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The International Journal of Diversity in Education

ISSN: 2327-0020eISSN: 2327-2163
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The International Journal of Early Childhood Learning

ISSN: 2327-7939eISSN: 2327-8722
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The International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership

ISSN: 2329-1656eISSN: 2329-1591
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The International Journal of Humanities Education

ISSN: 2327-0063eISSN: 2327-2457
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The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies

ISSN: 2327-011XeISSN: 2327-2570
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The International Journal of Learner Diversity and Identities

ISSN: 2327-0128eISSN: 2327-2627
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The International Journal of Learning

ISSN: 1447-9494eISSN: 1447-9540
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The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education

ISSN: 2327-7955eISSN: 2327-8749
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The International Journal of Literacies

ISSN: 2327-0136eISSN: 2327-266X
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The International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum

ISSN: 2327-7963eISSN: 2327-9133
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The International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning

ISSN: 2327-7971eISSN: 2327-915X
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The International Journal of Sustainability Education

ISSN: 2325-1212eISSN: 2325-1220
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The International Journal of Technologies in Learning

ISSN: 2327-0144eISSN: 2327-2686
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The Interpreter and Translator Trainer

ISSN: 1750-399XeISSN: 1757-0417

Increasing demand for professionals for the languages services industry and other areas of intercultural communication and the concomitant proliferation of training programmes have given rise to widespread concern for and reflection on how translator and interpreter education and training can best be conceived and the necessary skills and knowledge to be acquired. This is the first journal in the field of translation studies to devote its attention entirely to research in education and training. ITT is a refereed international journal that seeks to address issues relating to the education and training of professional translators and interpreters, and of those working in other forms of interlingual and intercultural mediation. ITT aims to provide a specialized forum for trainers, educators, researchers and professionals sharing an interest in the training of translators and/or interpreters from diverse theoretical and applied approaches, encouraging critical reflection on the many issues involved, including: curricular design; syllabus design; translator/translation competence(s); teaching and learning approaches, methods and techniques; teaching and learning resources; assessment and accreditation, amongst others. ITT seeks in particular to encourage interdisciplinary approaches incorporating appropriate research methods and results from fields such as education, curricular studies, or language acquisition, as well as others more frequently associated with tanslation studies, such as cultural studies, linguistics, communication studies, anthropology, psychology, cognitive science or literary studies. Each biannual issue includes: original research articles; reviews of recent publications on or for education and training, including textbooks;a features section which will consist variously of course profiles, debates on training and educational paradigms, interviews, reviews of software/hardware, reports on events, project presentations; abstracts of Ph.D. and Masters dissertations on translator and interpreter education and training. The journal also intends to publish, when possible, English-language translations of outstanding articles originally published in other languages, and occasional guest edited monographic issues.

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The Journal of Aesthetic Education

ISSN: 0021-8510eISSN: 1543-7809

The Journal of Aesthetic Education (JAE) is a highly respected interdisciplinary journal that focuses on clarifying the issues of aesthetic education understood in its most extensive meaning. The Journal thus welcomes articles on philosophical aesthetics and education, to problem areas in education critical to arts and humanities at all institutional levels ; to an understanding of the aesthetic import of the new communications media and environmental aesthetics; and to an understanding of the aesthetic character of humanistic disciplines. The journal should is a valuable resource not only to educators, but also to philosophers, art critics and art historians.

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The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension

ISSN: 1389-224XeISSN: 1750-8622

The Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension is published to inform experts who do or use research on agricultural education and extension about research conducted in this field worldwide. Information about this research is needed to improve policies, strategies, methods and practices for agricultural education and extension. The Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension accepts authorative and well-referenced scientific articles within the field of agricultural education and extension after a double-blind peer review process.Agricultural education and extension faces profound change, and therefore its core area of attention is moving towards communication, competence development and performance improvement for a wide variety of fields and audiences, most of which can be studied from a multi-disciplinary perspective, including: Communication for Development Competence Management and Development Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Development Design and Implementation of Competence8211;based Education Environmental and Natural Resource Management Entrepreneurship and Learning Facilitating Multiple-Stakeholder Processes Health and Society Innovation of Agricultural-Technical Education Innovation Systems and Learning Integrated Rural Development Interdisciplinary and Social Learning Learning, Conflict and Decision Making Poverty Reduction Performance Improvement Sustainable Agricultural Production The Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension sees as the purposes of agricultural education and extension to prepare students for leadership, management, and technical support roles, to further develop the public, independent workers, volunteers and professionals, and to improve practices in the fields mentioned. This should be achieved whilst balancing people, profit and planet interests.All submissions must comply with the Instruction for Authors.Peer ReviewThe Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension ensures that all articles published in the journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial screening by the editorial committee and anonymous refereeing by two referees who are active in the academic community. The purpose of the refereeing process is to ensure that articles provide relevant and accurate material for those who do and use research, including: researchers, academics, agricultural education and extension managers, trainers and experts, communication professionals, human resources specialists, and policy makers.

