The neurobiology of learning and memory is entering a new interdisciplinary era. Advances in neuropsychology have identified regions of brain tissue that are critical for certain types of function. Electrophysiological techniques have revealed behavioral correlates of neuronal activity. Studies of synaptic plasticity suggest that some mechanisms of memory formation may resemble those of neural development. And molecular approaches have identified genes with patterns of expression that influence behavior. It is clear that future progress depends on interdisciplinary investigations. The current literature of learning and memory is large but fragmented. Until now, there has been no single journal devoted to this area of study and no dominant journal that demands attention by serious workers in the area, regardless of specialty. Learning & Memory provides a forum for these investigations in the form of research papers and review articles.
Learning Disability Quarterly (LDQ) publishes high-quality research and scholarship concerning children, youth, and adults with learning disabilities. Consistent with that purpose, the journal seeks to publish articles with the potential to impact and improve educational outcomes, opportunities, and services.
Formerly the IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology.Mathematical Medicine and Biology publishes original articles with a significant mathematical content addressing topics in medicine and biology. Papers exploiting modern developments in applied mathematics are particularly welcome. The biomedical relevance of mathematical models should be demonstrated clearly and validation by comparison against experiment is strongly encouraged.The journal welcomes contributions relevant to any area of the life sciences including: * biomechanics * biophysics * cell biology * developmental biology * ecology and the environment * epidemiology * immunology * infectious diseases * neuroscience * pharmacology * physiology * population biology.
Medical Gas Research is an international journal dedicated to publishing basic, translational, and clinical studies focusing on the neurobiology and other medical fields of medical gas research and their applications to neurological and other disorders. Due to the unique nature of medical gas practice, Medical Gas Research will serve also as an information platform for education and technology advances for medical gas fields.
Metabolic Brain Disease serves as a forum for the publication of outstanding basic and clinical papers on all metabolic brain disease, including both human and animal studies. The journal publishes papers on the fundamental pathogenesis of these disorders and on related experimental and clinical techniques and methodologies. Metabolic Brain Disease is directed to neuroscientists, psychiatrists, neurologists, pathologists, and others involved in the research and treatment of a broad range of metabolic brain disorders. Topics covered include stroke, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, myelin disorders, toxic encephalopathies, genetic diseases affecting the brain, alcohol and brain metabolism, neuroendocrinopathies, viral and nonviral encephalitides, nutritional disorders affecting the brain, diseases affecting neurotransmitters, Alzheimer's disease, and aging.Metabolic Brain Disease will consider Full Research Papers, Short Communications, Review Articles and Editorials. The journal is committed to high standards
Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) publishes peer-reviewed articles concerned with brain and behavioral issues relevant to the broad field of education. Edited by an editorial board internationally recognized scholars and practitioners from the variety of disciplines represented in the field of mind, brain and education. MBE provides a forum for the accessible presentation of basic and applied research on learning and development, including analyses from biology, cognitive science, and education.
Mind, Culture, and Activity (MCA) is an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the study of the human mind in its cultural and historical contexts. Articles appearing in MCA draw upon research and theory in a variety of disciplines, including anthropology, cognitive science, education, linguistics, psychology, and sociology. Particular emphasis is placed upon research that seeks to resolve methodological problems associated with the analysis of human action in everyday activities and theoretical approaches that place culture and activity at the center of attempts to understand human nature.MCA is organized into four distinct sections; the relative weights of each will change somewhat from issue to issue. Section 1 features articles of general theoretical or empirical importance that go through a regular peer review process. Section 2 includes symposia that are built around a central article or book addressing important theoretical themes. Commentaries are invited from scholars from different intellectual traditions and cultural contexts. Section 3 contains informal communications or renderings in alternative genres, such as work-in-progress reports, summaries of e-mail discussions, poetry, and more. Section 4 includes book reviews and shorter book notes.Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous refereesPublication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Molecular Autism is a peer-reviewed, online open access journal that publishes high-quality basic, translational and clinical research into the molecular basis of autism and related neurodevelopmental conditions. Molecular Autism considers studies that relate causal and risk factors with these conditions, including research into genetics, molecular neurobiology, neuropathology, imaging and biomarkers, with a focus on potential applications for intervention.
