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Revista Brasileira de História

ISSN: 0102-0188eISSN: 1806-9347

The Revista Brasileira de Historia publishes original articles, connected with the contemporary historical bibliography. It aims to spread the results of practices of researching, writing and teaching history.

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Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios de Desarrollo

ISSN: 2254-2035eISSN: 2254-2035
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Revista Raega: O Espaço Geográfico em Análise

ISSN: 1516-4136eISSN: 2177-2738
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Revista Sociedade e Estado

ISSN: 0102-6992eISSN: 1980-5462

To publish original works related to Social Sciences.

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Revista Venezolana de Gerencia

ISSN: 1315-9984eISSN: 2477-9423

Published quarterly, refereed and indexed by the Vice-Chancellor Academic, University of Zulia, which publishes original work on management in a variety of organizations and management functions, in order to open a space for pluralistic confrontation that facilitates scientific development of management. Difunfe and promotes research and discussion of the management problems of the country and Latin America and foster closer links with business and government institutions, facilitating the theoretical and practical contribution. Indexed in: REDALyC, ECLAC, CLAD, CLASS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE, METABASE, SCIELO-REVENCYT, Sociological Abstracts, Ulrichs International Periodicals Directory and others.

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Revista de Economía Mundial

ISSN: 1576-0162eISSN: 1576-0162

Revista de Teledetección

ISSN: 1133-0953eISSN: 1988-8740
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Revue de Géographie Alpine

ISSN: 0035-1121eISSN: 1760-7426

The Revue de Ge´ographie Alpine / Journal of Alpine Research is an international, multidisciplinary journal. It publishes hitherto unpublished scientific papers on regional and environmental problems concerning the Alpine Arc and European mountain areas. Analyses of other mountain areas of the world may also be included in issues dealing with a comparative theme. The journal publishes articles both in French and in English. Archives from 1913 till 2006 are accessible free of charge on the site The Journal is referenced on ISI - Web of Knowledge. .

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Rivista geografica italiana

ISSN: 0035-6697eISSN: 2499-748X
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Rural History

ISSN: 0956-7933eISSN: 1474-0656
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Sbornik Ceske Geograficke Spolecnosti

ISSN: 1210-115X

Scandinavian Economic History Review

ISSN: 0358-5522eISSN: 1750-2837

Scandinavian Economic History Review publishes articles and reviews in the broad field of Nordic economic, business and social history.The journal also publishes contributions from closely related fields, such as history of technology, maritime history and history of economic thought. Articles dealing with theoretical and methodological issues are also included.The editors aim to reflect contemporary research, thinking and debate in these fields, both within Scandinavia and more widely. The journal comprises a broad variety of aspects and approaches to economic and social history, ranging from macro economic history to business history, from quantitative to qualitative studies.The journal has been published since 1952 by the Scandinavian Society of Economic and Social History.

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Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Supplement

ISSN: 0356-6528

Science and Public Policy

ISSN: 0302-3427eISSN: 1471-5430
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Scienze regionali

ISSN: 1720-3929eISSN: 2035-603X

Scottish Geographical Journal

ISSN: 1470-2541eISSN: 1751-665X

View a list of the latest free articles available from Scottish Geographical Journal The Scottish Geographical Journal is the learned publication of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society and is a continuation of the Scottish Geographical Magazine, first published in 1885. The Journal was relaunched in its present format in 1999. The Journal is international in outlook and publishes scholarly articles of original research from any branch of geography and on any part of the world, while at the same time maintaining a distinctive interest in and concern with issues relating to Scotland. 'The Scottish Geographical Journal mixes physical and human geography in a way that no other international journal does. It deploys a long heritage of geography in Scotland to address the most pressing issues of today. Already a leading journal, the SGJ is poised to be among the absolute best in a changing field.' Neil Smith, City University of New York, USA Disclaimer The Royal Scottish Geographical Society and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

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Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography

ISSN: 0129-7619eISSN: 1467-9493

Since 1953 the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography (and antecedents) has been a leading international forum for scholarship on tropical environments, localities and their connections. The SJTG publishes theoretical and empirical articles and reviews that deal with the physical and human environments of the tropics and development issues from geographical as well as interrelated disciplinary viewpoints. We therefore welcome contributions from the humanities, social or environmental sciences that advance research on tropical natures, places or interconnections.

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Social and Cultural Geography

ISSN: 1464-9365eISSN: 1470-1197

View a list of the latest free articles available from Social & Cultural Geography Social & Cultural Geography publishes original, high caliber, scholarly articles on the spatialities of society and culture. Its articles are especially focused on space, place and nature in relation to social and/or cultural issues, including inequalities, poverty, housing, crime, work, and leisure; as well as everyday life, consumption, identity, community and neighbourhood (and their historic legacies). Social & Cultural Geography publishes consequential empirical research that makes a strong theoretical contribution to critical human geography and its allied fields. The journal confronts topical issues relating to social/cultural problems and issues geography and fosters scholarly debate about them. It strives for international authorship and readership, as well as in the peer-review process. Social & Cultural Geography supports the SCGRG Undergraduate Dissertation Prize. For more details, please visit: Special Issues We welcome proposals for special issues, which should be consequential and innovative. We limit the number of special issues to 3 per volume. Guidelines for special issues can be found here. Peer Review Statement All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by three referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Socijalna ekologija: casopis za ekološku misao i sociologijska istraživanja okoline

ISSN: 1330-0113eISSN: 1849-0360
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Socio-Economic Planning Sciences

ISSN: 0038-0121eISSN: 1873-6041
During the last several years, there has been substantial and important growth in the application of quantitative analysis, i.e., operations research/management science, statistics, and related arenas, to interdisciplinary problems arising in the area of socio-economic planning and development.

Socio-Economic Planning Sciences is an international journal devoted exclusively to research in this important, but under-represented area. It provides a medium for research that might not appear in more specialized journals, either because of the interdisciplinary or applied character of the study, or the mathematical/quantitative nature of the research. The journal thus serves as a focus for investigations that have hitherto appeared in widely-scattered sources and/or less-than-appropriate sources.

Socio-Economic Planning Sciences strongly encourages contributions dealing with applications of quantitative models and techniques to important decision problems in the service and public sectors. Of particular interest are accounts of such studies carried out in developing countries and economically emerging regions of the world. Review articles in important methodological and substantive areas are also of interest.

The principal criterion used in evaluating a manuscript submitted to the journal is: uniqueness or innovation of the work in terms of the methodology being developed, and/or its application to a problem of particular importance in the public or service sector and/or the setting within which the effort is being made, e.g. an emerging region of the world. That is to say, of the model/methodology itself, the application, and the problem context, at least one of these must be unique and important.

Additional criteria considered in reviewing a submitted paper are its accuracy, the organization/presentation (i.e. logical flow), and writing quality.

Representative of the topic areas included in the journal are the following:

Studies directed toward the more effective utilization of existing resources, e.g. mathematical programming models of health care delivery systems with relevance to more effective program design; systems analysis of fire outbreaks and its relevance to the location of fire stations; statistical analysis of the efficiency of a developing country economy or industry.

Studies relating to the interaction of various segments of society and technology, e.g. the effects of government health policies on the utilization and design of hospital facilities; the relationship between housing density and the demands on public transportation or other service facilities: patterns and implications of urban development and air or water pollution.

Studies devoted to the anticipations of and response to future needs for social, health and other human services, e.g. the relationship between industrial growth and the development of educational resources in affected areas; investigation of future demands for material and child health resources in a developing country; design of effective recycling in an urban setting.

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