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ABAC Journal

ISSN: 0858-0855

ACM Inroads

ISSN: 2153-2184eISSN: 2153-2192
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ISSN: 1304-7639eISSN: 2149-8261


ISSN: 0045-0685eISSN: 1839-4779


ISSN: 0819-4564eISSN: 1839-4809


ISSN: 0190-2946


eISSN: 2241-1402
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Academic Medicine

ISSN: 1040-2446eISSN: 1938-808X

Academic Medicine, the official monthly, peer-reviewed journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, serves as an international forum for the exchange of ideas and information about policy, issues, and research concerning academic medicine, including strengthening the quality of medical education and training, enhancing the search for biomedical knowledge, advancing research in health services, and integrating education and research into the provision of effective health care. Website: and In-Training subscribers receive fully searchable online access to articles from Volume 1 to the present8212;now available on a powerful new website! This best-in-class website platform uses Web 2.0 functionality to provide an enhanced online experience through such features as: saved searches, personal article collections, easy image downloads to PowerPoint, and more.

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Academic Psychiatry

ISSN: 1042-9670eISSN: 1545-7230

Academic Psychiatry publishes original scholarly work dedicated to innovative psychiatric education, professional development in academic psychiatry, and leadership by psychiatrists in the field of medicine. The journal aims to further knowledge in psychiatric education and stimulate improvements in the field of Academic Psychiatry. Articles address teaching, research, and administration, as well as clinical, organizational, and economic issues relevant to the academic missions of departments of psychiatry. Other features include a New Ideas section, commentaries and letters to the editor. Academic Psychiatry also gathers the best papers from meeting workshops, provides a forum for debate, and presents theme issues that focus on a single area of psychiatric education.

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Academic Questions

ISSN: 0895-4852eISSN: 1936-4709

American higher education has been profoundly compromised in the past three decades. Standards have been eroded, the curriculum has been debased, and research has been trivialized or distorted by ideology. Yet the established voices of the academy often speak in tones that are self-congratulatory rather than self-critical. Academic Questions utilizes the best of scholarly analysis to explore the conspicuous vices, as well as the virtues, of the contemporary university. A journal dedicated to strengthening the integrity of scholarship and teaching, Academic Questions examines issues that arise from the interplay between politics, ideology, scholarship, and teaching in higher education. Among the questions explored are the maintenance of scholarly standards, the quality and even-handedness of peer review, the preservation of intellectual tolerance and civility on campus and within academic associations, and the relationship between government and education. A critique of the academy by academics themselves, Academic Questions upholds the traditions of humanism and intellectual freedom. Academic Questions is the official journal of the National Association of Scholars.

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Academy of Management Learning & Education

ISSN: 1537-260XeISSN: 1944-9585

The Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE) examines pressing issues in the fields of management learning and education by presenting theory, models, research, critique, dialogues and retrospectives that address the learning process, and the practice of management education. Audience includes scholars, educators, program directors and deans at academic institutions as well as practitioners in training and development and corporate education. Published quarterly in March, June, September and December. Circulation: 16,659.

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Accountability in Research: Ethics, Integrity and Policy

ISSN: 0898-9621eISSN: 1545-5815

Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance is devoted to the examination and critical analysis of systems for maximizing integrity in the conduct of research. It provides an interdisciplinary, international forum for the development of ethics, procedures, standards policies, and concepts to encourage the ethical conduct of research and to enhance the validity of research results. The journal welcomes divergent views on topics related to the integrity of research from scientists as well as from those in the fields of law, medicine, economics, statistics, management studies, public policy, politics, sociology, history, psychology, philosophy, ethics, and information science. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is single blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.

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Accounting Education

ISSN: 0963-9284eISSN: 1468-4489

Accounting Education: an international journal is a peer-reviewed international journal devoted to publishing research-based papers and other information on key aspects of accounting education and training of relevance to practitioners, academics, trainers, students and professional bodies.It is a forum for the exchange of ideas, experiences, opinions and research results relating to the preparation of students for careers in public accounting, managerial accounting, financial management, corporate accounting, controllership, treasury management, financial analysis, internal auditing, and accounting in government and other non-commercial organizations, as well as continuing professional development on the part of accounting practitioners.The coverage includes aspects of accounting education and training policy, curriculum issues, computing matters, and accounting research as it impinges on educational or training issues.The journal seeks to make available innovative teaching resource material that can be used by readers in their own institutions. As a necessary corollary to this, the journal seeks to publish papers dealing with the effectiveness of accounting education or training.In addition to publishing original papers the journal also includes exemplars and reviews relating to what we teach, how we teach it, and how effective our endeavours are in providing an adequate educational and training base for accounting practice.Peer Review Policy:All main articles, teaching resources and notes in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review based on initial screening by the Editor followed by double-blind refereeing involving two anonymous referees and an Associate Editor. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Action Learning: Research and Practice

