Empirical Economics publishes high quality papers using econometric or statistical methods to fill the gap between economic theory and observed data. Papers explore such topics as estimation of established relationships between economic variables, testing of hypotheses derived from economic theory, treatment effect estimation, policy evaluation, simulation, forecasting, as well as econometric methods and measurement.Empirical Economics emphasizes the replicability of empirical results, and authors are expected to make their data available for readers who might wish to replicate published work. The journal publishes replication studies that report on both positive and negative aspects of previously published results in the literature. Officially cited as: Empir EconNow listed with ISI.
Environmental and Ecological Statistics broadly covers theory and methods, case studies and applications, environmental change and statistical ecology, environmental health statistics and stochastics, and related areas. Special features include invited discussion papers; research communications; technical notes and consultation corner; mini-reviews; letters to the Editor; news; views and announcements; hardware and software reviews; data management, etc.
Aims and Scope Environmetrics. the official journal of The International Environmetrics Society (TIES). an Association of the International Statistical Institute. is devoted to the dissemination of high-quality quantitative research in the environmental sciences. broadly construed. The journal welcomes pertinent and innovative submissions from applied mathematics. engineering and signal processing. statistics. risk analysis. and other quantitative disciplines. Articles must answer important scientific questions in the environmental sciences or develop novel methodology with clear applications to environmental science. New methodology should be illustrated with recent environmental data. Readership Professional statisticians and researchers concerned with environmental. ecological and biological sciences.
Editor-in-Chief: Jürg Hüsler, University of Bern Extremes publishes original research on all aspects of statistical extreme value theory and its applications in science, engineering, economics, and other fields. It also presents authoritative reviews and case studies of theoretical advances and of extreme value methods and problems in important applied areas. Previously scattered across more general probability journals, statistical extremes research now has a home with this journal. As a result, Extremes advances and accelerates research and applications by providing a unified forum for the best papers in the field. Applied scientists find comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of theoretical developments and specialists find authoritative discussions of urgent applied problems. Finally authors find the best medium for the dissemination and use of their results.
Finance and Stochastics presents research in all areas of finance based on stochastic methods as well as on specific topics in mathematics motivated by the analysis of problems in finance (in particular probability theory, statistics and stochastic analysis). The journal also publishes surveys on financial topics of general interest if they clearly picture and illuminate the basic ideas and techniques at work, the interrelationship of different approaches and the central questions which remain open. In addition, Finance and Stochastics features special issues devoted to specific topics in rapidly growing research areas. The journal serves as an ideal publication platform for both theoretical and applied financial economists using advanced stochastic methods and researchers in stochastics motivated by and interested in applications in finance and insurance.Officially cited as: Finance Stoch
Games (ISSN 2073-4336) is an international, peer-reviewed, quick-refereeing open access journal (free for readers), which provides an advanced forum for studies related to strategic interaction, game theory and its applications, and decision making. The aim is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for all behavioral sciences and related fields, including economics, psychology, political science, mathematics, computer science, and biology (including animal behavior). To guarantee a rapid refereeing and editorial process, Games follows standard publication practices in the natural sciences. Games publishes regular research articles, reviews and short notes. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. Therefore, there is no restriction on the length of the papers. For theory papers, full details of proofs must be provided so that results can be checked. For experimental papers, full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. Additionally, electronic files or software regarding the full details of the calculations, experimental procedure, etc, can be deposited along with the publication as 'Supplementary Material'.
In the past few years the fields of infinite dimensional analysis and quantum probability have undergone increasingly significant developments and have found many new applications, in particular, to classical probability and to different branches of physics. The number of first-class papers in these fields has grown at the same rate. This is currently the only journal which is devoted to these fields.It constitutes an essential and central point of reference for the large number of mathematicians, mathematical physicists and other scientists who have been drawn into these areas. Both fields have strong interdisciplinary nature, with deep connection to, for example, classical probability, stochastic analysis, mathematical physics, operator algebras, irreversibility, ergodic theory and dynamical systems, quantum groups, classical and quantum stochastic geometry, quantum chaos, Dirichlet forms, harmonic analysis, quantum measurement, quantum computer, etc. The journal reflects this interdisciplinarity and welcomes high quality papers in all such related fields, particularly those which reveal connections with the main fields of this journal.The principal objective of this journal is to provide an up-to-date overview of the state-of-the-art in its fields of competence.Special issues devoted to single topic of particular current interest will also be published in this journal.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics is an international journal that intends to strengthen communication between individuals and groups who produce and apply research results in insurance and finance, aiming to integrate the currently fragmented research in both fields. The journal feels a particular obligation to facilitate closer cooperation between those who carry out research on the one side and practicing actuaries who are interested in the implementation of the results on the other. To this purpose, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics publishes high quality papers of international interest, concerned with either the theory of insurance mathematics and economics or the inventive application of it. Papers that combine several of these aspects are particularly welcome.The subject matter of the journal includes the theory, models and computational methods of life insurance (including pensions systems, social insurance, and health insurance), of non-life insurance, of reinsurance and other risk-sharing arrangements, as well as of risk management. Of special interest are also its interactions with financial modeling. It also includes innovative insurance applications of results from other fields, such as probability and statistics, computer science and numerical analysis, economics, operations research and management science.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
International Journal of Game Theory is devoted to game theory and its applications. It publishes original research making significant contributions from a methodological, conceptual or mathematical point of view. Survey articles may also be considered if especially useful for the field. Officially cited as: Int J Game Theory
The International Statistical Review is the flagship journal of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and of its family of Associations. It publishes papers of broad and general interest in statistics and probability. The term Review is to be interpreted broadly. The types of papers that are suitable for publication include (but are not limited to) the following: • reviews/surveys of significant developments in theory, methodology, statistical computing and graphics, statistical education, and application areas; .
The Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics (JABES) publishes papers of immediate and practical value to applied researchers and statistical consultants in the agricultural sciences, the biological sciences (including biotechnology), and the environmental sciences (including those dealing with natural resources). Only papers that address applied statistical problems will be considered. Interdisciplinary papers as well as papers that illustrate the application of new and important statistical methods using real data are strongly encouraged. For regular papers, a motivating example should be presented early in the paper. The statistical development should then be presented, and the results applied to the example. Expository, review, and survey articles addressing broad-based statistical issues are encouraged. Presentation should be accurate, clear, and comprehensible to readers with a background in statistical applications. When necessary, detailed proofs, computer code, and other leng