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Hand Clinics

ISSN: 0749-0712eISSN: 1558-1969

Ideal for orthopedists and those in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Hand Clinics presents the latest in patient management trends and updates on the newest advances in the field. Published four times a year—in February, May, August, and November—each issue covers a single topic in hand surgery, including anatomy, distal radium fractures, carpal metacarpal and phalangeal injuries, tendon injuries, overuse syndromes, and more.

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Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2468-1229eISSN: 2468-1210
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Handchirurgie - Mikrochirurgie - Plastische Chirurgie

ISSN: 0722-1819

In Originalarbeiten und Fallberichten finden Sie die neuesten Informationen über:*Diagnostik*Verfahrenswahl*state of the art / neueste Techniken*rekonstruktive Verfahren*Behandlung infolge von Traumata oder OP*Bewertung der Ergebnisse*Klinische Forschung.

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Head and Neck

ISSN: 1043-3074eISSN: 1097-0347

Head & Neck is an international multidisciplinary publication of original contributions concerning the diagnosis and management of diseases of the head and neck. This area involves the overlapping interests and expertise of several surgical and medical specialties, including general surgery, neurosurgery, otolaryngology, plastic surgery, oral surgery, dermatology, ophthalmology, pathology, radiotherapy, medical oncology, and the corresponding basic sciences. Head & Neck publishes original contributions on clinical and research topics. Each manuscript is submitted to peer review by at least two experts in the field. Comprehensive reviews of topics, particularly in fields subject to rapid change in knowledge, will be included at the discretion of the Editor and on the recommendation of reviewers. Technical notes, descriptions of new technologies, single case reports of unusual interest, and brief preliminary communications are accepted after proper peer review. Editorials and Letters to the Editor are also considered for publication. Head & Neck also publishes regular series: Controversies , Basic Science Reviews , Anatomic Correlates , Abstracts , and Book Reviews . Book Reviews are solicited by the editor, and publishers should send review books to Randal S. Weber, MD, Editor. Visual materials will also be accepted for review. Head & Neck adheres to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals under the agreement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ( JAMA 1993;269:2282-2286). Manuscripts are accepted for consideration if they have not appeared elsewhere in any but abstract form and are not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. This policy does not preclude consideration of a manuscript that has been rejected by another journal or of a complete report that follows publication of the preliminary report or abstract. It is requested that the author submit a full statement to the Editor about previous reports that may be regarded as prior or duplicate publication for the same or similar work. Multiple-part publications are discouraged. Secondary publications in another language will be considered individually. Preliminary release of data, usually to public media, of scientific information described in a paper may be acceptable but should be discussed with the Editor.

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Heart Surgery Forum

ISSN: 1098-3511eISSN: 1522-6662

Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition

ISSN: 2304-3881eISSN: 2304-389X
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ISSN: 1265-4906eISSN: 1248-9204

Hernia was founded in 1997 with the purpose of promoting clinical studies and basic research as they apply to groin hernias, internal hernias, the abdominal wall (anterior and postero-lateral aspects), the diaphragm and the perineum. 'Hernia' is the official organ of the European Hernia Society (GREPA), established in 1979, and of the American Hernia Society (AHS) established in 1997. These associations have common objectives: the advancement of abdominal wall and hernia surgery in all aspects, the study of anatomical, physiological, pathological and therapeutic issues concerning the abdominal wall and hernias, the creation of associated groups which will promote research and teaching in this field, the development of interdisciplinary relations. 'Hernia' is a journal written by surgeons who have made abdominal wall surgery their special field of interest.

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Hokkaido Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

ISSN: 1343-3873

Imagerie de la Femme

ISSN: 1776-9817eISSN: 2214-8485

La revue Le Sein change de titre et devient Imagerie de la FemmeUn contenu d'enseignement post-universitaireImagerie de la Femme propose de nombreuses rubriques pratiques : Mises au point, Cas cliniques commentés, Passerelles cliniques, Corrélations anatomo-radiologiques, Quel est votre diagnostic, Analyse bibliographique commentée, Actualités techniques, Agenda.Une approche pluridisciplinaireLa revue se consacre aux différents aspects de l'imagerie de la femme, que ce soit pour la partie radiologique traditionnellement la plus développée, la sénologie, ou la gynécologie, l'obstétrique et les autres explorations de la ménopause, telle que l'ostéodensitométrie.Une iconographie en couleursImagerie de la Femme propose une iconographie riche et en couleurs pour une lecture plus fine, moderne et dynamique.

