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Journal of Logic and Analysis

eISSN: 1759-9008
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Journal of Logic and Computation

ISSN: 0955-792XeISSN: 1465-363X

Logic has found application in virtually all aspects of Information Technology, from software engineering and hardware to programming and artificial intelligence. Indeed, logic, artificial intelligence and theoretical computing are influencing each other to the extent that a new interdisciplinary area of Logic and Computation is emerging.The Journal of Logic and Computation aims to promote the growth of logic and computing, including, among others, the following areas of interest: Logical Systems, such as classical and non-classical logic, constructive logic, categorical logic, modal logic, type theory, feasible maths.... Logical issues in logic programming, knowledge-based systems and automated reasoning; logical issues in knowledge representation, such as non-monotonic reasoning and systems of knowledge and belief; logics and semantics of programming; specification and verification of programs and systems; applications of logic in hardware and VLSI, natural language, cincurrent computation, planning, and databases. The bulk of the content is technical scientific papers, although letters, reviews, and discussions, as well as relevant conference reviews, are included.

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Journal of Logic, Language and Information

ISSN: 0925-8531eISSN: 1572-9583

This is the official publication of the European Association for Logic, Language, and Information.

The scope of the journal is the logical and computational foundations of natural, formal, and programming languages, as well as the different forms of human and mechanized inference. It covers the logical, linguistic, and information-theoretic parts of the cognitive sciences.

Examples of main subareas are Intensional Logics including Dynamic Logic: Nonmonotonic Logic and Belief Revision: Constructive Logics: Complexity Issues in Logic and Linguistics: Theoretical Problems of Logic Programming and Resolution: Categorial Grammar and Type Theory: Generalized Quantification: Information-Oriented Theories of Semantic Structure like Situation Semantics, Discourse Representation Theory, and Dynamic Semantics: Connectionist Models of Logical and Linguistic Structures. The emphasis is on the theoretical aspects of these areas.

The purpose of the journal is to act as a forum for researchers interested in the theoretical foundations of the above subjects and their interdisciplinary connections, with an emphasis on general ideas increasing coherence.

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Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming

eISSN: 2352-2216
The Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming is an international journal whose aim is to publish high quality, original research papers, survey and review articles, tutorial expositions, and historical studies in the areas of logical and algebraic methods and techniques for guaranteeing correctness and performability of programs and in general of computing systems. All aspects will be covered, especially theory and foundations, implementation issues, and applications involving novel ideas.

Topics of interest to the journal include:
• Applications of algebras, co-algebra and categories to programming
• Applications of proof theory and model theory to programming
• Constraint programming
• Foundations of Programming Paradigms
• Logic programming
• Logical Foundations of Program Security
• Models and Analytical Models for Cyber-Physical Systems
• Process Calculi
• Programming Models
• Quantitative Methods for System Analysis
• Specification and verification of systems

The Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming complements Elsevier's Science of Computer Programming and Theoretical Computer Science by its focus on the foundations and the application of logical, algebraic and categorical methods to programming and to the development of trustworthy computing systems.

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Journal of Machine Learning Research

ISSN: 1532-4435eISSN: 1533-7928

If you have not visited this site since January 1, 2006.

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology

ISSN: 0924-0136eISSN: 1873-4774

The Journal of Materials Processing Technology covers the processing techniques used in manufacturing components from metals and other materials. The journal aims to publish full research papers of original, significant and rigorous work and so to contribute to increased production efficiency and improved component performance.Areas of interest to the journal include:• Casting, forming and machining• Additive processing and joining technologies• The evolution of material properties under the specific conditions met in manufacturing processes• Surface engineering when it relates specifically to a manufacturing process• Design and behavior of equipment and toolsThe core interest of the journal is the processing of metals, but we also cover other materials, where the article is focused on the influence of the process on the materials, and where there are not other more appropriate dedicated journals. For example ductile forming of polymers if of interest, but the influence of polymer composition on properties is well covered in dedicated polymer journals.A typical article will examine the influence of process design, tool design, or process operating conditions on the properties of the material or the future performance of the equipment. Most articles combine appropriate quantitative analysis with well designed experiments. The sciences of materials, tribology and thermodynamics are well covered in other dedicated journals, so these topics are of interest to this journal only when applied specifically to give insight into the processing techniques used in manufacturing components. For example, processes for engineering surfaces are of interest, but the analysis of friction is well covered by specialised journals of wear or tribology.The journal's Editorial Policy defines our basis for considering submissions. Typical published articles will contribute significant new transferable knowledge in the form of (a) an innovation or (b) a new insight into material processing in the form of a transferable qualitative or quantitative explanation of a difference between experimental measurements and the predictions of existing theory. 'Transferable' knowledge applies to materials or processing conditions broader than those tested within the article.The Journal of Materials Processing Technology generally does not accept papers in the following areas:• Simulation with no experimental verification and/or which gives no new insight into the process• Experimental reports which do not provide a convincing analytical or physical explanation of observed behaviour• Topics that properly belong to the materials science literature. Examples include the synthesis of materials, chemical experiments and studies of material composition.• The analysis of material properties, surfaces or product performance without reference to the processing which caused them.• Statistical methods or techniques from Artificial Intelligence which treat the process as a black box.• The operation of equipment, without reference to materials (such as tool path design in CNC machining), or the management of factory systems.As stated in the journal's editorial policy, the Journal of Materials Processing Technology does not accept multiple-part papers, short communications or case studies.Papers submitted to the journal will only be considered if they have been prepared according to the journal's Guide for Authors.