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The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing

ISSN: 0022-0124eISSN: 1938-2472

The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing: Continuing Competence for the Future is a monthly journal providing original, peer-reviewed articles on continuing nursing education. Directed toward all participants in continuing nursing education and staff development, the Journal provides features including teaching tips, administrative angles, and clinical updates as well as offers contact hours in each issue. The Journal also publishes the Annual Survey of State Boards of Nursing and Selected National Professional Certifying Boards/Associations, which provides our readers with the most current collected information about certification and licensure requirements for continuing education.

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The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions

ISSN: 0894-1912eISSN: 1554-558X

The Journal of Continuing Education is a quarterly journal publishing articles relevant to theory, practice, and policy development for continuing education in the health sciences. The journal presents original research and essays on subjects involving the lifelong learning of professionals, with a focus on continuous quality improvement, competency assessment, and knowledge translation. It provides thoughtful advice to those who develop, conduct, and evaluate continuing education programs. Issues contain: * Original Research that includes detailed methods, data, analysis, and reporting of implications for research and practice. Articles conclude with Lessons for Practice, summaries of key themes, or recommendations for application of the article's findings. * Innovations in Continuing Education with analysis and commentary exploring contemporary issues in professional healthcare education. * Book Reviews of key publications in healthcare planning, policy, and continuing education.

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The Journal of Continuing Higher Education

ISSN: 0737-7363eISSN: 1948-4801

The Journal of Continuing Higher Education strives to support continuing higher education by serving as a forum for the reporting and exchange of information based on research, observations, and the experience relevant to the field. Issues are published in the winter, spring, and fall. Manuscripts (four copies) should be submitted to Editor James Broomall at: Dr. James K. Broomall, Editor, The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, Professional & Continuing Studies, John M. Clayton Hall, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716. Ph: (302)831-2795, Fax: (302)831-1077, Email: Peer Review Policy: All major and Best Practice articles in this journal have undergone anonymous double-blind and editorial review.

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The Journal of Economic Education

ISSN: 0022-0485eISSN: 2152-4068

The Journal of Economic Education offers original articles on teaching economics. In its pages, leading scholars evaluate innovations in teaching techniques, materials, and programs. Instructors of introductory through graduate level economics will find the journal an indispensable resource for content and pedagogy in a variety of media. The Journal of Economic Education is published quarterly in cooperation with the National Council on Economic Education and the Advisory Committee on Economic Education of the American Economic Association. Manuscripts for the Journal of Economic Education should fall within one of the following categories: * Research in economic education: Original theoretical and empirical studies dealing with the analysis and evaluation of teaching methods, learning attitudes and interests, materials, or processes. * Economic content: Substantive issues, new ideas, and research findings in economics that may influence or can be used in the teaching of economics. * Economic instruction: Innovations in pedagogy, hardware, materials, and methods for treating traditional and newer subjects. Issues involving the way economics is taught are emphasized. * Online: The Online section identifies exemplary material for teaching and learning economics that is interactive or otherwise not conducive to traditional printed-page format. It features noncommercial work by economists and educators who are creating teaching materials using innovative electronic technology. * Features and information: Reports on the status and events that influence academic economists (the labor market, status of women and minorities, and developments within graduate and undergraduate programs). Manuscripts typically will be evaluated by two or more reviewers. Pertinent comments will be brought to the author's attention, but manuscripts will not be returned. Submissions should be clear and concise. Authors should keep in mind that our readers are economists and educators with diverse preparation in economics, statistics, and educational theory. Upon acceptance of a manuscript, authors will receive instructions about submitting a disk. Following the publication of articles in the journal, and as a condition of that publication, authors will be expected to make their data available to those who request it from them. Peer Review Policy: Papers published in this journal have undergone editor review and peer review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, LLC, 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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