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The Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (JM3) publishes peer-reviewed papers on the science, development, and practice of lithographic, fabrication, packaging, and integration technologies necessary to address the needs of the electronics, microeletromechanical systems, micro-optoelectromechanical systems, and photonics industries. The wide range of such devices also includes biomedical microdevices, microfluidics, sensors and actuators, adaptive optics, and digital micromirrors. The scope is broad to facilitate synergy and interest between the communities served by the journal. Lithography: tools, materials, and processes associated with the patterning of structures that have submicrometer and nanometer-scale features. Included are imaging and nonimaging approaches using optics, electron and other particle beams, nanoimprint, molecular self-assembly, and their hybrids. Applications include semiconductor fabrication, but also patterning for other micro/nanodevices. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS): the design, fabrication, operation, reliability, and testing of microdevices that contain both electrical and mechanical elements. Micro-optoelectromechanical systems (MOEMS): the design, fabrication, operation, reliability, and testing of microdevices that contain electrical, mechanical, and optical elements (that is, the merging of micro-optics and MEMS). Microfabrication: technologies to shape three-dimensional structures leading to the fabrication of active and passive electronics, photonics, MEMS, MOEMS, micro/nano-optics, and other micro/nanodevices. Metrology: metrology and process control for the above devices and their fabrication processes.
The Journal of the Microwave Power Energy (JMPEE) is a quarterly publication of the International Microwave Power Institute (IMPI), aimed to be one of the primary sources of the most reliable information in the arts and sciences of microwave and RF technology. JMPEE provides space to engineers and researchers for presenting papers about non-communication applications of microwave and RF, mostly industrial, scientific, medical and instrumentation. Topics include, but are not limited to: applications in materials science and nanotechnology, characterization of biological tissues, food industry applications, green chemistry, health and therapeutic applications, microwave chemistry, microwave processing of materials, soil remediation, and waste processing.
The journal includes papers in the following areas:– Simple organic liquids and mixtures– Ionic liquids– Surfactant solutions (including micelles and vesicles) and liquid interfaces– Colloidal solutions and nanoparticles– Thermotropic and lyotropic liquid crystals– Ferrofluids– Water, aqueous solutions and other hydrogen-bonded liquids– Lubricants, polymer solutions and melts– Molten metals and salts– Phase transitions and critical phenomena in liquids and confined fluids– Self assembly in complex liquids.– Biomolecules in solutionThe emphasis is on the molecular (or microscopic) understanding of particular liquids or liquid systems, especially concerning structure, dynamics and intermolecular forces. The experimental techniques used may include:– Conventional spectroscopy (mid-IR and far-IR, Raman, NMR, etc.)– Non-linear optics and time resolved spectroscopy (psec, fsec, asec, ISRS, etc.)– Light scattering (Rayleigh, Brillouin, PCS, etc.)– Dielectric relaxation– X-ray and neutron scattering and diffraction.Experimental studies, computer simulations (MD or MC) and analytical theory will be considered for publication; papers just reporting experimental results that do not contribute to the understanding of the fundamentals of molecular and ionic liquids will not be accepted.
The Journal of Nanoparticle Research is a monthly peer-reviewed journal that explores the specific concepts, properties, phenomena and processes of structures at the nanoscale size range. Coverage includes synthesis, assembly, transport, reactivity, and stability, and emphasizes realization and application of systems, structures and devices with novel functions obtained via precursor nanoparticles. The Journal fosters the interdisciplinary dissemination of knowledge by encouraging synergetic approaches originating from a wide range of disciplines, such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Health Care. Perspectives now available for free onlinePerspective articles have a wide breadth of appeal because they evaluate research, industrial and societal trends centered around nanotechnology. See the bigger picture!
The Journal of Nanophotonics (JNP) is an electronic journal focusing on the fabrication and application of nanostructures that facilitate the generation, propagation, manipulation, and detection of light from the infrared to the ultraviolet regimes. The scope extends to theory, modeling and simulation, experimentation, instrumentation, and application. Nanoparticles and nanoparticulate composite materials Quantum dots and other low-dimensional nanostructures Nanotubes, nanowires, and nanofibers Nanowaveguides and nanoantennas Sculptured thin films and nanostructured photonic crystals Quantum optics and spintronics Nanoscale optical electronics Surface plasmons and nanoplasmonics Ultrashort pulse propagation Light-harvesting materials and devices Nanophotonic detectors Near-field optics Optical manipulation techniques, spectroscopies, and scattering techniques Molecular self-assembly, and other nanofabrication techniques Nanobiophotonics Nanophotonic concepts and systems that facilitate continued integration of various optical and/or electronic functions Dynamically tunable, multifunctional, and/or active nanomaterials and metamaterials
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (JNN) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with a wide-ranging coverage, consolidating research activities in all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology into a single and unique reference source. JNN is the first cross-disciplinary journal to publish original full research articles, rapid communications of important new scientific and technological findings, timely state-of-the-art reviews with author's photo and short biography, and current research news encompassing the fundamental and applied research in all disciplines of science, engineering and medicine.
In all cases the papers must demonstrate both novelty and importance to the field, by way of significant advances in understanding or application of non-crystalline solids; in the case of Letters, a compelling case must also be made for expedited handling.
The journal publishes "Letters to the Editor" with a guarantee of publication within 3 months after acceptance of the manuscript.
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Subjects considered suitable for the journal include the following (not necessarily in order of importance):
Overly abstract, formalistic or artificial developments will not be welcomed.
