Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics (ISSN 1473-7175) provides expert reviews on the use of drugs and medicines in clinical neurology and neuropsychiatry. Coverage includes disease management, new medicines and drugs in neurology, therapeutic indications, diagnostics, medical treatment guidelines and neurological diseases such as stroke, epilepsy, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.Comprehensive coverage in each review is complemented by the unique Expert Review format and includes the following sections:
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities (FOCUS) offers practical educational and treatment suggestions for teachers, trainers, and parents of persons with autism or other pervasive developmental disabilities. FOCUS offers original research reports, position papers reflecting diverse philosophical and theoretical positions, effective intervention procedures, descriptions of successful programs, and media reviews.
Folia Neuropathologica is an official journal of the Polish Association of Neuropathologists and the Medical Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The journal appears every three months and publishes reviews on invitation, editorials, original articles and short communications from the entire field of clinical and experimental neuropathology and related neurosciences. These papers may be descriptive, experimental or methodological. Only original papers written in English are accepted for publication. The journal is abstracted and indexed in: Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Neuroscience Citation Index, SciSearch, Research Alert, Chemical Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Polish Medical Bibliography, Index Copernicus.
Fundiertes Wissen für den Berufsalltag*Relevante Originalarbeiten*Informative Übersichten zu wichtigen Themen*Fortbildungsteil mit Zertifizierung – 36 CME-Punkte pro Jahr*Interessante Kasuistiken*Referiert & kommentiert: Internationale Studien*Aktuelles zu Begutachtung und Neurobiologie*International gelistet und häufig zitiert.
The neurological landscape is changing rapidly. From the technological perspective, advanced molecular approaches and imaging modalities have greatly increased our understanding of neurological disease, with enhanced prospects for effective treatments in common but very serious disorders. Future Neurology aims to provide an interactive platform to better collate and disseminate basic and clinical research for the wide-ranging neurobiology field. Coverage spans all neurological diseases and disorders but focuses on how recent preclinical research has, and will, benefit the ever-advancing clinical arena through reviews, research updates and perspective pieces that address areas of current controversy. Future Neurology delivers this essential information in concise, at-a-glance article formats – vital in delivering information to an increasingly time-constrained community
The Global Spine Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published in cooperation with AOSpine. From 2013 it will be delivered along with its sister publication Evidence-Based Spine-Care Journal (EBSJ).
Head & Face Medicine is a multidisciplinary open access journal that publishes basic and clinical research concerning all pathological and non-pathological conditions that can affect the human head and face, including underlying and inner tissues.
Headache publishes original articles on all aspects of head and face pain including communications on clinical and basic research, diagnosis and management, epidemiology, genetics, and pathophysiology of primary and secondary headaches, cranial neuralgias, and pains referred to the head and face. Monthly issues feature case reports, short communications, review articles, letters to the editor, and news items regarding AHS plus medicolegal and socioeconomic aspects of head pain. This is the official journal of the American Headache Society. For more information on the membership, please visit
Advantages of Publishing in Human Brain Mapping Reaching a Targeted Audience of Researchers Devoted to Functional Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging. Human Brain Mapping’sreadership consists of neuroscientists. neurologists. neuroradiologists. and neurosurgeons looking for basic. clinical. technical and theoretical research in the interdisciplinary and rapidly expanding field of human brain mapping. Securing Rapid Online Publication throughEarlyView®.Your article will be posted online as soon as it is ready. before the release of the compiled print issue. Accessing a State-of-the-Art Submission System. Human Brain Mappingoffers online manuscript submission and peer-review viaManuscript Central™.a user-friendly system making manuscript submission and tracking quick. easy. and safe. Attaining High Visibility. Human Brain Mappingis available online throughWiley Online Library®.Wiley’s Internet publishing platform.Wiley Online Library®has more than 29 million user sessions per year. Joining into an Intellectual Partnership with Wiley.Publishing at Wiley is truly a collaborative process. We value the long-term relationships we have with our authors and we are committed to maintaining the standard of excellence that has been essential to Wiley"s success for nearly two centuries. Aims and Scope Scope Human Brain Mappingpublishes peer-reviewed basic. clinical. technical. and theoretical research in the interdisciplinary and rapidly expanding field of human brain mapping. The journal features research derived from non-invasive brain imaging modalities used to explore the spatial and temporal organization of the neural systems supporting human behavior. Imaging modalities of interest include positron emission tomography. event-related potentials. electro-and magnetoencephalography. magnetic resonance imaging. and single-photon emission tomography. Brain mapping research in both normal and clinical populations is encouraged. Article formats include Research Articles. Review Articles. Clinical Case Studies. and Technique. as well as Technological Developments. Theoretical Articles. and Synthetic Reviews. Technical advances. such as novel brain imaging methods. analyses for detecting or localizing neural activity. synergistic uses of multiple imaging modalities. and strategies for the design of behavioral paradigms and neural-systems modeling are of particular interest. The journal endorses the propagation of methodological standards and encourages database development in the field of human brain mapping.
Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental provides a forum for the evaluation of clinical and experimental research on both new and established psychotropic medicines. Experimental studies of other centrally active drugs, including herbal products, in clinical, social and psychological contexts, as well as clinical/scientific papers on drugs of abuse and drug dependency will also be considered. While the primary purpose of the Journal is to publish the results of clinical research, the results of animal studies relevant to human psychopharmacology are welcome. The following topics are of special interest to the editors and readers of the Journal:
Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management is devoted to the publication of manuscripts in the field of interdisciplinary neurosurgery, and promoting excellence and advances in the management of cases, case series and surgical techniques. The subject should reflect the contemporary challenges and evolving opportunities in modern neurosurgery, such as modified approaches and surgical planning based on image guided surgical techniques and/or new treatment concepts that support translation of research aspects in the field of neurorestoration and neuroregeneration in the management of neurosurgical patients. Additionally, cases with "lessons learned" that advance understanding of avoidance of complication and encourage prospective trials on matters poorly understood in neurosurgical disease management are encouraged. Cases and techniques that underline the interdisciplinary value of managing neurosurgical problems will be prioritised.Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management will publish the following type of peer-reviewed articles online:• Case reports and Case Series• Technical notes and Surgical Techniques• Neuroanatomical studies• Letters to the EditorAudienceInterdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management will be of interest to clinical researchers in the field of neurosurgery and neurology, clinicians of related disciplines who are involved in the treatment of central and peripheral nervous system diseases and the spine (Clinical and basic Neurosciences, Neuropsychology, Neuroradiology, ENT, Plastic surgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic surgery, Neurocritical care and Neuropathology).