Un lien indispensable entre les différents partenaires de la nutritionLes Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique sont le lieu de communication reconnu pour les médecins spécialistes de la nutrition, les diététiciens, les professionnels et les chercheurs de l'agro-alimentaire, les enseignants et les étudiants (lycées, facultés, BTS, IUT...).Une revue médicale pluridisciplinaireLes Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique abordent les sujets se rapportant à la biologie générale, à la médecine et à la nutrition, aux aliments, aux comportements alimentaires, à la diététique pratique, ainsi que des thèmes variés : activité physique, apports nutritionnels conseillés, dénutrition, alcool, obésité de l'enfant, aliments à effet santé, plaisir alimentaire, restauration collective, goûters et collations, allergies alimentaires...Une revue de haute qualité scientifiqueOrgane de la Société française de nutrition, les Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique publient des éditoriaux, des articles originaux, des revues de synthèse et des dossiers d'enseignement rédigés par les meilleurs spécialistes du moment.
Clinical Nutrition, incorporating Clinical Nutrition Supplements, is the official journal of ESPEN - The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Clinical Nutrition is an international journal providing essential scientific information on nutritional and metabolic care and the relationship between nutrition and disease both in the setting of basic science and clinical practice. The journal publishes original articles and review papers on those areas in acute disease which have metabolic and nutritional implications, and on those features of the metabolic responses to starvation, injury and sepsis which have relevance to nutritional management and nutritional pharmacology. It also publishes scientific work related to the development of new techniques and their application to the metabolic care of the patient.Clinical Nutrition Supplements is available at no charge to subscribers of Clinical Nutrition.
Current Nanoscience publishes (a) Authoritative/Mini Reviews, and (b) Original Research and Highlights written by experts covering the most recent advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology. All aspects of the field are represented including nano-structures, nano-bubbles, nano-droplets and nanofluids. Applications of nanoscience in physics, material science, chemistry, synthesis, environmental science, electronics, biomedical nanotechnology, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, medicine and pharmaceuticals are also covered. The journal is essential to all researches involved in nanoscience and its applied and fundamental areas of science, chemistry, physics, material science, engineering and medicine.
This reader-friendly resource provides a powerful, broad-based perspective on the most important advances from throughout the world literature. Featuring renowned guest editors and focusing exclusively on one to three topics, every issue of Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care delivers unvarnished, expert assessments of developments from the previous year. Insightful editorials, on-the-mark invited reviews, and special commentaries cover key subjects such as protein metabolism and therapy; nutrition in the intensive care unit; anabolic and catabolic signals; assessment of nutritional status and analytical methods; and nutraceutics--some 13 items of major relevance. All reviews are supplemented with an indispensable section, 'References and Recommended Reading'. At the back of each volume is 'Current World Literature', an exceptionally thorough bibliography culled from the top 100 journals in the field.Website: www.co-clinicalnutrition.com.
Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy publishes high quality frontier reviews, drug clinical trial studies and guest edited issues on all aspects of basic research on stem cells and their uses in clinical therapy. The journal is essential reading for all researchers and clinicians involved in stem cells research
Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research (ISSN 1540-7535) is an international, interdisciplinary broad based peer reviewed scientific journal for critical evaluation of research on nutraceuticals. The major goal of this journal is to provide peer reviewed unbiased scientific data to students, researchers, healthcare providers, and the decision makers in the nutraceutical industry to help make informed choices about nutraceuticals. To this end, the journal will publish two types of review articles. First, a review of preclinical research data coming largely from animal, cell culture and other experimental models. Such data will provide basis for future product development and/or human research initiatives. Second, a critical evaluation of current human experimental data to help market and deliver the products for only medically proven use.
Disease Models & Mechanisms (DMM) is an Open Access biomedical research journal focusing on the use of model systems to better understand, diagnose and treat human disease. The primary aim of DMM is to promote human health by inspiring collaboration between basic and clinical researchers in translational science. The journal is committed to presenting rigorously peer-reviewed research that has significant translational impact. The interdisciplinary nature of DMM means that a diverse range of diseases, approaches and models fall within its broad scope. DMM is guided by an international team of expert research-active Editors, led by Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Patton and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Elaine Mardis, and supported by an outstanding Editorial Advisory Board.
Drug and Alcohol Review is an international meeting ground for the views, expertise and experience of all those involved in studying alcohol, tobacco and drug problems. Contributors to the Journal examine and report on alcohol and drug use from a wide range of clinical, biomedical, epidemiological, psychological and sociological perspectives. Drug and Alcohol Review particularly encourages the submission of papers which have a harm reduction perspective. However, all philosophies will find a place in the Journal: the principal criterion for publication of papers is their quality.
Drugs and Alcohol Today journal is committed to bringing together scientific research as well as practitioner and policy reports on the social, economic, and political aspects of alcohol and other drugs.
Drugs: education, prevention & policy is a refereed journal which aims to provide a forum for communication and debate between policy makers, practitioners and researchers concerned with social and health policy responses to legal and illicit drug use and drug-related harm. The journal publishes multi-disciplinary research papers, commentaries and reviews on policy, prevention and harm reduction issues regarding the use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. It is journal policy to encourage submissions which reflect different cultural, historical and theoretical approaches to the development of policy and practice.The Editor welcomes contributions based on original research, policy discussion, evaluations of policy and practice, literature reviews, and papers which examine historical and cultural aspects of substance use and social responses to use and problematic use.Short contributions are also welcome for two new sections in the journal:Policy News will aim to provide information and discussion on current policy developments and issues of national or international importance in prevention or harm reductionConference Reports is intended to provide brief accounts, from the contributor’s point of view, of the themes and outcomes from national or international conferences.Read More: http://informahealthcare.com/page/dep/Description.
Ecology of Food and Nutrition is an international journal of food and nutrition in the broadest sense. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of food and nutrition -- ecological, biological, and cultural. Ecology of Food and Nutrition strives to become a forum for disseminating scholarly information on the holistic and cross-cultural dimensions of the study of food and nutrition. It emphasizes foods and food systems not only in terms of their utilization to satisfy human nutritional needs, but also to promote and contest social and cultural identity. The content scope is thus wide -- articles may focus on the relationship between food and nutrition, food taboos and preferences, ecology and political economy of food, food marketing and transportation, food and identity, agriculture and sustainability, ethnobotany, the evolution of human nutrition and food technology. Questions of the relationship between food/nutrition and culture are as germane to the journal as analyses of the interactions among nutrition and environment, infection, physical fitness, pregnancy, and health. Articles that use non-human primate or other animal models in nutrition-related research that have clear applications to human food behavior and/or biology are also welcome.Peer Review Policy: All research articles in the Ecology of Food and Nutrition have undergone rigorous peer review based on initial editor screening and reviewing by three anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, publishes peer-reviewed research articles on the biological effects and medical applications of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (from extremely-low frequency to radiofrequency). Topic examples include in vitro and in vivo studies, epidemiological investigation, mechanism and mode of interaction between non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and biological systems. In addition to publishing original articles, the journal also publishes meeting summaries and reports, and reviews on selected topics. .