This is the journal for all scientists working in optical communications. Journal of Optical Communications was the first international publication covering all fields of optical communications with guided waves. It is the aim of the journal to serve all scientists engaged in optical communications as a comprehensive journal tailored to their needs and as a forum for their publications. The journal focuses on the main fields in optical communications: Fibers: Theory of single-/ multimode step-/ graded-index fibers; theory of properties (dispersion, attenuation, etc.); manufacturing; materials; splicing and coupling; experimental results and measurements of parameters (attenuation, bandwidth, profile, mode- mixing, strength, etc.) Cables: Production methods; construction; measurements and results on test links; theory on influence of cabling to fibers; splicing and coupling; economic aspects; undersea-cables Sources: Technology of ternary and quaternary III-V compounds for LED and laser; theory; material research; measurements on behaviour and life-span; new experimental methods; coupling to fibers; new structures Detectors: Technology of all kind of detectors; new devices and structures; theory (especially on noise, multiplication and bandwidth); test procedures; experimental results; coupling with fibers Measurements and standards: Problem of standards for measurements and data sheets; investigation of test procedures; system standardization of elements (i.e. dimensions) Systems: Theory of system configuration, modulation methods (digital, multilevel, analogue); comparison between different systems; influence of elements on system behaviour; reports on test links; system properties (theoretical/experimental); system description and measurements Applications: Long distance links; high-bit-rate communication; databus-systems; CATV; special applications Integrated optics: Theory and experiments of integrated optical wave-guides (monomode, multimode) concerning optical communications/ as couplers, distributors, exchange elements, splitters, unidirectional elements; new technologies; materials (i.e. dielectrics, semiconductors); measurement-techniques; new devices.
The Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion (JPED) focuses on the crystallographic, chemical, diffusion, and other kinetic properties of phases. It features critical phase diagram evaluations on scientifically and industrially important alloy systems, authored by international experts, as well as critically reviewed basic and applied research results, and a survey of current literature. JPED covers the significance of diagrams as well as new research techniques, equipment, data evaluation, nomenclature, presentation, and other aspects of phase diagram preparation and use. It also offers information on such phenomena as kinetic control of equilibrium, coherency effects, impurity effects, and thermodynamic and crystallographic characteristics.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics covers the study of atoms, ions, molecules and clusters, and their structure and interactions with particles, photons or fields. The journal also publishes articles dealing with those aspects of spectroscopy, quantum optics and non-linear optics, laser physics, astrophysics, plasma physics, chemical physics, optical cooling and trapping and other investigations where the objects of study are the elementary atomic, ionic or molecular properties of processes.Papers are published under the following subject sections: Atomic physics Molecular and cluster structure, properties and dynamics Atomic and molecular collisions Cold matter Optical and laser physics Quantum optics, information and control Ultrafast, high-field, and x-ray physics Astrophysics and plasma physics.
An international journal publishing high quality work concerned with all aspects of applied physics research, from biophysics, magnetism, plasmas, semiconductors, energy materials and devices to the structure and properties of matter.
The Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids is a well established international medium for publication of research in condensed matter and materials science. Emphasis is placed on experimental and theoretical work which contributes to a basic understanding of and new insight into the properties and behavior of condensed matter. General areas of interest are the electronic, spectroscopic and structural properties of solids, the statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of condensed systems, including perfect and defect lattices, surfaces, interfaces, thin films and multilayers, amorphous materials and nanostructures, and layered and low dimensional structures.Typical examples include the preparation and structural characterization of novel and advanced materials, especially in relation to the measurement and interpretation of their electrical, magnetic, optical, thermal and mechanical properties, phase transitions, electronic structure and defect properties, and the application of appropriate experimental and theoretical techniques in these studies. Articles are encouraged in all the above areas, but especially those which emphasize fundamental aspects of materials science. From time-to-time, Special Issues of the journal containing invited articles devoted to topical or rapidly developing fields are published.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter covers advances in the whole of condensed matter physics including soft matter, physics of chemical processes, and method development. Papers may report experimental, theoretical or computational studies, and all published papers must contain fundamental condensed matter physics.
JPhys Materials™ is an innovative new open access journal for high quality research in materials science, focusing in particular on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches. It builds on the strength and prestige of the Journal of Physics series, which celebrated 50 years of publishing in 2017. The journal will showcase the most significant and exciting developments in materials science research and apply open science principles to encourage maximum collaboration, reproducibility and dissemination of research. It is firmly focused on a community-oriented approach to communicating science and is not driven by funders, institutions or for-profit corporations.
Questions about submissions, scope, or content? Contact the editors of the Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics at The Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics is the exciting new home for all types of physics of polymer systems. Comprehensive reviews, rapid communications, and in-depth full papers cover topics like charge transport, optical properties, biological polymers, and more. Papers are peer-reviewed and published rapidly by our experienced professional editors. As one of the oldest and most-respected polymer science journals, your paper will reach a worldwide audience of top polymer scientists, physicists, and materials scientists. Submit your manuscript now! Sign up for the free newsletter and get weekly updates on the latest developments and exciting breakthroughs in the vast field of materials science.
The Journal of Porous Media publishes original full-length research articles (and technical notes) in a wide variety of areas related to porous media studies, such as mathematical modeling, numerical and experimental techniques, industrial and environmental heat and mass transfer, conduction, convection, radiation, particle transport and capillary effects, reactive flows, deformable porous media, biomedical applications, and mechanics of the porous substrate. Emphasis will be given to manuscripts that present novel findings pertinent to these areas. The journal will also consider publication of state-of-the-art reviews. Manuscripts applying known methods to previously solved problems or providing results in the absence of scientific motivation or application will not be accepted. Submitted articles should contribute to the understanding of specific scientific problems or to solution techniques that are useful in applications. Papers that link theory with computational practice to provide insight into the processes are welcome.