Acta Neuropsychiatrica is an international journal that publishes high-quality research papers in neuropharmacology neuropsychiatry and neuroscience. The journal provides a forum for original basic and clinical research from disciplines and research areas relevant to the pathophysiology, neurobiology, and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. Acta Neuropsychiatrica provides its readership with the latest perspectives from current and emerging fields of psychiatry, neurology, pharmacology, genetics and neuroimaging. Such research may derive from the full spectrum of biological and psychological fields of inquiry encompassing classical and novel techniques/strategies. Emphasis will be given to original research that is of wide interest and clearly advances the field.
Published monthly, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica is an international journal dedicated to providing the very latest information on the results of both clinical, basic and translational research work related to all aspects of women’s health from around the globe. The journal regularly publishes commentaries, reviews, and original articles on a wide variety of topics including: gynecology, pregnancy, birth, female urology, gynecologic oncology, fertility and reproductive biology.
Acta, Obstetricia, Gynecologica, Scandinavica, gynecology, gynaecology, obstetrics, pregnancy, birth, female urology, fertility, gynecologic oncology, gynaecologic oncology
Acta Odontologica editorial policy is to welcome submissions from academics throughout the world, rather than just publish research from Nordic institutions or Nordic academics. The editors welcome contributions, with full details of submission outline in "Instructions to Authors" above.This policy is in response to the large number of papers currently received from international authors and reflects the international prestige and circulation the journal enjoys.The journal provides rapid publication of high-quality dental research in the areas of preventive and community dentistry, periodontal and oral mucus membrane diseases, oral implants, temporomandibular disorders, material science, and clinical and basic odontological sciences.Acta Odontologica Scandinavica has been published since 1939. The journal is sponsored by the Dental Associations and Dental Schools in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The editorial responsibility alternates among these countries.Read More:
Acta Oncologica is one of the leading journals in clinical oncology and related disciplines, and accepts articles within all fields of clinical cancer research from applied basic research to cancer nursing and psychological aspects of cancer.
Acta Ophthalmologica is the official scientific publication of the five Nordic ophthalmological societies: The Danish Ophthalmological Society, The Finnish Ophthalmological Society, The Icelandic Ophthalmological Society, The Norwegian Ophthalmological Society and The Swedish Ophthalmological Society, and also the European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER).
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica journal (AOTT) publishes diagnostic, treatment and prevention methods related to orthopedics and traumatology; studies in basic sciences. The Journal accepts all clinical and research articles, case reports, contributions from personal clinical and technical experiences, brief reports of original studies or evaluations, book reviews, domestic and foreign article abstracts, data submitted to conferences, congress and meetings yet unpublished in order to evaluate for publishing.
To publish articles in the area of Ortopedia.
Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports is a new and independent peer reviewed open access journal, derived from Acta Oto-Laryngologica. The new journal will serve as an international forum for case reports from all fields of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports will include case reports reflecting remarkable experiences with one or more patients with unexpected symptoms or clinical course. The objective of the case reports is to shed light on unconventional clinical situations that could benefit future patients. The journal has short publication times in order to bring this to the scientific community without delay.
Acta Oto-Laryngologica is a truly international journal for translational otolaryngology and head & neck surgery. The journal presents cutting-edge papers on clinical practice, clinical research and basic sciences and also bridges the gap between clinical and basic research.Features include: * Inner and Middle Ear * Otoneurology * Audiology * Central Labyrinthine Pathways * Nose/Sinus * Mouth/Pharynx * Larynx * Salivary Glands * Oncology * Facial Nerve The international board represents 30 countries and plays an important interactive role to maintain and increase the standards of the journal. Acta Oto-Laryngologica is published on a non-profit basis.
Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española, Órgano Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Patología Cérvico-Facial y de la Academia Iberoamericana de Otorrinolaringologia, es la revista más importante en español dedicada a la Otorrinolaringología, en la que se reflejan los continuos progresos científicos y técnicos de la especialidad, lo que la convierte en una importante herramienta para mantenerse actualizado. La revista publica colaboraciones originales (artículos de investigación básica e investigación clínica) y notas clínico-quirúrgicas, las cuales son sometidas a un riguroso proceso de revisión por pares. La revista incorporará una sesión de revisiones sobre temas de actualidad de las diferentes áreas de la especialidad.Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española se dirige a especialistas en Otorrinolaringologíay Patología Cérvico-Facial y profesionales de áreas afines (Audiología, Foniatría, Logopedia, Cirugía plástica facial...)
Acta Paediatrica is a peer-reviewed monthly journal at the forefront of international pediatric research. It covers both clinical and experimental research in all areas of pediatrics including:
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica acts as an international forum for the dissemination of information advancing the science and practice of psychiatry. In particular we focus on 'translating' frontline research into useful updating information for the benefit of clinical psychiatry and clinical psychiatric research. Also translational neuroscience research is a topic of growing importance to our readers. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica publishes high-quality, scientific articles in English, representing clinical and experimental work in psychiatry. Original articles are welcomed, especially those that bring new knowledge or extend the present understanding of mental disorders. Equal priority is given to review articles/meta-analyses and clinical overview articles. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica is a truly international journal which publishes papers of the highest quality from around the world. Published monthly, each issue is designed to ensure that you are kept fully aware of all important developments in both clinical and research settings, as well as concentrating on their implications for the advancement of the specialty. The publications cover all areas of modern psychiatry. All manuscripts published have been assessed by at least two experienced referees. Debate within psychiatry is encouraged in the form of Letters to the Editor, commentaries and discussion papers.
Acta Psychologica publishes original articles and extended reviews on selected books in any area of experimental psychology. The focus of the Journal is on empirical studies and evaluative review articles that increase the theoretical understanding of human capabilities. The majority of papers deal with human performance, attention, perception, memory, and decision-making but papers concerned with social processes, development, psychopathology, neuroscience or computational modelling are also welcome provided that they are of direct importance to experimental psychologists and are written so as to be understandable to such a readership.The journal publishes occasional special issues devoted to single topics which merit particular attention. Examples of such issues are: Visual Gestalt Formation (P. v. Helm, R.v. Lier and J. Wagemans) and Executive Control of Human Action (B. Hommel, I. Daum and R.H. Kluwe)Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: