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Journal of Ultrasound

ISSN: 1971-3495

The Journal of Ultrasound is the official journal of the Italian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (SIUMB). The journal publishes original contributions (research and review articles, case reports, technical reports and letters to the editor) on significant advances in clinical diagnostic, interventional and therapeutic applications, clinical techniques, the physics, engineering and technology of ultrasound in medicine and biology, and in cross-sectional diagnostic imaging. The journal also publishes news from the SIUMB, the conference agenda and updates on SIUMB activities. The official language of Journal of Ultrasound is English and the abstracts should be provided both in English and in Italian.

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Journal of the American Society of Hypertension

ISSN: 1933-1711

The Journal of the American Society of Hypertension (JASH) publishes peer-reviewed articles on the topics of basic, applied and translational research on blood pressure, hypertension and related cardiovascular disorders and factors; as well as clinical research and clinical trials in hypertension. Original research studies, reviews, hypotheses, editorial commentary and special reports spanning the spectrum of human and experimental animal and tissue research will be considered. All research studies must have been conducted following animal welfare guidelines. Studies involving human subjects or tissues must have received approval of the appropriate institutional committee charged with oversight of human studies and informed consent must be obtained.This Journal is covered in MEDLINE, Chemical Abstracts Service, EMBASE, and Scopus.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of the Japan Diabetes Society

ISSN: 0021-437X

Korean Circulation Journal

ISSN: 1738-5520eISSN: 1738-5555

Korean Journal of Internal Medicine

ISSN: 0494-4712

La Revue de Medecine Interne

ISSN: 0248-8663

Official journal of the SNFMI, La revue de médecine interne is indexed in the most prestigious databases. It is the most efficient French language journal available for internal medicine specialists who want to expand their knowledge and skills beyond their own discipline. It is also the main French language international medium for French research works. The journal publishes each month editorials, original articles, review articles, short communications, etc. These articles address the fundamental and innumerable facets of internal medicine, spanning all medical specialties.La revue de médecine interne also includes additional issues publishing the proceedings of the French congresses of internal medicine (June and December), as well as thematic issues.La revue mensuelle de l'interniste et de tous les médecins spécialistes.Fondement solide de la culture interniste, La revue de médecine interne apporte chaque mois à ses lecteurs tous les outils d'une formation permanente de haut niveau par le biais de ses éditoriaux, articles originaux, mises au point, communications brèves, lettres à la rédaction, mouvements thérapeutiques. Ces articles fondamentaux abordent les innombrables facettes de la médecine interne, toutes les spécialités médicales, ainsi que la clinique et la recherche.La revue de médecine interne est complétée par deux suppléments publiant les actes des congrès nationaux de médecine interne (en juin et décembre) ainsi que par des numéros thématiques.

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Medicina Interna de Mexico

ISSN: 0186-4866

Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin

ISSN: 2193-6218eISSN: 2193-6226

Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift
Medizinische Klinik – Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin ist ein international angesehenes, interdisziplinäres Publikationsorgan. Die Zeitschrift richtet sich hauptsächlich an Ärzte auf Intensivstationen und in Notaufnahmen sowie an Internisten, Anästhesiologen, Chirurgen, Neurologen und Pädiater mit Interesse an intensivmedizinischen Fragestellungen.
Übersichtsarbeiten behandeln aktuelle Fragestellungen der Inneren Medizin mit intensiv- und notfallmedizinischem Schwerpunkt. Frei eingereichte Originalien präsentieren wichtige Studien des Fachgebietes und fördern den wissenschaftlichen Austausch. Kasuistiken zeigen interessante Fallbeispiele und ungewöhnliche Krankheits- bzw. Behandlungsverläufe. In der Rubrik Journal Club kommentieren Experten herausragende Publikationen aus der internationalen Fachliteratur. Ein weiteres Anliegen ist die Fort- und Weiterbildung: Beiträge der Rubrik 'CME Zertifizierte Fortbildung' bieten gesicherte Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung und machen ärztliche Erfahrung für die tägliche Praxis nutzbar.
Alle Übersichtsarbeiten, Originalarbeiten und Kasuistiken durchlaufen einen Peer Review Prozess mit zwei externen Gutachtern gemäß der 'Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals'.Aims & Scope
Medizinische Klinik – Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin is an internationally respected interdisciplinary journal. It is intended mainly for physicians active in intensive care and accident/emergency units, but also for internists, anesthesiologists, surgeons, neurologists, and pediatricians with special interest in intensive care medicine.
Comprehensive reviews describe the most recent advances in the field of internal medicine with special focus on intensive care problems. Freely submitted original articles present important studies in this discipline and promote scientific exchange, while case reports feature, interesting cases and aim at optimizing diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. In the rubric journal club well-respected experts comment on outstanding international publications. Review articles under the rubric 'Continuing Medical Education' present verified results of scientific research and their integration into daily practice.
Review. All reviews, original articles and case reports of Medizinische Klinik – Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin undergo a peer review process with two external reviewers following the 'Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals'.

Declaration of Helsinki: All Manuscripts submitted for publication presenting results from studies on test subjects or patients must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki.

