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Revista de Psicopatologia y Psicologia Clinica

ISSN: 1136-5420

Revue de Psychotherapie Psychanalytique de Groupe

ISSN: 0297-1194eISSN: 1776-2863
Publisher: Editions Eres

Revue française de psychanalyse

ISSN: 0035-2942

Revue française de psychosomatique

ISSN: 1164-4796
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Rorschachiana: Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach

ISSN: 1192-5604eISSN: 2151-206X
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Santé mentale au Québec

ISSN: 0383-6320eISSN: 1708-3923
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Savoirs et Clinique

ISSN: 1634-3298eISSN: 1776-2871
Publisher: Editions Eres

Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review

ISSN: 0106-2301eISSN: 1600-0803
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Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity

ISSN: 1072-0162eISSN: 1532-5318

Now being understood and treated as a significant and widespread disorder, sexual addiction and compulsivity is an enormously complex problem that requires a multidisciplinary approach from psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, family therapists, pastoral counselors, and law enforcement personnel.The first and only journal devoted to topics pertaining to this growing illness, Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for research and clinical practice. As the source for information in this expanding new field, this journal will give practicing clinicians useful and innovative strategies for intervention and treatment from the necessary multidisciplinary perspective.Conceptual issues regarding addiction, compulsivity, and sexual medicine will be explored as new research emerges, as well as the underlining challenges in public policy and prevention, and criteria for diagnosis and reimbursement.Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Sexual and Relationship Therapy

ISSN: 1468-1994eISSN: 1468-1749

Sexual and Relationship Therapy is a leading independent journal in its field, well established and internationally recognized. It offers an active, multidisciplinary forum for review and debate across the spectrum of sexual and relationship dysfunctions and therapies. The journal presents original research and best practice and is a vehicle for new theory, methodology, and application and welcomes contributions from all concerned with the field of clinical sexuality and sexual medicine in its broadest sense. Sexual and Relationship Therapy is edited by a respected international team and publishes contributions from around the world. It is the official journal of the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT, formerly known as the British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy, BASRT). Featured topics in the journal include: * Innovative research on sexual health and therapy * Issues faced by clients in a range of diverse relationships * Emerging therapies and clinical case studies * Psychophysiology of sexual function * Current debates in the field These topics are covered by: * Original research papers * 'For debate' articles * Clinical case reports * Commissioned leading comments * Critical and educational reviews (Clinical, multimedia, books and related literature) * Special editions * Letters to the Editor Peer Review Integrity All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees. Disclaimer The British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy and Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of the Society and Taylor & Francis.

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Sleep Disorders

ISSN: 2090-3545eISSN: 2090-3553

Sleep Disorders is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies related to all aspects of sleep disorders.

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Sleep Medicine Clinics

ISSN: 1556-407XeISSN: 1556-4088

Sleep Medicine Clinics provides a forum for invited, topical reviews in this rapidly growing field, ideal for any clinician working with patients suffering from sleep disorders. Published quarterly—in March, June, September, and December—each issue provides expert, state-of-the-art reviews on a single topic, making ample use of figures, diagrams, and tables. Subject areas covered include anesthesia and critical care, respiratory medicine, disorders of sleep, causes of sleep disturbance, diagnostic techniques, and the science of sleep. In addition, you can also purchase a CME subscription that offers up to 60 AMA Category 1 credits per year.

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Sleep and Hypnosis

ISSN: 1302-1192

Social Psychological and Personality Science

ISSN: 1948-5506eISSN: 1948-5514

Social Psychological and Personality Science (SPPS) is a new, unique short reports journal in social and personality psychology. It publishes cutting-edge, peer-reviewed, short reports of single studies, or very succinct reports of multiple studies, and is geared toward a speedy review and publication process to allow groundbreaking research to be quickly available to the field.

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Spirituality in Clinical Practice

ISSN: 2326-4500eISSN: 2326-4519
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Stress & Health

ISSN: 1532-3005eISSN: 1532-2998
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Suicide And Life Threatening Behavior

ISSN: 0363-0234eISSN: 1943-278X

Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior keeps professionals abreast of the latest research, theories, and intervention approaches for suicide and life-threatening behaviors. The journal publishes scientific research on suicidal and other life-threatening behaviors, including research from biological, psychological, and sociological approaches. Issues examine such topics as risk factors for suicide in particular populations, assessment and risk-management approaches, advances in evidence-based prevention, methodological and ethical issues in intervention research, cross-cultural and international findings, and mental health needs of those bereaved by suicide.

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Tempo Psicanalitico

ISSN: 0101-4838

The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse

ISSN: 0095-2990eISSN: 1097-9891

The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse is now published six times per year and provides an important and stimulating publication for the exchange of ideas between the diverse researchers examining the neurobiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of addictive disorders. The journal includes a wide range of translational research from preclinical through clinical aspects of substance use and addictive disorders. The Journal covers these topics with focused data presentations and authoritative reviews of timely developments in our field.Manuscripts in neurobiology may include molecular biology, cellular physiology, and human and animal pharmacology of abused drugs. Submissions in pathophysiology may include behavioral pharmacology, neuroimaging, and family-genetic studies of assessments, pharmacotherapies, behavioral therapies, large-scale treatment follow-up studies, and new modalities of care. Manuscripts may also include the medicinal use of substances traditionally considered substances of abuse. Reviews and Perspectives of emerging fields are encouraged.Read More:

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The American Journal of Family Therapy

ISSN: 0192-6187eISSN: 1521-0383

The American Journal of Family Therapy continues to be the incisive, authoritative, independent voice in an ever-changing field. Contents include the latest techniques for treating families and research on a variety of topics, including: normal and dysfunctional family relationships; sexuality and intimacy; traditional and alternative family styles; community approaches to family intervention; substance abuse and domestic violence; child and family custody evaluations; and parental estrangement, alienation, and family reunification.The journal is home to a number of regular sections that have long enhanced our multidimensional coverage and interest, including:Family Measurement Techniques;Family Behavioral Medicine and Health;Family Law Issues in Family Therapy Practice;Continuing Education and Training;Book and Media Reviews;Journal File;International Department.

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