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Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

ISSN: 0022-247XeISSN: 1096-0813

The Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications presents papers that treat mathematical analysis and its numerous applications. The journal emphasizes articles devoted to the mathematical treatment of questions arising in physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering, particularly those that stress analytical aspects and novel problems and their solutions.Papers are sought which employ one or more of the following areas of classical analysis:• Analytic number theory• Functional analysis and operator theory• Real and harmonic analysis• Complex analysis• Numerical analysis• Applied mathematics• Partial differential equations• Dynamical systems• Control and Optimization• Probability• Mathematical biology• Combinatorics• Mathematical physicsProspective authors are strongly encouraged to read the Guide for Authors.

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Journal of Mathematical Behavior

ISSN: 0732-3123eISSN: 1873-8028

The Journal of Mathematical Behavior solicits original research on the learning and teaching of mathematics. We are interested especially in basic research, research that aims to clarify, in detail and depth, how mathematical ideas develop in learners. As our founding editor, Robert B. Davis, wrote in 1980:Scientific study is supposed to be a no-holds-barred attempt to identify key phenomena, and by building conceptual structures and collecting data, to explain and understand these phenomena.1Over three decades, our experience confirms a founding premise of this journal: that mathematical thinking, hence mathematics learning as a social enterprise, is special. It is special because mathematics is special, both logically and psychologically. Logically, through the way that mathematical ideas and methods have been built, refined and organized for centuries across a range of cultures; and psychologically, through the variety of ways people today, in many walks of life, make sense of mathematics, develop it, make it their own. Historically, this journal has sought and welcomed papers that develop detailed, fundamental understanding of how people, in realistic settings, build, retain, communicate, apply and understand important mathematical ideas.Our intended audience includes researchers who concentrate on the learning of mathematics and science, psychologists, mathematicians, cognitive scientists, teachers, teacher educators, curriculum developers, parents, administrators, and policy makers.On this basis, we especially encourage basic studies that might indicate a range of possibilities not commonly recognized. Such studies might clarify potential obstacles to student understanding of mathematics; describe and analyze relevant efforts to improve curriculum or pedagogy in mathematics, at any level, from early childhood through adulthood; offer analyses of appropriate goals for mathematics curricula for diverse student populations; and critically discuss what might be changed in curricula or in learning experiences.In addition to more formal studies, the editors welcome dialogue, discussion, and debate. We encourage authors to submit short papers that continue, extend, modify, or challenge work that has appeared in JMB.Our hope is to facilitate important progress. In Davis' words:Manuscripts are accepted primarily because they report something important, and because they will prove valuable to many readers.21 Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 2112 Ibid., p. vi.

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Journal of Mathematical Biology

ISSN: 0303-6812eISSN: 1432-1416

The Journal of Mathematical Biology focuses on mathematical biology - work that uses mathematical approaches to gain biological understanding or explain biological phenomena.Papers should either provide biological insight as a result of mathematical analysis or identify and open up challenging new types of mathematical problems that derive from biological knowledge (in the form of data, or theory, or simulation results). Mathematical ideas, methods, techniques and results are welcome, provided they show sufficient potential for usefulness in a biological context. Authors are encouraged to include a brief summarising discussion of the main results to make them accessible to readers with biology background.Areas of biology covered include, but are not restricted to, cell biology, physiology, development, neurobiology, genetics and population genetics, population biology, ecology, behavioural biology, evolution, epidemiology, immunology, molecular biology, biofluids, DNA and protein structure and function. All m

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Journal of Mathematical Chemistry

ISSN: 0259-9791eISSN: 1572-8897

The Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (JOMC) publishes original, chemically important mathematical results which use non-routine mathematical methodologies often unfamiliar to the usual audience of mainstream experimental and theoretical chemistry journals. Furthermore JOMC publishes papers on novel applications of more familiar mathematical techniques and analyses of chemical problems which indicate the need for new mathematical approaches.

