Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences publishes papers dealing with new mathematical methods for the consideration of linear and non-linear, direct and inverse problems for physical relevant processes over time- and space- varying media under certain initial, boundary, transition conditions etc. Papers dealing with biomathematical content, population dynamics and network problems are most welcome. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences is an interdisciplinary journal: therefore, all manuscripts must be written to be accessible to a broad scientific but mathematically advanced audience. All papers must contain carefully written introduction and conclusion sections, which should include a clear exposition of the underlying scientific problem, a summary of the mathematical results and the tools used in deriving the results. Furthermore, the scientific importance of the manuscript and its conclusions should be made clear. Papers dealing with numerical processes or which contain only the application of well established methods will not be accepted. Because of the broad scope of the journal, authors should minimize the use of technical jargon from their subfield in order to increase the accessibility of their paper and appeal to a wider readership. If technical terms are necessary, authors should define them clearly so that the main ideas are understandable also to readers not working in the same subfield.
This journal is jointly sponsored by Gesellschaft fuer Operations Research (The German OR Society) and the Nederlands Genootschap voor Besliskunde (The Dutch OR Society). It features contributions to mathematics, statistics, and computer science that have special relevance to operations research. The journal publishes theoretical and applied papers with substantial mathematical interest in the areas of mathematical programming, continuous and discrete and combinatorial optimization, stochastic models, Markov decision processes and stochastic programming, dynamic programming, control theory, game theory, graphs and networks, queueing systems, inventory and reliability. The journal also covers mathematical methods and applications in economics, business administration, finance, and engineering. In addition, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research includes a special section devoted to review papers on mathematical methods and models in interesting fields of operations research and related optimization theory
The journal is dedicated to the mathematical foundations of statistical theory. It primarily publishes research papers with complete proofs and, occasionally, survey papers on particular fields of statistics. Papers dealing with applications of statistics are also published if they contain new theoretical developments to the underlying statistical methods. The journal provides an outlet for research in advanced statistical methodology and for studies where such methodology is effectively used or which stimulate its further development.
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis publishes carefully selected, high quality papers which explore new and important developments in all areas of mathematical modelling and analysis. The scope of the Journal includes:All fields of numerical analysisMathematical aspects of scientific computingParallel algorithmsMathematical modellingAnalysis of ODE and PDEApproximation theoryOptimizationThis Journal is published in collaboration with the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. For more information on the Journal, please click here.
The Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (MMNP) is an international research journal, which publishes top-level original and review papers, short communications and proceedings on mathematical modelling in biology, medicine, chemistry, physics, and other areas. The journal is essentially functioning on the basis of topical issues representing active areas of research. Each topical issue has its own editorial board. The authors are invited to submit papers to the announced issues or to suggest new issues.The journal publishes research articles and reviews within the whole field of mathematical modelling, and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in this ever-expanding subject.
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations is concerned with a variety of aspects of computer-assisted modeling and simulation in science and technology: the investigation of scientific problems and construction of mathematical models, the development of numerical methods, the computer test of the models, construction of computer codes for actual applied problems, and another cases studies.The journal publishes reviews, original articles, abstracts of preprints, reports and manuscripts. The particular problem oriented papers are devoted to controlled fusion, supersonic flows around aircraft, semiconductor technology, plasma chemistry, economics, and problems of social life.
The purpose of this journal is to provide a medium of exchange for scientists engaged in applied sciences (physics, mathematical physics, natural, and technological sciences) where there exists a non-trivial interplay between mathematics, mathematical modelling of real systems and mathematical and computer methods oriented towards the qualitative and quantitative analysis of real physical systems.The principal areas of interest of this journal are the following: *Mathematical modelling of systems in applied sciences; *Mathematical methods for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of models of mathematical physics and technological sciences; * Numerical and computer treatment of mathematical models or real systems.Special attention will be paid to the analysis of nonlinearities and stochastic aspects.Within the above limitation, scientists in all fields which employ mathematics are encouraged to submit research and review papers to the journal. Both theoretical and applied papers will be considered for publication. High quality, novelty of the content and potential for the applications to modern problems in applied sciences and technology will be the guidelines for the selection of papers to be published in the journal.