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Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders

ISSN: 1540-4196eISSN: 1557-8518

Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders is the only peer-reviewed journal to focus solely on the pathophysiology, recognition, and treatment of metabolic syndrome. The Journal enables you to keep pace with new research, and better understand the key clinical implications and applications.Coverage includes: • Insulin resistance • Central obesity • Glucose intolerance • Dyslipidemia with elevated triglycerides • Low HDL-cholesterol • Microalbuminuria • Predominance of small dense LDL-cholesterol particles • Hypertension • Endothelial dysfunction • Oxidative stress • InflammationIn this era of explosive growth of diabetes and obesity the in-depth study of metabolic syndrome is an urgent priority. A suspected precursor to a wide range of diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome, gout, and asthma, metabolic syndrome is comprehensively covered in this Journal to meet the imperative for research, data, and commentary.

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Minerva Endocrinologica

ISSN: 0391-1977eISSN: 1827-1634
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Minerva Gastroenterologica e Dietologica

ISSN: 1121-421XeISSN: 1827-1642
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Médecine des Maladies Métaboliques

ISSN: 1957-2557

Médecine des maladies Métaboliques se consacre aux différents aspects des pathologies du métabolisme en diabétologie mais également en nutrition. Elle aborde également les risques cardio-vasculaires liés. La revue vous propose dans chaque numéro un dossier thématique composé de plusieurs mises au point qui vous permet de mettre à jour vos connaissances. Médecine des maladies Métabolique est avant tout un support de formation grâce à ses nombreuses rubriques pratiques : Pour la science, Stratégie thérapeutique, Éducation thérapeutique, Quoi de neuf, Lecture critique d'articles, Recommandation...; Lieu privilégié de débat et de controverse, la revue offre, de plus, une tribune à des experts ou à des praticiens de terrain dont les positions diffèrent pour discuter du bénéficie d'une molécule, de la pertinence d'une grande étude ou d'un nouveau concept.Toute en couleur, et riches de nombreuses illustrations elle vous offre une information de qualit avec une lecture agréable et fluide.

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Netherlands Journal of Medicine

ISSN: 0300-2977

Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme

ISSN: 0985-0562eISSN: 1768-3092

Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme is the journal of the French-speaking Society of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition. Associating clinicians, biologists, pharmacists, and fundamentalists, the articles presented in the journal concern man and animals, and deal with organs and cells. The goal is a better understanding of the effects of artificial nutrition and human metabolism. Original articles, general reviews, update articles, technical notes and communications are published, as well as editorials and case reports.

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Nutrition and Diabetes

eISSN: 2044-4052

Nutrition & Diabetes is a peer-reviewed, online, open access journal bringing to the fore outstanding research in the areas of nutrition and chronic disease, including diabetes, from the molecular to the population level. Nutrition & Diabetes particularly wishes to encourage the publication of translational and integrated research, with emphasis on:

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Obesity Medicine

eISSN: 2451-8476

Obesity is a disease of increasing global prevalence with serious effects on both the individual and society. Obesity Medicine focusses on health and disease, relating to the very broad spectrum of research in and impacting on humans.

It is an interdisciplinary journal that addresses mechanisms of disease, epidemiology and co-morbidities. Obesity Medicine encompasses medical, societal, socioeconomic as well as preventive aspects of obesity and is aimed at researchers, practitioners and educators alike.

Obesity Medicine is now Open for Submissions via

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eISSN: 2352-9520

OpenNano is an internationally peer-reviewed and open access journal publishing high-quality review articles and original research papers on the burgeoning area of nanopharmaceutics and nanosized delivery systems for drugs, genes, and imaging agents. The Journal publishes basic, translational and clinical research as well as methodological papers and aims to bring together chemists, biochemists, cell biologists, material scientists, pharmaceutical scientists, pharmacologists, clinicians and all others working in this exciting and challenging area.

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ISSN: 0885-3177eISSN: 1536-4828

Pancreas provides a central forum for communication of original works involving both basic and clinical research on the exocrine and endocrine pancreas and their interrelationships and consequences in disease states. This multidisciplinary, international journal covers the whole spectrum of basic sciences, etiology, prevention, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and surgical and medical management of pancreatic diseases, including cancer. Website:

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Pediatric Diabetes

ISSN: 1399-543XeISSN: 1399-5448

Pediatric Diabetes is a bi-monthly journal devoted to disseminate new knowledge relating to the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, management, complications and prevention of diabetes in childhood and adolescence. Papers are considered on the rigor of scientific approach, novelty, and importance for understanding mechanisms involved in the epidemiology and etiology of this disease, especially its molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects. Work relating to the clinical presentation, course, management and outcome of diabetes including its physical and emotional sequelae is considered. In vitro studies using animal or human tissues, whole animal and clinical studies in humans are also considered. The journal reviews full-length papers, preliminary communications with important new information, clinical reports and reviews of major topics. Invited editorials and perspectives are a regular feature. The editors, based in the USA and Europe, maintain regular communications to assure rapid turn around time of submitted manuscripts. The aim of the journal is to become the vehicle for international dissemination of research and practice relating to diabetes in children and adolescents.

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Phillippine Journal of Internal Medicine

ISSN: 0119-9641