The aim of REVSTAT is to publish articles of high scientific content, developing innovative statistical scientific methods and introducing original research, grounded in substantive problems.
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal is a journal for actuarial sciences that deals, in theory and application, with mathematical methods for insurance and related matters. The bounds of actuarial mathematics are determined by the area of application rather than by uniformity of methods and techniques. Therefore, a paper of interest to Scandinavian Actuarial Journal may have its theoretical basis in probability theory, statistics, operations research, numerical analysis, computer science, demography, mathematical economics, or any other area of applied mathematics; the main criterion is that the paper should be of specific relevance to actuarial applications. It is the hope of the editors that the journal can promote progress in the development of actuarial methodology and the proliferation of established methods in practical actuarial work. A special workshop section is intended to stimulate cooperative efforts between practitioners and theoreticians to solve real-life actuarial problems. The workshop will be open for papers at any level of theoretical preparation, from mere descriptions of practical problems with pleas for help, via discussions and tentative solutions, to complete theoretical treatment of these problems. The journal also publishes survey articles and has a section for empirical studies. All articles are refereed. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal has been published since 1918. It is published for the Danish Society of Actuaries, the Actuarial Society of Finland, the Norwegian Society of Actuaries and the Swedish Society of Actuaries.
The Scandinavian Journal of Statistics is internationally recognised as one of the leading statistical journals in the world. It was founded in 1974 by four Scandinavian statistical societies. Today more than eighty per cent of the manuscripts are submitted from outside Scandinavia. It is an international journal devoted to reporting significant and innovative original contributions to statistical methodology, both theory and applications. The journal specializes in statistical modelling showing particular appreciation of the underlying substantive research problems. The emergence of specialized methods for analysing longitudinal and spatial data is just one example of an area of important methodological development in which the Scandinavian Journal of Statistics has a particular niche.
The purpose of Sequential Analysis is to contribute to theoretical and applied aspects of sequential methodologies in all areas of statistical science. Published papers highlight the development of new and important sequential approaches.Interdisciplinary articles that emphasize the methodology of practical value to applied researchers and statistical consultants are highly encouraged. Papers that cover contemporary areas of applications including animal abundance, bioequivalence, communication science, computer simulations, data mining, directional data, disease mapping, environmental sampling, genome, imaging, microarrays, networking, parallel processing, pest management, sonar detection, spatial statistics, tracking, and engineering are deemed especially important. Of particular value are expository review articles that critically synthesize broad-based statistical issues. Papers on case-studies are also considered. All papers are refereed.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The journal of SET-VALUED AND VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS is devoted to variational aspects of mathematical analysis and its applications and to all the aspects involving set-valued mappings and related topics. The journals aims to serve both specialists and users of set-valued and variational analysis, promoting, in this way, strong interactions between them, with particular emphasis on applications. The scope of the journal includes variational principles and their applications to mathematical sciences, operations research, economics, applied sciences, and engineering; set-valued and generalized differential calculus; methods of set-valued and variational analysis in constrained optimization, calculus of variations, and optimal control of ordinary differential, functional differential, and partial differential equations; variational inequalities and their generalizations; variational convergence; fixed points of set-valued mappings; selections and parameterizations; differential, integral
Spatial Statistics publishes articles on the theory and application of spatial and spatio-temporal statistics. It favours manuscripts that present theory generated by new applications, or in which new theory is applied to an important practical case. A purely theoretical study will only rarely be accepted. Pure case studies without methodological development are not acceptable for publication.Spatial statistics concerns the quantitative analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal data, including their statistical dependencies, accuracy and uncertainties. Methodology for spatial statistics is typically found in probability theory, stochastic modelling and mathematical statistics as well as in information science. Spatial statistics is used in mapping, assessing spatial data quality, sampling design optimisation, modelling of dependence structures, and drawing of valid inference from a limited set of spatio-temporal data. Application fields includeThe physical domains, e.g. agriculture, geology, soil science, hydrology, ecology, mining, oceanography, forestry, air quality, remote sensingThe social/economic domains, e.g. spatial econometrics, epidemiology and disease mapping.Spatial Statistics aims to publish reproducible science. Authors are encouraged to submit and publish procedures and data, along with the manuscript.
Stat is an innovative electronic journal for the rapid publication of novel and topical research results, publishing compact articles of the highest quality in all areas of statistical endeavour. Its purpose is to provide a means of rapid sharing of important new theoretical, methodological and applied research. Stat is a joint venture between the International Statistical Institute and Wiley-Blackwell.
Stat is characterised by:
• Speed - a single-pass, high-quality review process that aims to publish within 30 days of submission. There is no revision cycle.
• Concision - a maximum article length of 10 pages of text, not including references.
• Supporting materials - inclusion of electronic supporting materials including graphs, video, software, data and images.
• Scope – addresses all areas of statistics and interdisciplinary areas
Stat is a scientific journal for the international community of statisticians and researchers and practitioners in allied quantitative disciplines.
Statistica Neerlandica publishes research and expository material about new developments in probability, statistics and operations research, and their applications in medical, agricultural, econometric, physical or social sciences and industry, commerce and government. The emphasis is on clarity, accessibility for the general reader, and applicability. In particular, Statistica Neerlandica shows how, for certain practical problems, statistics or operations research can play a valuable role in decision making.
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes is devoted to the following topics:Parametric, semiparametric and nonparametric inference in discrete and continuous time stochastic processes (especially: ARMA type processes, diffusion type processes, point processes, random fields, Markov processes).Analysis of time series. Spatial Models. Empirical Processes.Applications to finances, insurances, economics, biology, physics and engineering.Officially cited as: Stat Inference Stoch Process
Statistical Methodology provides a forum for original, high-quality articles reflecting the varied facets of contemporary statistical theory as well as of significant applications. In addition to helping to stimulate research, the journal intends to bring about interactions among statisticians and scientists in other disciplines broadly interested in statistical methodology.The journal focuses on traditional areas such as statistical inference, multivariate analysis, sampling theory, regression analysis, re-sampling methods, time series, nonparametric statistics, etc., and also gives special emphasis to established as well as emerging applied areas. Emphasis is on importance, interest, and originality - formal novelty and correctness alone are not sufficient to warrant a publication.Statistical Methodology contains original research papers, review articles, discussion papers as well as short communications on teacher's corner and consultant's forum. Discussion Papers are selected on the basis of their quality and relevance. The main emphasis is on importance, originality, and broad appeal to statistical readership. The discussion papers should present research at the forefront of statistical methods. Articles accepted for discussion will be published along with the comments from the experts. The journal also include papers on the development of novel methodology with potential applications, and papers on novel applications supported by statistical methodology. The journal especially encourages the submission of authoritative reviews of innovative statistical applications and noteworthy overview presentations from interdisciplinary conferences. All submitted manuscripts will undergo normal review process and the publication decision will be adjudged by quality, novelty, suitability and interest.