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JPRAS Open is an international, open access journal dedicated to publishing case reports, short communications, and full-length articles. JPRAS Open will provide the most current source of information and references in plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery. The Journal is based on the continued need to improve surgical care by providing highlights in general reconstructive surgery; cleft lip, palate and craniofacial surgery; head and neck surgery; skin cancer; breast surgery; hand surgery; lower limb trauma; burns; and aesthetic surgery. The Journal will provide authors with fast publication times.
Nouvelle formule en 2010 !Pour suivre au mieux les évolutions et avancées scientifiques en chirurgie digestive et viscérale, et vous permettre d’améliorer sans cesse la qualité des soins apportés à vos patients, le Journal de Chirurgie, le plus ancien des journaux chirurgicaux français, se modernise et vous propose une nouvelle formule avec encore plus de contenus !Le Journal de Chirurgie devient le Journal de Chirurgie ViscéraleLa revue scientifique de référence dans la discipline change de titre afin d’être encore plus proche de vos attentes. Retrouvez ainsi, dans le nouveau Journal, les meilleurs articles de recherche clinique, une revue de presse des principaux travaux internationaux dernièrement parus, mais également toute l’actualité scientifique, légale et socioprofessionnelle de la spécialité. Vous apprécierez notamment les nombreuses rubriques très didactiques soutenues par des illustrations en couleur d’excellente qualité (Cas cliniques, Bandes dessinées de techniques chirurgicales, Mises au point et Mini-revues), qui seront l’occasion pour vous, chercheur ou praticien, de faire le point, d’évaluer et d’optimiser votre pratique.New formula in 2010!In order to follow the evolutions and scientific news in digestive and visceral surgery, and to allow you to unceasingly improve quality of the care taken to your patients, the Journal of Surgery, oldest of the French surgical newspapers, proposes to you a modern and new formula with even more contents !Journal of Surgery becomes Journal of Visceral SurgeryThe scientific journal of reference in the area changes its title to be closer to your needs. Thus, find in the new formula, the best articles of clinical research, a press review of principal international work lately published, but also all the scientific, legal and socio-professional topicality of the speciality. You will appreciate, in particular, the very didactic headings supported by illustrations excellent quality of color (Clinical cases, Cartoons of surgical techniques and Mini-reviews), which will be the opportunity for you, researcher or expert, to evaluate and optimize your practice.
Une large couverture de la traumatologie du sportLe Journal de traumatologie du sport a pour but d¿assurer une approche étiologique, diagnostique et thérapeutique de l¿ensemble des accidents liés à la pratique sportive, et de traiter ces problèmes dans leurs aspects communs et leurs caractères spécifiques.Une revue pluridisciplinaireLe Journal de traumatologie du sport s¿adresse à tous les praticiens intéressés par les accidents liés à la pratique du sport, aux spécialistes de médecine du sport, aux spécialistes de médecine physique et de rééducation fonctionnelle, aux rhumatologues et aux chirurgiens orthopédistes.Une revue aux rubriques variéesLe Journal de traumatologie du sport vous permettra d¿enrichir vos connaissances et de suivre les progrès scientifiques à travers un nombre important de rubriques : éditoriaux, Articles originaux, Mises au point, Faits cliniques, Notes pratiques, Lettres à la rédaction, Comptes rendus de réunions scientifiques et de congrès, Analyses commentées de publications scientifiques.
Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift Das Journal für Ästhetische Chirurgie bietet aktuelle Fortbildung für Fachärzte der Chirurgie, Dermatologie, Gynäkologie, HNO-Heilkunde, MKG-Chirurgie, Ophthalmologie und Plastischen Chirurgie in Praxis und Klinik. Inhaltlich werden wissenschaftliche und praktische Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen der ästhetischen Chirurgie interdisziplinär dargestellt und vermittelt. Im Vordergrund stehen Beschreibungen etablierter chirurgischer Techniken, Kasuistiken und Operationsplanung und -management. Frei eingereichte Originalarbeiten ermöglichen die Präsentation wichtiger klinischer Studien und dienen dem wissenschaftlichen Austausch. Umfassende Übersichtsarbeiten sind das Kernstück jeder Ausgabe. Im Mittelpunkt steht gesichertes Wissen zur Operationsplanung und Durchführung mit hoher Relevanz für die tägliche Arbeit und Sicherheit des Patienten. Aims & Scope The Journal für Ästhetische Chirurgie (Journal of Aesthetic Surgery) provides state-of-the-art further education for all practitioners working in the field of Surgery, Dermatology, Gynecologists, ENT, OMS, Ophthalmology and Plastic Surgery in both practical and clinical environments. The contents cover all areas of applied Aesthetic Surgery from a practical point of view. The focus is on topics relevant to the safe and effective practice of aesthetic surgery, descriptions of clinical techniques, case reports and operation management. The journal includes important research and techniques in reconstructive surgical procedures having a significant aesthetic component. It also provides a forum for original articles advancing the art of aesthetic surgery. The core of each issue is made up by extensive works that provide an overview on a current focus subject. In this, the focus is on solid knowledge about current scientific and clinical advances with a high relevance for the practitioners everyday work., Review Articles to be published in Journal für Ästhetische Chirurgie are reviewed Declaration of Helsinki: All manuscripts submitted for publication presenting results from studies on probands or patients must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki.
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The Journal of Burn Care & Research (preceded by Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation), official journal of the American Burn Association, fills a unique niche in health care literature as the only multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal specializing in the care of burn injury. In each bimonthly issue, the content documents the most current information on surgical procedures, acute care, rehabilitation, reconstruction, burn prevention, and research and education. Other topics include physical and occupational therapy, nutrition, current events in the evolving health care debate, and reports on the newest computer software for diagnostics and treatment.For more information, visit www.burncareresearch.com.
The Journal of Cardiac Surgery (JCS) is a peer-reviewed, international publication devoted to contemporary surgical treatment of cardiac disease. Renowned for its detailed 'how to' methods, JCS provides well-illustrated, concise technical articles, critical reviews and commentaries that are highly valued by dedicated readers worldwide.
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of research in the field of cardiothoracic surgery.
The Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (JCRS), a preeminent peer-reviewed monthly ophthalmology publication, is the official journal of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) and the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS).JCRS publishes high quality articles on all aspects of anterior segment surgery. In addition to original clinical studies, the journal features a consultation section, practical techniques, important cases, and reviews as well as basic science articles.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com