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Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action

ISSN: 1557-0541eISSN: 1557-055X

The mission of the Journal is to facilitate dissemination of programs that use community partnerships to improve public health, to promote progress in the methods of research and education involving community health partnerships, and to stimulate action that will improve the health of people in communities. Communities, as defined by the Journal, may be based on geography, shared interests, or social networks. The Journal is dedicated to supporting the work of community health partnerships that involve ongoing collaboration between community representatives and academic or governmental partners. This area of research and evaluation may be referred to as community-based participatory research (CBPR). The W. K. Kellogg Foundation defines CBPR as a collaborative approach to research that equitably involves all partners in the research process and recognizes the unique strengths that each brings. CBPR begins with a research topic of importance to the community and has the aim of combining knowledge with action and achieving social change to improve health outcomes and eliminate health disparities.

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Psicologia della Salute

ISSN: 1721-0321eISSN: 1972-5167

Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society

ISSN: 1088-0763eISSN: 1543-3390

Psychology and Sexuality

ISSN: 1941-9899eISSN: 1941-9902

Psychology & Sexuality is an important new international journal which publishes high-quality quantitative and qualitative psychological research on sexualities. The journal aims to advance knowledge and understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, heterosexual and queer issues in psychology and allied disciplines. Psychology & Sexuality is progressive and radical with regard to current debates in critical psychology, while also drawing from work traditionally seen as outside the remit of psychology to inform debate. The content is predominantly empirical and theoretical papers from both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, but review articles and essays are welcome, along with book reviews. Special features and issues are welcome along with papers that address user engagement and activism. Occasional interview pieces are included along with historical articles on key figures in the field. Please contact either of the editors if you wish to discuss a special feature/issue or other non-standard article submission. Topics covered include (though note this list is not exclusive): sexual identities and practices, relationships, families, LGBTQ studies, queer theory, counselling/psychotherapy with sexual minority clients, attitudes, prejudice and discrimination, health, violence, intergroup relations, the intersection of sexualities and other important demographic characteristics/lines of power (e.g. gender, class, disability, race/ethnicity, age, religion). Submissions addressing these topics and others from a variety of approaches and methodologies - qualitative and quantitative - are most welcome. 'Psychology & Sexuality offers a valuable and exciting contribution to the field. This journal promises to present important challenges to both psychology and sexuality studies. It is exciting to have a new journal that encourages interdisciplinary debates that may otherwise not feature in psychology journals.' Katrina Røn, University of Oslo, Norway 'This truly is a ground-breaking journal. It is a high-quality publication with an international focus - the first of its kind.' Kathleen Ritter, California State University, Bakersfield, USA 'This new journal will no doubt soon become a vital tool for research and practice across a range of disciplines in its call for a truly inclusive and progressive approach to the study of genders and sexualities.' Dr. Damien W. Riggs, University of Adelaide, Australia 'A cutting edge journal of great value to clinicians and researchers working in this field who are interested in a non-pathologising and inclusive perspective.' Dominic Davies FBACP, Director, Pink Therapy 'Congratulations on the first issue - it looks really interesting! It promises valuable new perspectives on cutting edge research and theory.' Dr Fiona Tasker, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK 'At last - a place for cutting edge writing about sexuality within Psychology. Psychology and Sexuality looks set to become a 'must read' journal within the field.' Professor Rosalind Gill, King's College London, UK 'Psychology & Sexuality showcases a diverse range of cutting-edge research in the field, and is set to become the leading international journal in LGBTQ Psychology' Elizabeth Peel, Aston University, UK 'What is striking about this new psychology journal is its willingness to extend beyond the boundaries of the discipline in order to encompass a wide range of critical approaches to the study of sexuality. This makes the publication unique and provides a resource that will be indispensable both to psychologists wishing to keep informed about relevant developments and debates in neighboring disciplines and to scholars in other fields who seek to understand the latest psychological perspectives on sexuality.' Prof. Lisa Downing, Director of the Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Sexuality and Gender in Europe (CISSGE), UK 'For decades, Psychology has been slow and rigid when it comes to sexual issues, but Psychology & Sexuality promises to overcome the drawbacks of the past.' Gert Hekma, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Editorial policy Our editorial policy is progressive in that a strongly non-pathological stance will be taken whilst remaining inclusive of the variety of positions in the field and encouraging vigorous debate. To this end, controversial papers will be acceptable, subject to the usual peer-review criteria, and debate within the journal - replies and rebuttals - are encouraged. A broad position will be taken with respect to the scope of psychological work that will be acceptable. Work outside and on the boundaries of the discipline will be acceptable provided it addresses contemporary issues in research and writing on sexualities. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary work is actively encouraged. Work which treats sexualities, of any kind, as pathology in need of treatment and cure will not be acceptable, as will work which does not directly address issues in contemporary human sexualities research. Comparative work will be treated cautiously due to the inherent difficulties in research and writing of this kind but not automatically excluded. Research and writing which is only about the biology of sexualities and/or that which seeks to identify the 'causes' of sexualities is also not within the remit of this journal. All papers will be subject to the usual system of peer-review, usually by two reviewers in addition to one or both of the editors. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy,completeness or suitability for any purpose of the content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent premitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Psychology of Violence

