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Journal of Transport & Health

eISSN: 2214-1405
The Journal of Transport & Health (JTH) is devoted to research on the many interactions between transport and health. These include, for instance:
  • the impacts on public health and inequalities of:
    • active modes of transport;
    • noise and air pollution generated by transport;
    • road traffic injuries;
    • community severance;
  • road danger and its reduction:
    • actual safety and security hazards associated with transport;
    • perceptions of danger and factors affecting these;
  • factors affecting transport choices:
    • urban form;
    • location and accessibility of health and other facilities;
    • age, health and disability;
    • socio-economic inequalities;
    • rurality;
    • logistics systems, especially for food transport and distribution;
    • tourism and leisure travel;
  • synergies between sustainability and health impacts of transport;
  • economic and health impact assessments; and
  • policies that promote or discourage healthy and sustainable transport modes, transport systems and communities.

The journal aims to cover transport and health issues in all countries. Three particular aims of the journal are: to promote dialogue between the two research communities it serves; to improve the quality of data and the appropriate use of data; and to encourage transfer of research into practice.

Transport and Health Study Group (THSG)
JTH is formally affiliated with the Transport and Health Study Group (THSG). However, JTH is a scientific journal, and manuscripts submitted to JTH will therefore be considered on two factors - their scientific quality and the relevance of their content - and not on whether the study's findings conflict with current THSG policy. As the THSG prides itself on promoting evidence-based policies, there will be occasions when such policy needs to be reviewed because of emerging evidence.

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Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy

ISSN: 2376-0540eISSN: 2376-1032

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association

ISSN: 1525-8610

JAMDA is the official journal of AMDA: Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine. JAMDA provides monthly coverage of the issues most important to healthcare professionals providing long term care. Original research and review articles cover topics such as geriatric medicine, dementia and cognitive impairment, rehabilitation, chronic comorbid conditions, the frail elder, sarcopenia, medication management and prescribing issues, multi-resistant organisms and infectious diseases, falls prevention, assisted living risks and challenges, palliative/end of life care, education, technology/robotics, as well as health policy, outcomes evaluation and guidelines for administrators, physicians and staff who work in long-term care, rehabilitation sites, assisted living, and home care.Peer-reviewed articles include original studies, reviews, clinical experience articles, case reports, editorials and letters to the editor.Subscribe to JAMDA or join AMDA and receive JAMDA as a member benefit.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal

ISSN: 1086-3249eISSN: 1054-6863

Now in its third decade of publication, the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (KIEJ) is an interdisciplinary quarterly journal of the Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. It publishes philosophically rigorous and empirically informed articles in all areas of bioethics (broadly construed) and on related issues in practical ethics. The KIEJ has recently focused on publishing papers that explore ethical and social issues in science practice, as well as philosophical approaches to health, environmental, and science policy, especially those which situate philosophical and ethical issues in a global context.

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Leadership in Health Services

ISSN: 1751-1879eISSN: 1751-1887

Leadership in Health Services (LHS) provides international examples of theory and best practice to improve healthcare organizations and services worldwide by developing effective leaders.

Linacre Quarterly

ISSN: 0024-3639eISSN: 2050-8549
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Machine Learning: Health

eISSN: 3049-477X

Machine Learning: Health is a multidisciplinary open access journal dedicated to the application of machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and data-driven computational methods across healthcare and the medical, biological, clinical, and health sciences. The journal also publishes research that presents methodological, theoretical, or conceptual advances in machine learning and AI with applications to medicine and health sciences.

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Managed care (Langhorne, Pa.)

ISSN: 1062-3388

Maternal and Children’s Health

eISSN: 2813-8996

The Journal welcomes research on the periconceptional, perinatal and neonatal periods of pregnancy and on the development of the child to emerging adulthood and beyond, keeping in mind the concept of the developmental origins of adult health and disease.
Optimal health, development, and well-being from preconception to adulthood are central to the formation of human capital. The journal acts as a discussion forum on the dynamic interplay between genes, environments, and developmental time within the framework of adversity and resilience. Research grounded in multiple streams of investigation and looking at policies and interventions about health promotion and disease prevention for maternal and children’s health, is of particular interest.

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McGill Journal of Law and Health

ISSN: 1920-4825

Mecosan. Management ed economia sanitaria

ISSN: 1121-6921eISSN: 2384-8804
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Medical Care Research and Review

ISSN: 1077-5587eISSN: 1552-6801

Medical Care Research and Review provides essential information about the field of health services to researchers, policy makers, managers, and practitioners. MCR&R publishes peer-reviewed articles synthesizing empirical and theoretical research on health services, examining such issues as organization, financing, health care reform, quality of care, and patient-provider relationships. The journal seeks three kinds of manuscripts: review articles that synthesize previous research in several disciplines and therewith provide guidance to others conducting empirical research as well as to policy makers, managers, and/or practitioners; methodologically rigorous empirical research that provides a significant contribution to previous knowledge; and articles that present new data and trends in the health care area or help us better understand how data can be used by the field.

