Health Education is a leading journal which reflects the best of modern thinking about health education. It offers stimulating and incisive coverage of current debates, concerns, interventions, and initiatives, and provides a wealth of evidence, research, information, and ideas to inform and inspire those in both the theory and practice of health education. Health Education plays a crucial role in the development of a healthy, inclusive, and equitable social, psychological, and physical environment.
Publishing original, refereed papers, Health Education Research deals with all the vital issues involved in health education and promotion worldwide - providing a valuable link between the health education research and practice communities.Abstracting and Indexing Services Health Education Research is covered by the following major indexing services:Abstracts in AnthropologyAbstracts in AnthropologyAbstracts on Hygiene and Communicable DiseasesAddiction AbstractsApplied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)British Education IndexBritish Nursing IndexBritish Nursing IndexCAB AbstractsCINAHLContents Page in EducationCurrent Contents® /Social and Behavioral SciencesDairy Science AbstractsEducation Research AbstractsEducational Management AbstractsEducational Technology AbstractsEMBASEEnvironmental Science and Pollution ManagementE-psycheExcerpta Medica Abstract JournalsGlobal HealthHealth & Safety Science AbstractsHelminthology AbstractsIndex VeterinariusJournal Citation Reports /Social Sciences EditionLeisure, Recreation and Tourism AbstractsMulticultural Education AbstractsNutrition Abstracts and ReviewsPeriodicals Index Online (PIO)Physical Education IndexPROQUEST DATABASE : MEDLINE with Full TextPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest 5000 InternationalPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest CentralPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Health & Medical CompletePROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Health ManagementPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Medical LibraryPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health SourcePROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Pharma CollectionPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Psychology JournalsPROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Wilson DatabasesPROQUEST DATABASE : PsycINFO Database with Full TextPubMedPsychlitResearch into Higher Education AbstractsReview of Medical and Veterinary MycologyRural Development AbstractsSocial Sciences Citation Index®Social Scisearch®Sociology of EducationSpecial Education Needs AbstractsStudies on Women and Gender Abstracts (SWA)The Standard Periodical DirectoryTropical Diseases BulletinVocational Education & Training AbstractsWilson OmniFile Full Text Mega EditionWorld Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts .
The purpose of Hematology, also known as the ASH Education Program Book, is to provide a series of up-to-date review articles applicable to the current practice of hematology -- whether the practice be community-based, academic, institutional, training, or a combination thereof. Each chapter of the book relates to one of the education program sessions at the annual meeting. The articles summarize the topic and provide sufficient references so that they can be used by a general hematology practitioner who could not attend the ASH annual meeting.
High Ability Studies provides a forum for scholars in a variety of disciplines associated with the development of human abilities to their highest level. It is a medium for the promotion of high ability, whether through the communication of scientific research, theory, or the exchange of practical experience and ideas. The contents of this journal are unique in reflecting concerns and recent developments in this area from childhood and across the whole life span in a variety of contexts. Far from being restricted to the traditional focus on high-level cognitive development, it also presents investigations into all other areas of human endeavour, including sport, technology, the arts, business, management and social relations. The journal is concerned with aspects of development, personality, cognition, social behaviour and cross-cultural issues in relation to high ability. Theoretical modelling and measurement techniques, as well as instructional strategies and curriculum issues, are of interest. Consequently, the journal presents material which is relevant to researchers in the field, to managers who have highly able individuals employed, to policy makers who need to find frameworks by which to make the best use of high ability in society, to mentors, coaches, teachers, counsellors and parents of highly able children. Furthermore, the contents are not restricted to the study of manifest high level achievement, but include the identification and nurturance of unexercised potential. High Ability Studies is an international refereed journal which publishes papers in English, as well as reviews of books and other relevant material. It is the official scholarly journal of the European Council for High Ability (ECHA). Peer Review: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science publications: Taylor & Francis and European Council for High Ability make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and European Council for High Ability and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis and European Council for High Ability.
Recognized as the leading international journal on higher education studies, this publication examines educational developments throughout the world in universities, polytechnics, colleges, and vocational and education institutions. It reports on developments in both public and private higher education sectors.Higher Education features contributions from leading scholars from different countries who tackle the problems of teachers as well as students, and of planners as well as administrators. It presents authoritative overview articles, comparative studies and analyses of particular problems or issues.While each higher education system has its own distinctive features, common problems and issues are shared internationally by researchers, teachers and institutional leaders. Higher Education offers opportunities for the exchange of research results, experience and insights, and provides a forum for ongoing discussion between experts.
The aim of Higher Education Pedagogies is to identify, promote and publish excellence and innovations in the practice and theory of teaching and learning in and across all disciplines in higher education.
The journal will provide an international forum for the sharing, dissemination and discussion of research, experience and perspectives across a wide range of teaching and learning issues.