Mathematische Nachrichten - Mathematical News publishes original papers on new results and methods that hold prospect for substantial progress in mathematics and its applications. All branches of analysis, algebra, number theory, geometry and topology, flow mechanics and theoretical aspects of stochastics are given special emphasis. Mathematische Nachrichten is indexed/abstracted in Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences; Mathematical Review; Zentralblatt fur Mathematik; Math Database on STN International, INSPEC; Science Citation Index ISSN: 0025-584X (print), 1522-2616 (online) Volume 283. 12 Issues in 2010.
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry is dedicated to concrete problems of mathematics and theoretical physics, with special emphasis on their connection. The journal publishes papers presenting new mathematical results in mathematical physics, analysis, and geometry with particular reference to: mathematical problems of statistical physics and fluids; complex function theory; operators in function space, especially operator algebras; ordinary and partial differential equations; and differential and algebraic geometry. The journal publishes full-length papers giving a comprehensive description of original work, as well as short communications for rapid publication of novel observations. Perspectives, Reviews and Conference Reports are published occasionally.
169;2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174; ranks Mathematical Population Studies in the Demography (social science), Mathematical Methods (social science), Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications (science) and Statistics & Probability (science) categories.Mathematical Population Studies has been selected for the Social Sciences Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, CC/Social & Behavioral Sciences, and the CompuMath Citation Index.Mathematical Population Studies publishes carefully selected research papers in the mathematical and statistical study of human populations. In addition, papers that deal with mathematical approaches to population science in broader contexts are welcome if they are, or should be, of interest to demographers. The journal is thus strongly interdisciplinary and invites contributions by mathematicians, demographers, (bio)statisticians, sociologists, economists, biologists, epidemiologists, actuaries, geographers, and others who are interested in the mathematical formulation of population-related questions.The scope covers both theoretical and empirical work. The journal serves as a forum for the exchange of views between researchers in academia, international organizations, research institutes, and statistical offices throughout the world. Short notes, letters, and reviews of computer software are welcome. Manuscripts should be sent in triplicate to any one of the editors (or to the Coordinating Editor), who after an initial screening, will have them reviewed. The editors have final say on the suitability for publication.Peer Review Policy:All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Hindawi publishes more than 300 Open Access journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. All articles published in Hindawi journals are open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This is the official journal of the Mathematical Optimization Society. It publishes original articles dealing with every aspect of mathematical programming: everything of direct or indirect use concerning the problem of optimizing a function of many variables, often subject to a set of constraints. This involves theoretical and computational issues as well as application studies. Mathematical Programming consists of two series: Series A publishes original research articles, expositions and surveys, and reports on computational experimentation and new or innovative practical applications as well as short communications dealing with the above. Each issue of Series B focuses on a single subject, selected to respond to the current interests of the mathematical programming community and has one or more guest-editors, who need not be members of the editorial board. An issue may be a collection of original articles, a single research monograph or a selection of papers from an appropriate conference.
Mathematical Programming Computation (MPC) publishes original research articles covering computational issues in mathematical programming. Articles report on innovative software, comparative tests, modeling environments, libraries of data, and/or applications. A main feature of the journal is the inclusion of accompanying software and data with submitted manuscripts. The journal's review process includes the evaluation and testing of the accompanying software. Where possible, the review will aim for verification of reported computational results. Topics covered in MPC include linear programming, convex optimization, nonlinear optimization, stochastic optimization, robust optimization, integer programming, combinatorial optimization, global optimization, network algorithms, and modeling languages.
Mathematical Research Letters (MRL) is dedicated to rapid publication of short complete papers of original research in all areas of mathematics. Submissions should not exceed 20 journal pages. Expository papers and research announcements of exceptional interest are also occasionally published. High standards are applied in evaluating submissions; the entire editorial board must approve the acceptance of any paper.
The international, interdisciplinary journal Mathematical Social Sciences publishes original research articles, survey papers, short notes and book reviews. The journal emphasizes the unity of mathematical modelling in economics, psychology, political sciences, sociology and other social sciences.Topics of particular interest include the fundamental aspects of choice, information, and preferences (decision science) and of interaction (game theory and economic theory), the measurement of utility, welfare and inequality, the formal theories of justice and implementation, voting rules, cooperative games, fair division, cost allocation, bargaining, matching, social networks, and evolutionary and other dynamics models.Papers published by the journal are mathematically rigorous but no bounds, from above or from below, limits their technical level. All mathematical techniques may be used. The articles should be self-contained and readable by social scientists trained in mathematics.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: