerical treatments of both physical and non-physical applied mathematical problems, including those arising in industry, have formed the main part of the Journal's contents. The Journal also seeks to publish papers on new developments of existing mathematical methods, especially those that have relevance to more than one field of application and also new mathematical methods suggested by particular applications. Longer papers which survey recent progress in topical fields of mathematics and its applications are also published.

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IMA Journal of Management Mathematics

ISSN: 1471-678XeISSN: 1471-6798

The IMA Journal of Management Mathematics is a quarterly, peer reviewed, scholarly journal that publishes insightful scientific research in which Mathematics plays an important role in supporting decision making. It welcomes papers that fall into the following subject areas: OR and Management Science, Financial Modelling & Risk Analysis, Credit Scoring, Model Building and Model Optimization (both stochastic and deterministic), Production Processes, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Transportation, Marketing Analytics, Decision Making Tools, Health Care Management. Preference is given to papers that contain mathematics that is innovative or original in the context of genuine applications to real problems. The journal should appeal especially to departments of business studies, business schools and departments of industrial engineering, as well as mathematics departments with special interest in OR, financial mathematics, health care management, etc.

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IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information

ISSN: 0265-0754eISSN: 1471-6887

The IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information is dedicated to developing solutions to the unsolved problems in control and information theory.IMPACT FACTOR AND RANKINGYear Impact Factor Si: Automation & Control Systems Si: Mathematics, Applied2010 0.2132009 0.5352008 0.586This information is taken from the Journal Citation Reports, published annually as part of the Science Citation Index by ISI.Abstracting and Indexing ServicesThe IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:-American Mathematical SocietyCurrent Contents® /Engineering, Computing, and TechnologyJournal Citation Reports /Science EditionMathematical Reviews (MR)PROQUEST DATABASE : MagazinesPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest 5000PROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest 5000 InternationalPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest CentralPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest DiscoveryPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest International Academic Research LibraryPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest News & MagazinesPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Pharma CollectionPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Research LibraryPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Science JournalsScience Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®)Statistical Theory & Method Abstracts (STMA-Z)The Standard Periodical DirectoryZentralblatt Math .

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IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis

ISSN: 0272-4979eISSN: 1464-3642

The IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (IMAJNA) publishes original contributions to all fields of numerical analysis; articles will be accepted which treat the theory, development or use of practical algorithms and interactions between these aspects. Occasional survey articles are also published.

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ISSN: 1307-5624eISSN: 1307-5624


ISSN: 1752-2862eISSN: 1752-2870