Parkinson's Disease is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of Parkinson's disease.
Parkinsonism & Related Disorders publishes the results of basic and clinical research contributing to the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of all neurodegenerative syndromes in which Parkinsonism, Essential Tremor or related movement disorders may be a feature.Regular features will include: Review Articles, Point of View articles, Full-length Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports and Letter to the Editor.Topics covered will include:• Molecular biology• Neuroanatomy• Neurophysiology/electrophysiology• Neuropharmacology• Neuropsychology• Neuroimaging• Neurotoxicology• Clinical phenomenology• Surgical and pharmacological treatment• Transplantation studies• Relationship with aging• Epidemiology/environmental impact factors• RehabilitationThe journal will form a truly international channel of communication between the research and clinical communities.
Pediatric Neurology publishes timely peer-reviewed clinical and research articles covering all aspects of the developing nervous system.Pediatric Neurology features up-to-the-minute publication of the latest advances in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of pediatric neurologic disorders. The journal's editor, Steve. E. Roach, in conjunction with the team of Associate Editors, heads an internationally recognized editorial board, ensuring the most authoritative and extensive coverage of the field. Among the topics covered are: epilepsy, mitochondrial diseases, congenital malformations, chromosomopathies, peripheral neuropathies, perinatal and childhood stroke, cerebral palsy, as well as other diseases affecting the developing nervous system.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Pediatric Neurosurgery publishes new information and observations in pediatric neurosurgery, neurology, neuroradiology, and neuropathology. The focus is on the etiology of neurological diseases, the operative care of affected patients, and outcomes research. In addition to experimental and clinical studies, the journal presents critical reviews on selected topics as well as case histories and reports on advances in surgical technique. This thought-provoking approach encourages the dissemination of information from neurosurgeons and neuroscientists around the world. Published materials are of interest to both researchers and clinicians who study and care for patients with pediatric, congenital, and developmental diseases of the nervous system.
The journal is aimed at psychiatrists and neurologists as well as scientists specialising in other related areas: basic and clinical research, and humanities. It publishes basic and clinical studies from the following areas:
psychological and social determinants of human behaviour in the field of:
brain imaging.
The journal publishes original papers, review articles, case reports, clinical observations and - at the initiative of the Editorial Board - essays and reflections on current theoretical and practical controversies.
Articles submitted to the journal are evaluated first by the Section Editors, specialists in the fields of psychiatry, clinical psychology, science of the brain and mind and neurology, and reviewed by acknowledged authorities in the respective field. Authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other.
Post281;y Psychiatrii i Neurologii - Advances in Psychiatry and Neurology is an official journal of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw.
The essential point of Practical Neurology is that it is practical in the sense of being useful for everyone who sees neurological patients and who wants to keep up to date, and safe, in managing them. In other words this is a journal for jobbing neurologists who plough through the tension headaches and funny turns week in and week out.
En réponse aux besoins actuels de Formation Médicale Continue, la partie d’enseignement postuniversitaire de la Revue Neurologique devient Pratique Neurologique – FMC, quatre numéros sous l’égide de la Société Française de Neurologie et du Collège des Enseignants de Neurologie qui comportent les rubriques suivantes : Faites le point, Pour la pratique, Cas remarquables, Testez-vous, Histoire de la Neurologie, Images, Recommandations et Actualités. Ils sont l’occasion pour les chercheurs et les praticiens de faire le point, d’évaluer et d’optimiser le niveau de leurs connaissances et de leur pratique. Suivant une ligne éditoriale claire, les articles d'enseignement sont rédigés avec soin et suivent les règles du journalisme médical : bien structurés et richement illustrés. Un numéro spécial comporte les comptes rendus des Journées d’Enseignement Supérieur de Neurologie publié chaque année à l’occasion des Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française (JNLF).
Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our
Please see our
The Neuroimaging section of Psychiatry Research publishes manuscripts on positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, computerized electroencephalographic topography, regional cerebral blood flow, computed tomography, magnetoencephalography, autoradiography, post-mortem regional analyses, and other imaging techniques. Reports concerning results in psychiatric disorders, dementias, and the effects of behaviorial tasks and pharmacological treatments are featured. We also invite manuscripts on the methods of obtaining images and computer processing of the images themselves. Selected case reports are also published.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences is published bimonthly by the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology as its official journal. The journal publishespapers in all fields of psychiatry and related neurosciences in the following categories: Review Articles, Regular Articles, Short Communications and Letters to the Editor. All manuscripts, except abstracts or proceedings of relevant scientific meetings, will be peer reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers, an Editorial Board Member and the Editor. Manuscripts are accepted for publication according to their quality, originality and significance to our readership on the understanding that they have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere and have been approved by each author. Manuscripts can now be submitted online at
This interdisciplinary journal publishes papers relating the plasticity and response of the nervous system to accidental or experimental injuries and their interventions, transplantation, neurodegenerative disorders and experimental strategies to improve regeneration or functional recovery and rehabilitation. Experimental and clinical research papers adopting fresh conceptual approaches are encouraged. The overriding criteria for publication are novelty, significant experimental or clinical relevance and interest to a multidisciplinary audience. Experiments on un-anesthetized animals should conform with the standards for the use of laboratory animals as established by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, US National Academy of Sciences. Experiments in which paralytic agents are used must be justified. Patient identity should be concealed. All manuscripts are sent out for blind peer review to editorial board members or outside reviewers.
Au service du progrès neurologiqueLa Revue neurologique rend compte des évolutions les plus récentes de votre spécialité au travers de Revues générales, Mémoires originaux, Brèves communications, Lettres à l'éditeur...Un support efficace de formation médicale continue La Revue neurologique vous permettra d'optimiser votre pratique gràce aux rubriques Mises au point, Pratique neurologique, Images, Comment j'examine, Cas cliniques, etc.Une tribune d'expression et d'audience internationalesLa Revue neurologiquepublie les sujets de recherche d'auteurs français ou étrangers de renom.
SLEEP is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific and medical journal featuring a wide spectrum of sleep-related research. The journal is the official publication of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC (APSS), a joint venture of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society.The primary audiences are clinicians and research professionals specializing in sleep-related disorders. SLEEP publishes 12 regular issues annually, along with a digital supplement featuring abstracts presented at the yearly SLEEP Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. Subscribers have access to all new and archived issued online. All articles are available to the public free of charge six months after publication.Sleep specialists treat a broad spectrum of disorders, categorized into primary dysfunction of the neural mechanisms of sleep and arousal, pathologies uniquely related to sleep and disturbances of sleep associated with behavioral or psychiatric syndromes. Experts come from a variety of primary backgrounds, including pulmonology, neurology, psychiatry, psychology, otolaryngology, and dentistry.SLEEP publishes original findings and analysis related to sleep disorders, medical dysfunctions during sleep, clinical investigations, therapeutic trials, physiologic events, anatomic structures and molecular components underlying normal and abnormal sleep, psychological and psychophysiologic research, and the pharmacology of sleep.