Mathematical chemistry is a truly interdisciplinary subject, a field of rapidly growing importance. As chemistry becomes more and more amenable to mathematically rigorous study, it is likely that chemistry will also become an alert and demanding consumer of new mathematical results. The level of complexity of chemical problems is often very high, and modeling molecular behaviour and chemical reactions does require new mathematical approaches. Chemistry is witnessing an important shift in emphasis: simplistic models are no longer satisfactory, and more detailed ma

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Journal of Mathematical Cryptology

ISSN: 1862-2976eISSN: 1862-2984
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Journal of Mathematical Economics

ISSN: 0304-4068eISSN: 1873-1538

In the Editors view, the formal mathematical expression of economic ideas is of vital importance to economics. Such an expression can determine whether a loose economic intuition has a coherent, logical meaning. Also, a full formal development of economic ideas can itself suggest new economic concepts and intuitions.The primary objective of the Journal is to provide a forum for work in economic theory which expresses economic ideas using formal mathematical reasoning. For work to add to this primary objective, it is not sufficient that the mathematical reasoning be new and correct. The work should have real economic content. The economic ideas should be interesting and important. These ideas may pertain to any field of economics or any school of economic thought. The economic ideas may be well-known, provided they are expressed and developed in a novel way.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of Mathematical Extension

ISSN: 1735-8299eISSN: 1735-8299
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Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics

ISSN: 1422-6928eISSN: 1422-6952

The Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics (JMFM) is a forum for the publication of high-quality peer-reviewed papers on the mathematical theory of fluid mechanics, with special regards to the Navier-Stokes equations. As an important part of that, the journal encourages papers dealing with mathematical aspects of computational theory, as well as with applications in science and engineering. The journal also publishes in related areas of mathematics that have a direct bearing on the mathematical theory of fluid mechanics. All papers will be characterized by originality and mathematical rigor.
Bibliographic Data
J. Math. Fluid Mech.
First published in 1999
1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume
approx. 150 pages per issue
Format: 19.3 x 26 cm
ISSN 1422-6928 (print)
ISSN 1422-6952 (electronic)AMS Mathematical Citation Quotient (MCQ): 0.58 (2011)

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Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision

ISSN: 0924-9907eISSN: 1573-7683

Current developments in new image processing hardware, the advent of multisensor data fusion, and rapid advances in vision research have led to an explosive growth in the interdisciplinary field of imaging science. Emphasizing the role of mathematics as a rigorous basis for imaging science, this journal details innovative or established mathematical techniques applied to vision and imaging problems in a novel way. It also reports on new developments and problems in mathematics arising from these applications. The scope of Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision includes: - computational models of vision; imaging algebra and mathematical morphology - mathematical methods in reconstruction, compactification, and coding - filter theory - probabilistic, statistical, geometric, topological, and fractal techniques and models in imaging science - inverse optics - wave theory. This journal contains research articles, invited papers, and expository articles.

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Journal of Mathematical Inequalities

ISSN: 1846-579X
Publisher: Element d.o.o.

Journal of Mathematical Logic

ISSN: 0219-0613eISSN: 1793-6691

The Journal of Mathematical Logic (JML) provides an important forum for the communication of original contributions in all areas of mathematical logic and its applications. It aims at publishing papers at the highest level of mathematical creativity and sophistication. JML intends to represent the most important and innovative developments in the subject.

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Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms

ISSN: 1570-1166eISSN: 1572-9214

The Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms publishes high quality papers describing the mathematical modelling, development, and application of algorithms to solving problems in Operations Research (OR).  To be accepted for publication within the journal, papers should be written in good, clear English and describe a new or improved mathematical modelling and/or algorithmic technique to solve an OR problem. The demonstration of novel modelling techniques as solutions are particularly encouraged.  Experimental or theoretical work to demonstrate or prove the efficacy of the approach is expected.   For the purpose of this journal, OR encompasses a wide range of topics including (but not limited to) •                          linear, integer, fractional, nonlinear  and multi-objective programming•                          heuristic and metaheuristic techniques•                          machine learning, Bayesian approaches  and multi-criteria decision analysis•                          probabilistic techniques and stochastic processes •                          networks and graph algorithms., .

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Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience

eISSN: 2190-8567

The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (JMN) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. It is publishing research articles on the mathematical modeling and analysis of all areas of neuroscience, i.e., the study of the nervous system and its dysfunctions.The focus is on using mathematics as the primary tool for elucidating the fundamental mechanisms responsible for experimentally observed behaviours in neuroscience at all relevant scales, from the molecular world to that of cognition.

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Journal of Mathematical Physics

ISSN: 0022-2488eISSN: 1089-7658

Journal of Mathematical Physics is published by the American Institute of Physics; content is published online daily, collected into monthly online and printed issues (12 issues per year). Its purpose is the publication of papers in mathematical physics–that is, the application of mathematics to problems in physics and the development of mathematical methods suitable for such applications and for the formulation of physical theories. The mathematics should be written in a manner that is understandable to theoretical physicists. Occasionally, reviews of mathematical subjects relevant to physics and special issues combining papers on a topic of current interest may be published.

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