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Acta Informatica Medica

ISSN: 0353-8109

Acta Medica (Hradec Králové)

ISSN: 1211-4286eISSN: 1805-9694
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Acta Medica Academica

ISSN: 1840-1848eISSN: 1840-2879
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Acta Medica Bulgarica

ISSN: 0324-1750eISSN: 2719-5384
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Acta Medica Croatica

ISSN: 1330-0164

Acta Medica Indonesiana

ISSN: 0125-9326eISSN: 2338-2732
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Acta Medica Iranica

ISSN: 0044-6025eISSN: 1735-9694
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Acta Medica Mediterranea

ISSN: 0393-6384
Publisher: Carbone Editore

Acta Medica Philippina

ISSN: 0001-6071

Acta Medico-Historica Adriatica

ISSN: 1334-4366eISSN: 1334-6253
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Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica

ISSN: 1217-8950eISSN: 1588-2640

Akadémiai Kiadó is pleased to announce the online availability of their online journals at their new website: As an added benefit to subscribers, you can now access the electronic version of every printed article along with exciting enhancements that include:* Subscription* Free trials to many publications* Pay-per-view purchasing of individual articles* Enhanced search capabilities such as full-text and abstract searching* ActiveSearch resubmits specified searches and deliver notifications when relevant articles are found* E-mail alerting of new issues by title or subject* Custom links to your favourite titles.

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Acta Microscopica

ISSN: 0798-4545

Acta Myologica

ISSN: 1128-2460

Acta Médica Portuguesa

eISSN: 1646-0758
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Acta Neurochirurgica

ISSN: 0001-6268eISSN: 0942-0940

The journal 'Acta Neurochirurgica' publishes papers dealing with clinical neurosurgery - diagnosis and diagnostic techniques, operative surgery and results, postoperative treatment - or with research work in neuroscience where underlying questions or results are of neurosurgical interest. As official organ of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies the journal publishes all announcements of the E.A.N.S. and reports on the activities of its member societies. In addition to the regular journal, 'Acta Neurochirurgica' publishes 3-4 supplement volumes per year. These comprise proceedings of international meetings or other material of general neurosurgical interest.

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Acta Neurologica Belgica

ISSN: 0300-9009eISSN: 2240-2993

Peer-reviewed and published quarterly, Acta Neurologica Belgicapresents original articles in the clinical and basic neurosciences, and also reports the proceedings and the abstracts of the scientific meetings of the different partner societies. The contents include commentaries, editorials, review articles, case reports, neuro-images of interest, book reviews and letters to the editor.Acta Neurologica Belgica is the official journal of the following national societies:

Belgian Neurological SocietyBelgian Society for NeuroscienceBelgian Society of Clinical NeurophysiologyBelgian Pediatric Neurology SocietyBelgian Study Group of Multiple SclerosisBelgian Stroke CouncilBelgian Headache SocietyBelgian Study Group of Neuropathology

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Acta Neurologica Scandinavica

ISSN: 0001-6314eISSN: 1600-0404

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica aims to publish manuscripts of a high scientific quality representing original clinical, diagnostic or experimental work in neuroscience. The journla's scope is to act as an international forum for the dissemination of information advancing the science or practice of this subject area. Papers in English will be welcomed, especially those which bring new knowledge and observations from the application of therapies or techniques in the combating of a broad spectrum of neurological disease and neurodegenerative disorders. Relevant articles on the basic neurosciences will be published where they extend present understanding of such disorders. Priority will be given to review of topical subjects. Papers requiring rapid publication because of their significance and timeliness will be included as 'Clinical commentaries' not exceeding two printed pages, as will 'Clinical commentaries' of sufficient general interest. Debate within the speciality is encouraged in the form of 'Letters to the editor'. All submitted manuscripts falling within the overall scope of the journal will be assessed by suitably qualified referees. Submit your manuscript online.

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Acta Neurologica Taiwanica

ISSN: 1028-768X

Acta Neuropathologica

ISSN: 0001-6322eISSN: 1432-0533

Acta Neuropathologica´s mission is to publish the best articles on pathology and pathogenesis of neurological disease. The journal focuses on structural and molecular neuropathology using human tissue, animal models and in vitro systems.

The journal publishes Original Papers, Review Articles, Case Reports and Scientific Correspondence.

Six reasons for publishing your best paper in Acta Neuropathologica:

High impact: 9.730 (IF 2012)

Wide distribution: more than 6,000 institutions worldwide having full text access.

Efficient handling: 12 days between submission and first decision.

Fast publication: 10 days between acceptance and online publication.

Commitment to fairness: author feedback program.

Cost-free printing: no page charges - free color figures.

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Acta Neuropathologica Communications

eISSN: 2051-5960

Acta Neuropathologica Communications publishes experimental and descriptive papers on the pathology of nervous system and skeletal muscle disorders and on mechanisms of neurological disease using morphological, molecular and cell biology methods.

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