ISSN: 2152-0828eISSN: 2152-081X
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Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health

ISSN: 2159-676XeISSN: 2159-6778

View a list of the latest free articles available from Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and HealthQualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health is a landmark publication 8211; it is the first international journal solely dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of qualitative research in the sport, exercise, and health sciences. Providing a forum for qualitative researchers within all the social scientific areas of sport, exercise, and health the journal offers researchers, practitioners, and students' access to cutting edge empirical inquiry, scholarly dialogues, and the latest developments in qualitative methodologies and methods. Open to all qualitative approaches, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health aims to be eclectic in content. It will publish refereed articles covering the diverse landscape of qualitative research. There are four issues a year to include empirical research articles, methodological articles, theoretical articles that address conceptual issues underlying qualitative research, review essays, and book reviews.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Qualitative Social Work

ISSN: 1473-3250eISSN: 1741-3117

Qualitative Social Work provides a forum for those interested in qualitative research and evaluation and in qualitative approaches to practice. The journal promotes exchange and conversation on the nature of reflective inquiry and practice, emerging applications of critical realism in social work, the potential of social constructionist and narrative approaches to research and practice.

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Quality Management in Health Care

ISSN: 1063-8628eISSN: 1550-5154

This peer-reviewed quarterly journal provides a forum to explore the theoretical, technical, and strategic elements of total quality management in health care. Each issue of Quality Management in Health Care (QMHC) includes an in-depth interview with a health care attorney, information on basic quality management tools and processes, and articles to encourage informal communication among those involved in the field of health care quality management. QMHC also provides reviews of important books, seminars, and other critical resources.Website:

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Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online

eISSN: 2405-6618

RBMS is a new journal dedicated to interdisciplinary discussion and debate of the rapidly expanding field of reproductive biomedicine, particularly all of its many societal and cultural implications. It is intended to bring to attention new research in the social sciences, arts and humanities on human reproduction, new reproductive technologies, and related areas such as human embryonic stem cell derivation. Its audience comprises researchers, clinicians, practitioners, policy makers, academics and patients.

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Research on Aging

ISSN: 0164-0275eISSN: 1552-7573

Research on Aging (ROA), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is an interdisciplinary journal designed to reflect the expanding role of research in the field of social gerontology. For over three decades, scholars, researchers and professionals like yourself have turned to ROA for the latest analyses on the critical issues facing today's elderly population. This outstanding journal serves as an international forum on the aged and the ageing process, providing you with the knowledge you need to help improve practices and policies concerning the elderly.

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Reviews on Environmental Health

ISSN: 0048-7554eISSN: 2191-0308
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Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte

ISSN: 0101-3289eISSN: 2179-3255

Promote the dissemination of scientific research in the field of Physical Education and Sports Sciences nationally and internationally. Generate academic exchange by releasing research results conducted in national and international institutions. Contribute with the consolidation of Physical Education and Sports Sciences as an academic field nationally and internationally.

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Revista Ciencias de la Salud

ISSN: 1692-7273eISSN: 2145-4507
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Rural and Remote Health

eISSN: 1445-6354

SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS

ISSN: 1729-0376eISSN: 1813-4424

SAHARA-J is an international Open Access journal disseminating vital research on social factors relating to HIV/AIDS. Areas covered include care, support, behaviour change, behavioural surveillance, counselling, impact, mitigation, stigma, discrimination, prevention, treatment, adherence, culture, faith-based approaches, evidence-based intervention, health communication, structural and environmental intervention, financing, policy, media and more. SAHARA-J publishes peer-reviewed contributions of the highest quality from researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa and other developing countries around the world. SAHARA J has a unique reputation for editorial excellence and integrity, who maintain an active interest in all aspects of HIV/AIDS. The readership of the Journal varies from academics, scholars to researchers. Internet users such as Journalists, international organizations, policy makers, civil society, donors and PLWHA also have free access to the Journal. SAHARA-J ensures that policy makers are well informed, help coordinate social aspects of HIV/AIDS research, minimizes duplication and build the community of social aspects of HIV/AIDS researchers. Its objectives are: • To influence policy and responses through the production and dissemination of evidence-based research on social aspects of HIV/AIDS. • To provide a publication source for all aspects of HIV/AIDS in Africa. • To disseminate free HIV/AIDS information in Africa. The journal is published by Routledge on behalf of SAHARA, the Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance, which is part of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). SAHARA is an alliance of partners established to conduct, support and use social sciences research to prevent the further spread of HIV and mitigate the impact of its devastation in sub-Saharan Africa. .

