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Journal of High Energy Astrophysics

eISSN: 2214-4048

Driven by observations conducted with unprecedented experimental facilities and satellites, the last few years have brought a plethora of historic results at the high-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum. These appeal to new theoretical efforts and multi-frequency investigations, which are altogether leading to a burst of new ideas, problems, and research directions.High-energy astrophysics, a research field that connects astronomy, cosmology and particle physics, will continue to expand in the next decades with an increasing rate, additionally boosted by the forthcoming improvements in experimental detection precision.The Journal of High Energy Astrophysics (JHEAp) is the first astrophysical journal that focuses on the study of highly energetic phenomena.Pivoting on this general topic, and in the belief that boundaries in astronomy are naturally fading, JHEAp seeks the most impacting and scientifically sound papers, those generally crossing specialization fields and attracting the interest of astronomers at any wavelength.The journal welcomes manuscripts on theoretical models, simulations, and observations of highly energetic astrophysical objects both in our Galaxy and beyond. Among those, black holes at all scales, neutron stars, pulsars and their nebula, binaries, novae and supernovae, their remnants, active galaxies, and clusters are just a few examples. The journal will consider research across the whole electromagnetic spectrum, as well as research using various messengers, such as gravitational waves or neutrinos. Effects of high-energy phenomena on cosmology and star-formation, results from dedicated surveys expanding the knowledge of extreme environments, and astrophysical implications of dark matter are also welcomed topics.The journal adopts the commonly used single blind peer review system, during which the reviewer names are kept anonymous while the author or collaboration name is disclosed to the reviewers. In addition, the journal will introduce the possibility for papers to be refereed in a double blind process, in order to ensure and promote quality. A dedicated reviewer pool, an active Editorial Board, a fast and traceable online submission procedure, and appropriate reviewer incentives will further ensure a rapid and strict peer reviewing process.JHEAp has no page charges and has a delayed open access model. All color figures are free for the online version and a selection of printed color figures costs may be waived at the Editor's discretion. JHEAp will be indexed in all major systems such as Scopus and the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) .

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Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society

ISSN: 1225-4614

Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies

ISSN: 0884-5913eISSN: 1934-8401

Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies is concerned with the physical, integral properties of celestial bodies, kinematic astronomy and its base, astrometry. The journal publishes original and review papers on such topics as: Positional and theoretical astronomy; Earth's rotation and geodynamics; Dynamics and physics of bodies of the Solar System; Solar physics; Physics of stars and the interstellar medium; Structure and dynamics of the Galaxy; Extragalactic astronomy; Atmospheric optics and astronomical climate; Instruments and devices; Databases and more. The journal places an emphasis on structure and dynamics of the Galaxy, as well as on extragalactic astronomy. This journal is as much devoted to astronomical data, methods, and theoretical foundations for their collection, as it is to constructing dynamic and physical models for their interpretation. The journal is published under the auspices of the Division of Physics and Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

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Life Sciences in Space Research

ISSN: 2214-5524
Life Sciences in Space Research publishes high quality original research and review articles in areas previously covered by the Life Sciences section of COSPAR's other society journal Advances in Space Research.
Life Sciences in Space Research features an editorial team of top scientists in the space radiation field and guarantees a fast turnaround time from submission to editorial decision.

Manuscripts in the following areas are being considered:

  • Astrobiology;
  • Prebiotic chemistry and origin of life;
  • Life in extreme environments;
  • Habitability in the solar system and beyond;
  • Ecological life support and sustainability;
  • Functionality, monitoring and control of ecosystem in space environment;
  • Animal models in space research;
  • Effects of space flight conditions on human bodies;
  • Non-cancer health effects of space radiation, space flight;
  • Space radiation risk assessment and countermeasures;
  • Space radiation dosimetry- measurements, modeling and detector development;
  • Gravitational effects in biological systems;
  • Effects of space radiation in living organisms at the cellular and molecular levels.
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Living Reviews in Solar Physics