The journal will prove a valuable resource for individuals in the development and enhancement of their own practice, and for institutions in the promotion of the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Higher Education Pedagogies will focus on disciplinary pedagogies and learning experiences; the higher education curriculum, i.e. what is taught and how it is developed and enhanced including both skills and knowledge; the delivery of the higher education curriculum; how it is taught and how students learn, and academic development; the role of teaching and learning in the development of academic careers and its place within the profession. Higher Education Pedagogies welcomes papers which are accessible to both specialist and generalist readers and are theoretically and empirically rigorous. Through advancing knowledge of, and practice in, teaching and learning, Higher Education Pedagogies will prove essential reading for all those who wish to stay informed of state-of-the-art teaching and learning developments in higher education. Higher Education Pedagogies is sponsored by the Higher Education Academy.
Open Access -Article Publishing Charges
To cover the cost of Open Access publishing, Higher Education Pedagogies charges an article publishing charge (APC) for all accepted articles. There is no submission charge. The APC for Higher Education Pedagogies is $1200 (£750 / €1000). For members of learned Societies publishing with Taylor & Francis this is reduced to $600 (£375/ €500). Members of the Higher Education Academy are eligible for APC waivers.
The APC is paid via an e-commerce transaction and invoicing will take place after acceptance of the article following peer review. Payment can be made via credit card, or an invoice can be requested. Further processing of the article will be deferred pending payment.
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In addition to the provision of waivers for members of the Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Pedagogies also provides fee waivers and discounts to support researchers in developing and emerging regions. Authors are eligible to apply for a waiver if the corresponding author and majority of co-authors are based in countries as specified by the Research4Life partnership. Other waivers will be granted on a case-by-case basis depending on the authors' circumstances. Authors should request a waiver during the submission process.
Higher Education Quarterly publishes articles concerned with policy, strategic management and ideas in higher education. A substantial part of its contents is concerned with reporting research findings in ways that bring out their relevance to senior managers and policy makers at institutional and national levels, and to academics who are not necessarily specialists in the academic study of higher education.
Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) is a refereed international journal, established in 1982 as the principal learned journal of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia.Higher Education Research and Development aims to serve the needs of teachers, researchers, students, administrators and those concerned with the present and future of higher education. The journal publishes research-based articles on the theory and practice of higher education. This includes comparative reviews and critically reflective case studies, as well as empirically-based papers. All articles are appropriately framed for an international audience, and are designed to lead to critical insights into the area being addressed.All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and review by at least two internationally recognised peers.Books for Review: Send books for review to Dr Ian Brailsford, CAD, The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand.Disclaimer:The Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.
HESWBL is the only to journal to focus on the interface between higher education and the workplace. Covering higher level skills, higher level work-based and work integrated learning and higher education, the journal publishes articles with strong impact implications for practice and policy development. Providing broad international coverage of issues, developments and innovation, the journal showcases work around employer engagement, work integrated learning, co-operative education, graduate employability, occupational competence, academic and professional standards and workforce development.
A journal devoted to the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese published by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Hispania invites the submission of original, unpublished manuscripts on language, linguistics, literature, literary criticism, film, culture, cultural studies, applied linguistics and pedagogy having to do with Spanish and Portuguese. Hispania publishes scholarly articles that are judged to be of interest to specialists in the discipline(s) as well as to a diverse readership of teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Hispania is the official journal of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP).
For information on how to join the History of Education Society, please click here.History of Education has established itself as a leading, international, peer-reviewed journal, focusing on the history of education in all parts of the world. The journal is recognised as a key resource for both educationists and social historians alike.The journal publishes original research and major reviews of books in the history of education. Papers dealing with both formal and informal education systems, comparative education, policy-making, the politics and experience of education and pedagogy are welcomed.The journal also includes a section entitled Sources and Interpretations, which examines historical sources and debates around their interpretation in research and practice.Special Issues have focused on: feminism, femininity and feminization the second world war education and economic performance education and national identity education in Wales and Scandinavia ways of seeing education and schooling emerging historiographies reforming lives? progressivism, leadership and educational change Peer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science publications:Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.ReadershipHistorians of education, policy researchers, administrative researchers and sociologists of education.
The journal History of Education it has been published quarterly in Brazil since 1997. The topic it covers is the field of History of Education and its mission is to be a vehicle for the dissemination of studies in historiography of education. It aims mainly at disseminating the results of research done by teachers and undergraduate and graduate students, and its target public is teachers, students, researchers and people interested in history of education.
IEEE Potentials is the magazine dedicated to undergraduate and graduate students and young professionals. IEEE Potentials explores career strategies, the latest in research, and important technical developments. Through its articles, it also relates theories to practical applications, highlights technology's global impact and generates international forums that foster the sharing of diverse ideas about the profession.