ISSN: 1476-7333eISSN: 1476-7341

Action Learning : Research & Practice will publish articles which advance knowledge and assist the development of practice through the processes of action learning. Articles should aim to create theory, grounded in empirical observation of data and experience, that widens understanding of action learning and research in professional and organisational settings. Papers should encourage practitioners to gain new insights into their work and help them improve their effectiveness and contribution to their clients and the wider community. Action learning is grounded in the approach pioneered by Reg Revans which holds that there can be no learning without action and no knowing without the effort to practise and implement what is claimed as knowledge. Because action learning promotes the creative integration of thinking & doing, theory & practice, academic & practitioner, contributors are asked to strive to hold these often diverse perspectives together. An important question in assessing papers will be: “Is this likely to help people in the further development of their practice in working with people, organisations and communities?” Articles which cross the conventional boundaries of professions, organisations and communities are particularly welcome. The editors will also welcome responses from readers to all these contributions, and publish alternative views in the spirit of debate and discussion.

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Active Learning in Higher Education

ISSN: 1469-7874eISSN: 1741-2625

Active Learning in Higher Education is an international, peer reviewed publication for all those who teach and support learning in higher education and those who undertake or use research into effective learning, teaching and assessment in universities and colleges. The journal is devoted to all aspects of development, innovations and good practice in higher education teaching and learning, including the use of information and communication technologies and issues concerning the management of teaching and learning.

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Adult Education Quarterly

ISSN: 0741-7136eISSN: 1552-3047

Adult Education Quarterly (AEQ) is a quarterly scholarly refereed journal committed to advancing the understanding and practice of adult and continuing education. AEQ aims to stimulate a problem-oriented, critical approach to research and practice, with an increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary and international perspectives. Innovative and provocative scholarship informed by diverse orientations and methodologies is encouraged.

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Advanced Science Letters

ISSN: 1936-6612eISSN: 1936-7317

Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience is an international peer-reviewed journal with a wide-ranging coverage, consolidates research activities in all aspects of computational and theoretical nanoscience into a single reference source. This journal offers scientists and engineers peer-reviewed research papers in all aspects of computational and theoretical nanoscience and nanotechnology in chemistry, physics, materials science.

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Advances in Health Sciences Education

ISSN: 1382-4996eISSN: 1573-1677

Advances in Health Sciences Education is a forum for scholarly and state-of-the art research into all aspects of health sciences education. It will publish empirical studies as well as discussions of theoretical issues and practical implications. The primary focus of the Journal is linking theory to practice, thus priority will be given to papers that have a sound theoretical basis and strong methodology.

The Journal will accept articles on topics such as admissions, problem-based and self-directed learning, faculty development, achievement testing, motivation, curriculum development, curricular comparisons, program evaluation, expertise development, clinical reasoning, continuing education, community-based education, and communication skills (the list is intended as illustrative, not exhaustive). All rigorous methodologies, both quantitative and qualitative, are encouraged. It is aimed at all those committed to the improvement of health professions education: researchers and educators in the fields of me

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Advances in Physiology Education

ISSN: 1043-4046eISSN: 1522-1229

Advances in Physiology Education promotes and disseminates educational scholarship in order to enhance teaching and learning of physiology, neuroscience and pathophysiology. The journal publishes peer-reviewed descriptions of innovations that improve teaching in the classroom and laboratory, essays on education, and review articles based on our current understanding of physiological mechanisms. Submissions that evaluate new technologies for teaching and research, and educational pedagogy, are especially welcome. The audience for the journal includes educators at all levels: K-12, undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs.

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Africa Education Review

ISSN: 1814-6627eISSN: 1753-5921

Africa Education Review has been in existence since 1972 under the name Educare. For many years it served as the in-house publication vehicle for members of staff in the Faculty of Education at the University of South Africa (Unisa). A decision was taken in 2003 that the journal should change in status from being an in-house journal to one that is housed in the Faculty of Education. The Journal has now become a publication outlet for academics nationally and internationally and has its home at the University of South Africa, South Africa. The Journal has been published biannually but will be published triennially as from 2011. Aims and ScopeAfrica Education Review is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal that seeks the submission of unpublished articles on current educational issues. It encourages debate on theory, policy and practice on a wide range of topics that represent a variety of disciplines, interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary and transdisciplinary interests on international and global scale. The journal therefore welcomes contributions from associated disciplines including sociology, psychology and economics.

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