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Indian Journal of Neurosurgery

ISSN: 2277-954XeISSN: 2277-9167
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Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery

ISSN: 0970-0358eISSN: 1998-376X
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Indian Journal of Surgery

ISSN: 0972-2068eISSN: 0973-9793
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Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology

ISSN: 0975-7651eISSN: 0976-6952

The Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology aims to encourage and promote clinical and research activities pertaining to Surgical Oncology. It also aims to bring in the concept of multidisciplinary team approach in management of various cancers.The Journal would publish original article, point of technique, review article, case report, letter to editor, profiles of eminent teachers, surgeons and instititions - a short (up to 500 words) of the Cancer Institutions, departments, and oncologist, who founded new departments.

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Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

ISSN: 0970-9134eISSN: 0973-7723

The primary aim of the Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery is education. The journal aims to dissipate current clinical practices and developments in the area of cardiovascular surgery. This includes information on cardiovascular epidemiology, aeteopathogenesis, clinical manifestation etc. The journal accepts manuscripts from cardiovascular anaesthesia, cardiothoracic and vascular nursing and technology development and new/innovative products. The journal is published quarterly and is dead lined for distribution by 15th March, 15th June, 15th September and 15th December. The journal is mailed to all national and international members, advertisers and reviewers of the manuscripts. Complementary subscriptions are sent to selected libraries. The journal is the official publication of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons which has a membership of over 1000 at present. Description The journal is the official organ of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular-Thoracic Surgeons. It was started in 1982 by Dr. Solomon Victor and ws being published twice a year up to 1996. From 2000 the editorial office moved to Delhi. From 2001 the journal was extended to quarterly and subsequently four issues annually have been printed out at time and regularly without fail. The journal receives manuscripts from members and non-members and cardiovascular surgeons. The manuscripts are peer reviewed by at least two or sometimes three or four reviewers who are on the panel. The manuscript process is now completely online. Funding the journal comes partially from the organization and from revenue generated by subscription and advertisement.

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ISSN: 0020-1383

Injury was founded in 1969 and is an international journal dealing with all aspects of trauma care and accident surgery. Our primary aim is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, techniques and information among all members of the trauma team.Topics covered include: trauma systems and management; surgical procedures; epidemiological studies; surgery (of all tissues); resuscitation; biomechanics; rehabilitation; anaesthesia; radiology; basic science of local and systemic response to trauma and tissue healing.Regular features include: original research papers; review articles; case reports; ideas and innovations detailing novel and effective solutions to surgical problems; book reviews; calendar of world-wide meetings.Letters that comment on an article previously published in Injury are particularly encouraged, and the authors will be given the opportunity to respond. Please submit letters to the editor by e-mail where possible to

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Innovations:Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery

ISSN: 1556-9845eISSN: 1559-0879

American Heart Association members are eligible for a 20% discount on subscription rates.Innovations: Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery is the first journal whose primary mission is to disseminate information specifically about advances in technology and techniques that lead to less invasive treatment of cardiothoracic and vascular disease. It delivers cutting edge original research, reviews, how-to-do-its,160;case reports, and editorials from pioneers and experts in the field of minimally invasive cardiothoracic and vascular disease. It is also the official journal of the International Society of Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery and publishes the abstracts and papers presented at the annual meeting, as well as the annual consensus160;statements on emerging treatments from the Society.

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Innovative Surgical Sciences

eISSN: 2364-7485
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Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

ISSN: 1569-9293eISSN: 1569-9285

Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery (ICVTS) publishes scientific contributions in the field of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, covering all aspects of surgery of the heart, vessels and the chest. The journal publishes a range of article types including:

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Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery

eISSN: 2214-7519

Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management is devoted to the publication of manuscripts in the field of interdisciplinary neurosurgery, and promoting excellence and advances in the management of cases, case series and surgical techniques. The subject should reflect the contemporary challenges and evolving opportunities in modern neurosurgery, such as modified approaches and surgical planning based on image guided surgical techniques and/or new treatment concepts that support translation of research aspects in the field of neurorestoration and neuroregeneration in the management of neurosurgical patients. Additionally, cases with "lessons learned" that advance understanding of avoidance of complication and encourage prospective trials on matters poorly understood in neurosurgical disease management are encouraged. Cases and techniques that underline the interdisciplinary value of managing neurosurgical problems will be prioritised.Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management will publish the following type of peer-reviewed articles online:• Case reports and Case Series• Technical notes and Surgical Techniques• Neuroanatomical studies• Letters to the EditorAudienceInterdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management will be of interest to clinical researchers in the field of neurosurgery and neurology, clinicians of related disciplines who are involved in the treatment of central and peripheral nervous system diseases and the spine (Clinical and basic Neurosciences, Neuropsychology, Neuroradiology, ENT, Plastic surgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic surgery, Neurocritical care and Neuropathology).

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International Journal of Cancer Management

ISSN: 2538-4422eISSN: 2538-497X
Publisher: Kowsar