Molecular Brain encompasses all aspects of the nervous system at the molecular, cellular, and system levels.
Molecular Neurobiology is an exciting review journal for neuroscientists who wish to stay in close touch with progress at the forefront of contemporary molecular brain research. It is specifically designed to synthesize and critically assess research trends for all neuroscientists at the cutting edge of this dramatically developing area. The journal has proven to be crucial in departmental libraries, serving as essential reading for every committed neuroscientist striving to keep abreast of rapid developments in a forefront field. Each topic chosen for review is thoroughly analyzed by scientists and clinicians internationally renowned for their special competence in the areas treated.
Molecular Neurodegeneration is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of neurodegeneration research at the molecular and cellular levels.
Molecular Pain is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of pain research at the cellular, subcellular and molecular levels. Molecular Pain is sponsored by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
Molecular Psychiatry publishes work aimed at elucidating biological mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders and their treatment. The emphasis is on studies at the interface of pre-clinical and clinical research, including studies at the cellular, molecular, integrative, clinical, imaging and psychopharmacology levels.
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience publishes original research of exceptional significance from those areas of the neurosciences indicated by the broadest interpretation of the journal's title. In particular, the journal focuses on synaptic maintenance and organization, neuron-glia communication and regenerative neurobiology. As part of the submission process, authors are asked to state why they consider their paper is of such significance.Furthermore, since rapid peer-review and publication of such research is of paramount importance, extended cycles of article revision and re-review will not be entered into; it is anticipated that authors will fully address all referees' comments during the course of a single revision of their original manuscript.US National Institutes of Health (NIH) voluntary posting ("Public Access") policyMolecular & Cellular Neuroscience and Elsevier facilitate the author's response to the NIH Public Access Policy. For more details please see the Guide for authors
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice is an online-only journal committed to publishing high quality peer reviewed articles related to clinical aspects of movement disorders which broadly include phenomenology, investigative, translational and treatment aspects.
Multiple Sclerosis Journal is a fully peer reviewed international journal that focuses on the aetiology and pathogenesis of demyelinating and inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system and on the application of such studies to scientifically based therapy.A vital journal for your research in the following areas:· Clinical neurology· Myelin chemistry· Neuroimaging· Pathobiology of the blood/brain barrier· Glial pathobiology/myelin repair· Pathology· Epidemiology· Therapeutics· Genetics· Immunology· Virology· Psychology· RehabilitationOutstanding information presented in a topical based format.
Multiple Sclerosis is an area of ever expanding research and escalating publications. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders is a wide ranging international journal supported by key researchers from all neuroscience domains that focus on MS and associated disease of the central nervous system. The primary aim of this new journal is the rapid publication of high quality original research in the field. Important secondary aims will be timely updates and editorials on important scientific and clinical care advances, controversies in the field, and invited opinion articles from current thought leaders on topical issues. One section of the journal will focus on teaching, written to enhance the practice of community and academic neurologists involved in the care of MS patients. Summaries of key articles written for a lay audience will be provided as an on-line resource.A team of four chief editors is supported by leading section editors who will commission and appraise original and review articles concerning: clinical neurology, neuroimaging, neuropathology, neuroepidemiology, therapeutics, genetics / transcriptomics, experimental models, neuroimmunology, biomarkers, neuropsychology, neurorehabilitation, measurement scales, teaching, neuroethics and lay communication.The journal will publish the following types of articles: Reviews; Original Research Articles; Editorials; Comment; Clinical Trial papers; Letter to the Editors; Case Reports; Book reviews; News. The submission of an on-line summary of selected papers of relevance for lay audience, Teaching Lessons and supporting images and datasets is also encouraged.