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SSM - Population Health

eISSN: 2352-8273

SSM - Population Health

The new online only, open access, peer reviewed journal in all areas relating Social Science research to population health.

SSM - Population Healthshares the same Editors-in Chief and general approach to manuscripts as its sister journal,Social Science & Medicine. The journal takes a broad approach to the field especially welcoming interdisciplinary papers from across the Social Sciences and allied areas.

SSM - Population Health offers an alternative outlet for work which might not be considered, or is classed as 'out of scope' elsewhere, and prioritizes fast peer review and publication to the benefit of authors and readers.

The journal welcomes all types of paper from traditional primary research articles, replication studies, short communications, methodological studies, instrument validation, opinion pieces, literature reviews, etc. SSM - Population Health also offers the opportunity to publish special issues or sections to reflect current interest and research in topical or developing areas. The journal fully supports authors wanting to present their research in an innovative fashion though the use of multimedia formats.

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Salute e Societa

ISSN: 1723-9427eISSN: 1972-4845

Saúde e Sociedade

ISSN: 0104-1290eISSN: 1984-0470

To disseminate the production of different areas of knowledge about health practices, aiming at the interdisciplinary development of the field of public health.

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Science and Engineering Ethics

ISSN: 1353-3452eISSN: 1471-5546

Science and Engineering Ethics is a multi-disciplinary journal that explores ethical issues of direct concern to scientists and engineers. Coverage encompasses professional education, standards and ethics in research and practice, extending to the effects of innovation on society at large. Recent controversies and instances of misconduct in science have attracted considerable media attention. In addition, the power of new technologies developed through science and engineering - especially as portrayed by the media - have inspired growing popular concern. Science and Engineering Ethics offers a forum for the examination and discussion of ethical issues arising in the practice of scientific research and engineering, and in the practical application of that work. Although the focus of this publication is science and engineering, contributions from a broad range of disciplines are included.

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Science as Culture

ISSN: 0950-5431eISSN: 1470-1189

To view details of recent and forthcoming special issues, click hereOur culture is a scientific one, defining what is natural and what is rational. Its values can be seen in what are sought out as facts and made as artefacts, what are designed as processes and products, and what are forged as weapons and filmed as wonders. In our daily experience, power is exercised through expertise, e.g. in science, technology and medicine. Science as Culture explores how all these shape the values which contend for influence over the wider society.Science mediates our cultural experience. It increasingly defines what it is to be a person, through genetics, medicine and information technology. Its values get embodied and naturalized in concepts, techniques, research priorities, gadgets and advertising. Many films, artworks and novels express popular concerns about these developments.In a society where icons of progress are drawn from science, technology and medicine, they are either celebrated or demonised. Often their progress is feared as 'unnatural', while their critics are labelled 'irrational'. Public concerns are rebuffed by ostensibly value-neutral experts and positivist polemics.Yet the culture of science is open to study like any other culture. Cultural studies analyses the role of expertise throughout society. Many journals address the history, philosophy and social studies of science, its popularisation, and the public understanding of society.Amidst these journals, Science as Culture is 'the only source of critique of the way science is going', as one of our readers put it. Not simply criticism, critique analyses the underlying frameworks, assumptions and terms of reference. It emphasizes the fundamental role of values, interests, ideology and purposes -- which would otherwise remain hidden in the guise of neutrality and objectivity. Science as Culture places science within the wider debate on the values which constitute culture; it is not the journal for a particular academic discipline.Science as Culture encompasses people's experiences -- at the workplace, the cinema, the computer, the hospital, the home and the academy. The articles are readable, attractive, lively, often humorous, and always jargon-free. Science as Culture aims to be read at leisure, and to be a pleasure. Book Reviews: Offers of book reviews are welcome, and several books are available for sending to reviewers. See the list, editorial guidance and contact email address here. DisclaimerProcess Press and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Process Press, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Process Press or Taylor & Francis.

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