ISSN: 1614-4961

Living Reviews in Solar Physics is an exclusively web-based, peer-reviewed journal, publishing reviews of research in all areas of solar and heliospheric physics. Articles are solicited from leading authorities and are intended for physicists at or above the graduate-student level. The articles in Living Reviews provide up-to-date critical reviews of the state of research in the fields they cover. Articles also offer annotated insights (and where possible, active links) into the key literature and describe online resources available in these fields. Living Reviews is unique in maintaining a suite of high-quality reviews; its articles are subjected to strict peer-review and are kept up-to-date by the authors. This is the meaning of the word "Living" in the journal's title. Living Reviews in Solar Physics is the second Living Reviews journal following Living Reviews in Relativity , which is now online in it's sixth year.

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Modern Physics Letters A

ISSN: 0217-7323eISSN: 1793-6632

This letters journal, launched in 1986, consists of research papers covering current research developments in Gravitation, Cosmology, Nuclear Physics, and Particles and Fields. A Brief Review section has also been initiated with the purpose of publishing short reports on the latest experimental findings and urgent new theoretical developments.

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

ISSN: 0035-8711eISSN: 1365-2966

Monthly Notices is one of the world's leading primary research journals in astronomy and astrophysics, as well as one of the longest established. It publishes the results of original research in positional and dynamical astronomy, astrophysics, radio astronomy, cosmology, space research and the design of astronomical instruments. Monthly Notices welcomes submissions from astronomers world-wide; two thirds of its content originates from outside the UK. It is run entirely by astronomers and, receiving no financial support from anywhere, makes its decision to publish only on scientific judgements. All published papers will have been rigorously peer-reviewed and fully linked to the ADS database, so they have a high impact. Practical advantages to publishing in Monthly Notices.

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters

ISSN: 1745-3925eISSN: 1745-3933
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Nature Astronomy

eISSN: 2397-3366

Nature Astronomy is a new online-only journal, publishing monthly from January 2017. Nature Astronomy is a truly multidisciplinary journal for the field, representing and fostering closer interaction between all of the key astronomy relevant disciplines, by publishing the most significant research, review and comment at the cutting edge of astronomy, astrophysics and planetary science.

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New Astronomy

ISSN: 1384-1076eISSN: 1384-1092

New Astronomy publishes articles in all fields of astronomy and astrophysics, with a particular focus on computational astronomy: mathematical and astronomy techniques and methodology, simulations, modelling and numerical results and computational techniques in instrumentation.New Astronomy includes full length research articles and letter articles. The journal covers solar, stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy and astrophysics. It reports on original research in all wavelength bands, ranging from radio to gamma-ray.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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New Astronomy Reviews

ISSN: 1387-6473

New Astronomy Reviews publishes review articles in all fields of astronomy and astrophysics: theoretical, observational and instrumental. This international review journal is written for a broad audience of professional astronomers and astrophysicists.The journal covers solar physics, planetary systems, stellar, galactic and extra-galactic astronomy and astrophysics, as well as cosmology. New Astronomy Reviewsis also open for proposals covering interdisciplinary and emerging topics such as astrobiology, astroparticle physics, and astrochemistry.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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New Space

ISSN: 2168-0256eISSN: 2168-0264
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ISSN: 0029-7704

Open Astronomy

eISSN: 2543-6376
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Physics of the Dark Universe