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Medical Decision Making

ISSN: 0272-989XeISSN: 1552-681X

Medical Decision Making (MDM) offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development. Published six times a year, the Journal presents theoretical, statistical, and modeling techniques and methods from a variety of disciplines including decision psychology, health economics, clinical epidemiology, and evidence synthesis. MDM promotes understanding of human decision-making processes so that individuals can make more informed and satisfying choices regarding their health.Medical Decision Making focuses on important topics such as: * Optimal strategies for patient care and policy decision making * Understanding individual and group decision-making processes * Outcomes of decisions, their measurement, and valuation * Risk communication, risk attitudes, and judgment * Methods to teach about and improve actual decisions * Methods for technology assessment, literature synthesis, comparative effectiveness research and evidence-based decision making.

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Medicine and Law

ISSN: 0723-1393
Publisher: Yozmol Heiliger

Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy

ISSN: 1386-7423eISSN: 1572-8633

A forum for international exchange of research data, theories, reports and opinions on bioethics, and the philosophy of medicine and health care Covers history, ethics, anthropology, epistemology, logic, metaphysics and more, as related to health Official journal of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy: A European Journal is the official journal of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care. It provides a forum for international exchange of research data, theories, reports and opinions on bioethics, and the philosophy of medicine and health care in general. The journal promotes interdisciplinary studies, and stimulates international exchange. Particular attention is paid to developing contributions from all European countries, and to making accessible scientific work and reports on the practice of health care ethics, from all nations, cultures and language areas in Europe.The journal covers history, ethics, anthropology, epis

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Medicine, Science and the Law

ISSN: 0025-8024eISSN: 2042-1818

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ISSN: 0723-8886eISSN: 1433-8629

Als Bindeglied zwischen den Disziplinen Recht und Medizin thematisiert die Fachzeitschrift Medizinrecht für beide Fächer wichtige Fragestellungen. Medizinrecht ist sowohl für Juristen als auch für Mediziner verständlich verfasst. Im umfangreichen Aufsatzteil wird das gesamte Spektrum medizinrechtlicher Themen erörtert. Die juristischen Fragestellungen werden auch aus Sicht der betroffenen Ärzte diskutiert. Im Rechtsprechungsteil werden wichtige aktuelle Entscheidungen von Experten mit einer Problemstellung aufbereitet und mit Leitsätzen, Sachverhalt und Entscheidungsgründen abgedruckt. Interessante Buchbesprechungen und Mitteilungen runden den hohen Informationsgehalt der Zeitschrift MedR ab. , .

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ISSN: 1874-5490eISSN: 1874-5504

Neuroethics is a forum for interdisciplinary studies in neuroethics and related issues in the sciences of the mind. The focus is on ethical issues posed by new technologies developed via neuroscience, such as psycho-pharmaceuticals and other ways of intervening in the mind; the practice of neuroscience itself, including problems posed by incidental findings in imaging work on research subjects; regulation of neuroscientific technologies, and ways in which the sciences of the mind illuminate traditional moral and philosophical problems, such as the nature of free will and moral responsibility, self-deception, weakness of the will and the nature of personhood. This important publication covers the dual areas of neuroethics: the ethics of neuroscience and the neuroscience of ethics. It offers comprehensive bibliographies, reviews of significant literature, information on activities including partial proceedings of selected meetings, and an opinions section for reader commentaries.

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New Genetics and Society

ISSN: 1463-6778eISSN: 1469-9915

New Genetics and Society aims: * To provide a focus for interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary, leading-edge social science research on the new genetics and related biosciences; * To publish theoretical and empirical contributions reflecting its multi-faceted development; * To provide an international platform for critical reflection and debate; * To be the primary resource for the many related professions, including health, medicine and the law, wishing to keep abreast of fast changing developments. To achieve these aims, New Genetics and Society will publish papers on the social aspects of the new genetics (widely defined), including genetic engineering and modification; genomics, proteomics, and systems biology; and the rapidly developing biosciences such as biomedical and reproductive therapies and technologies, xenotransplantation, and stem cell research. The focus will be on developing a better understanding of the social, legal, ethical and policy aspects, including their local and global management and organisation. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs

ISSN: 1455-0725eISSN: 1458-6126
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