Improving quality and safety has never been higher on the agenda, so this is a timely opportunity to transform the journal into an essential read for those interested in improving quality. BMJ Quality & Safety will provide a rich mix of news, opinion, debate and research for academics, clinicians, healthcare managers and policy makers. It will encourage the science of improvement, debate, and new thinking on improving the quality of healthcare.Led by a patient-focused editorial team with a view towards helping all team members improve their knowledge with the overall goal of improving patient care now.The new look journal will integrate the academic and clinical aspects of quality and safety in healthcare by encouraging academics to create evidence and knowledge valued by clinicians and clinicians to value using evidence and knowledge to improve quality.
BioSocieties is committed to the scholarly exploration of the crucial social, ethical and policy implications of developments in the life sciences and biomedicine. It provides a crucial forum where the most rigorous social research and critical analysis of these issues can intersect with the work of leading scientists, social researchers, clinicians, regulators and other stakeholders. BioSocieties defines the key intellectual issues at the science-society interface, and offers pathways to the resolution of the critical local, national and global socio-political challenges that arise from scientific and biomedical advances.
As medical technology continues to develop, the subject of bioethics has an ever increasing practical relevance for all those working in philosophy, medicine, law, sociology, public policy, education and related fields.
This academic, peer-reviewed journal created by physicians dedicated, to the advancement of breastfeeding worldwide, provides a scientific forum on breastfeeding and human lactation. With the growing demand for the best evidence-based research advances, this interdisciplinary journal explores the immediate and long-term outcomes of breastfeeding. The Journal focuses on all medical aspects pertaining to breastfeeding and addresses the wide spectrum of research and clinical applications that impact upon the optimal care of mother and infant.
Chronic Illness is amongst the leading peer-reviewed journals for those who study, work with, manage or experience chronic illness. It integrates academic and clinical perspectives, and those of people living with long term medical conditions. Chronic Illness publishes high quality original research, reviews, discussions of topical issues, case studies and meeting reports.
To publish debates, analyses, and results of research on a Specific Theme considered current and relevant to the field of Collective Health.
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of economic evaluation in health care and also encourages submissions on health policy issues relating to resource allocation and the trade-offs between economic, ethical and social criteria for decision-making.
Developing World Bioethics provides long needed case studies, teaching materials, news in brief, and legal backgrounds to bioethics scholars and students in developing and developed countries alike. This companion journal to Bioethics also features high-quality peer reviewed original articles. It is edited by well-known bioethicists who are working in developing countries, yet it will also be open to contributions and commentary from developed countries' authors. Developing World Bioethics is the only journal in the field dedicated exclusively to developing countries' bioethics issues. The journal is an essential resource for all those concerned about bioethical issues in the developing world. Members of Ethics Committees in developing countries will highly value a special section dedicated to their work. For information about Blackwell Publication Ethics, click here.
Cette revue a pour objectif de comparer les approches de l'éthique médicale et de la bioéthique sous deux formes, anglo-saxonne (Ethics, Medicine and Public Health) et francophone (Ethique, Médecine et Politiques Publiques). Ainsi, dans leurs langues maternelles respectives, les auteurs présenteront des recherches sur la légitimité des pratiques et l'appréciation des conséquences des actes autant vis-à-vis des patients que vis-à-vis de la société en terme de débats démocratiques sur les limites acceptables par la collectivité.
Die Zeitschrift Ethik in der Medizin konzentriert sich auf die wissenschaftliche Erarbeitung, die interdisziplinäre Kommunikation und die Vermittlung von Ethik in der Medizin in allen Anwendungsbereichen. Mit Übersichts- und Originalarbeiten werden Grundinformationen bereitgestellt und Fallstudien exemplarisch kommentiert. In Verbindung mit Ethikkommissionen und öffentlichen Beratungsgremien werden entsprechende Texte, Verlautbarungen und Verordnungen veröffentlicht. Ethik in der Medizin dient sowohl dem grundsätzlichen ethischen Diskurs als auch der Förderung des praktischen Entscheidungsverhaltens im Medizinischen Alltag.
The European Journal of Health Economics is a highly scientific and at the same time practical oriented journal considering the requirements of various health care systems in Europe. The international scientific board of opinion leaders guarantee high-quality, peer reviewed publications as well as articles for pragmatic approaches in the field of Health Economics.Officially cited as: Eur J Health Econ