eISSN: 2212-6864

Physics of the Dark Universe is a new and innovative online-only, fully open access journal. The journal offers rapid publication of peer-reviewed, original research articles considered of high scientific impact. The journal is focused on the understanding of the nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy and covers all theoretical, experimental and phenomenological aspects of both Dark Matter and Dark Energy.It encourages the submission of articles on the following subjects in this field:Nature of Particle Dark MatterDirect searches for Dark MatterIndirect searches for Dark MatterCollider searches for Dark Matter, including for example the Large Hadron ColliderTheoretical investigations of the Physics of Dark MatterInvestigations of New and Existing Models OF Dark Matter (e.g. SUSY, extra dimensions, axions, etc)Low mass WIMP searchesObservations and experimental results related to the properties of Dark EnergyNew experiments, forecasts and methods for the observation of Dark EnergyModels and theoretical properties of vacuum energy,quintessence, modified gravity, and in general of Dark Energy and its alternative explanationsIn addition to submission of scientific papers in the usual formats, we encourage the submission of innovative articles, in the following forms:Articles containing additional information, such as additional figures, interactive plots and database linking. Elsevier offers 700 MB of space to be used for each article for additional material. Each file has a suggested size limit of 50 MB, but larger files are possible (in this case please contact the Managing Editor).Design Studies and Concept papers for new experiments or describing ideas for new experiments. In particular, experimental set up of the next generation of very large Dark Matter direct and indirect detectors, new underground laboratories for the study of Dark Matter, and new ground based or space based experiments on Dark Energy are particularly welcome. These articles can be longer than regular articles, describing the experiment while focusing on its scientific goals.Software Description and Manuals can be published, if the software is proved to have scientific interest in the understanding of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. The paper can be enriched with the code itself, that can be versioned and updated with time. A new article can only be allowed if the modifications to the software are relevant to the science described.Cover Images Credits:Photomultipliers, credits to XENON100 Collaboration; Cassiopea A, credits NASA/CXC/SAO/D.Patnaude et al; Millennium Simulation, credits Prof. Volker Springel; Bullet Cluster, credits: X-ray: NASA/CXC/CfA/M.Markevitch et al.; Optical: NASA/STScI; Magellan/U.Arizona/D. Clowe et al.; Lensing Map: NASA/STScI; ESO WFI; Magellan/U.Arizona/D.Clowe et al.

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Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors

ISSN: 0031-9201eISSN: 1872-7395

Launched in 1968 to fill the need for an international journal in the field of planetary physics, geodesy and geophysics, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors has now grown to become important reading matter for all geophysicists. It is the only journal to be entirely devoted to the physical and chemical processes of planetary interiors.Original research papers, review articles, short communications and book reviews are all published on a regular basis; and from time to time special issues of the journal are devoted to the publication of the proceedings of symposia and congresses which the editors feel will be of particular interest to the reader.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Planetary and Space Science

ISSN: 0032-0633eISSN: 1873-5088

Planetary and Space Science publishes original articles as well as short communications (letters). Ground-based and space-borne instrumentation and laboratory simulation of solar system processes are included. The following fields of planetary and solar system research are covered:• Celestial mechanics, including dynamical evolution of the solar system, gravitational captures and resonances, relativistic effects, tracking and dynamics• Cosmochemistry and origin, including all aspects of the formation and initial physical and chemical evolution of the solar system• Terrestrial planets and satellites, including the physics of the interiors, geology and morphology of the surfaces, tectonics, mineralogy and dating• Outer planets and satellites, including formation and evolution, remote sensing at all wavelengths and in situ measurements• Planetary atmospheres, including formation and evolution, circulation and meteorology, boundary layers, remote sensing and laboratory simulation• Planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres, including origin of magnetic fields, magnetospheric plasma and radiation belts, and their interaction with the sun, the solar wind and satellites• Small bodies, dust and rings, including asteroids, comets and zodiacal light and their interaction with the solar radiation and the solar wind• Exobiology, including origin of life, detection of planetary ecosystems and pre-biological phenomena in the solar system and laboratory simulations• Extrasolar systems, including the detection and/or the detectability of exoplanets and planetary systems, their formation and evolution, the physical and chemical properties of the exoplanets• History of planetary and space research

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Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union

ISSN: 1743-9213eISSN: 1743-9221
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Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan

ISSN: 0004-6264eISSN: 2053-051X
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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

ISSN: 1448-6083eISSN: 1448-6083