Clinical Gerontologist presents timely material relevant to the needs of mental health professionals and all practitioners who deal with the aged client. Published in cooperation with Psychologists in Long Term Care, the journal is designed for psychologists, physicians, nurses, social workers, and counselors (family, pastoral, and vocational) who address the issues commonly found in later life, including: adjustments to changing roles issues related to diversity and aging Alzheimer's disease and dementia family caregiving spirituality cognitive tests and cognitive functioning comorbidities depression hypochondriasis paranoia rehabilitation and education for the elderly.Each issue provides insightful articles on current topics. The editor selects articles for both scholarship and relevance to the practitioner to ensure that the articles are among the best in the field. Authors report research, present illustrative case material, and review the field's literature. A unique column in Clinical Gerontologist is 8220;Clinical Comments." This section features brief observations and specific suggestions from practitioners which avoid elaborate research designs or long lists of unrelated references. This section is a unique opportunity for you to learn about the valuable clinical work of your peers in a short, concise format.Additional features of the journal are book reviews and media and software reviews. The combination of in-depth scholarly articles with direct relevance to daily practice, clinical reports, and reviews of books and computer programs in the field, keep you up-to-date on the latest developments. Whether you are a physician, psychologist, nurse, social worker, or clergy by training, Clinical Gerontologist provides the information you need for your continued excellence in mental health work with the aged. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Founded in 1973, the Clinical Social Work Journal publishes leading, peer-reviewed original articles relevant to contemporary clinical practice with individuals, couples, families, and groups. It also presents innovations in theoretical, practice, evidence-based clinical research, and interdisciplinary approaches. The Clinical Social Work Journal is devoted to the advancement of clinical knowledge and insight of practitioners, educators, researchers, and policymakers
Community Mental Health Journal is devoted to the evaluation and improvement of public sector mental health services for people affected by severe mental disorders, serious emotional disturbances and/or addictions. Coverage includes: nationally representative epidemiologic projects intervention research involving benefit and risk comparisons between service programs methodology, such as instrumentation, where particularly pertinent to public sector behavioral health evaluation or research
The official publication of the Society for Literature and Science, Configurations explores the relations of literature and the arts to the sciences and technology. Founded in 1993, the journal continues to set the stage for transdisciplinary research concerning the interplay between science, technology, and the arts.
Conflict and Health is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of the interrelationship between health and conflict.
Culture, Health & Sexuality is a leading international environment for the publication of papers in the fields of culture, health and sexuality. The journal is broad and multi-disciplinary in focus, publishing papers on methodology as well as those that are empirical and conceptual in nature. It offers a forum for debates on policy and practice, adopting a practitioner focus where appropriate. Culture, Health and Sexuality takes a genuinely international stance in its consideration of key issues and concerns, as reflected in the composition of the editorial board. More specifically, the journal aims to: * Provide an international forum for the analysis of culture and health, health beliefs and systems, social structures and divisions, and the implications for these for sexual health, and individual, collective and community wellbeing. * Provide an environment in which the policy and practice implications of research in the fields of culture and health, and culture and reproductive and sexual health, can be considered. * Offer a setting for critical scholarly debate about how best to analyse the cultural dimensions of health issues in general, and reproductive and sexual health issues in particular. Peer Review Integrity All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry is an international and interdisciplinary forum for the publication of work in the fields of medical and psychiatric anthropology, cross-cultural psychiatry, and associated cross-societal and clinical epidemiological studies. The journal offers original research, and theoretical papers based on original research, across the full range of these fields. Contents include clinically relevant interdisciplinary work which bridges anthropological and medical perspectives and methods, along with research on the cultural context of normative and deviant behavior, including the anthropological, epidemiological and clinical aspects of the subject.
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry fosters systematic, wide-ranging examinations of the significance of culture in health care, including comparisons of how the concept of culture operates in anthropological and medical disciplines.2-Year Impact Factor: 1.627 (2012)Â 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.656 (2012)
Subject Category 'Anthropology': Ran
Developing World Bioethics provides long needed case studies, teaching materials, news in brief, and legal backgrounds to bioethics scholars and students in developing and developed countries alike. This companion journal to Bioethics also features high-quality peer reviewed original articles. It is edited by well-known bioethicists who are working in developing countries, yet it will also be open to contributions and commentary from developed countries' authors. Developing World Bioethics is the only journal in the field dedicated exclusively to developing countries' bioethics issues. The journal is an essential resource for all those concerned about bioethical issues in the developing world. Members of Ethics Committees in developing countries will highly value a special section dedicated to their work. For information about Blackwell Publication Ethics, click here.
Disability & Society is an international journal providing a focus for debate about such issues as human rights, discrimination, definitions, policy and practices. It appears against a background of change in the ways in which disability is viewed and responded to. Definitions of disability are more readily acknowledged to be relative; segregated approaches are seen as inadequate and unacceptable - placing greater emphasis on community care and inclusion. However, policy intentions may not have the desired effects on the realities of everyday practice and policy changes themselves may be merely cosmetic, or appropriate but unfounded. The Journal publishes articles that represent a wide range of perspectives including the importance of the voices of disabled people. As well as main articles there is a Current Issues section that is intended to give people the opportunity to write about things that concern them in a less formal and academic way. The pieces should be interesting, controversial or even polemical and may encourage others to respond. They do not need to meet the conventional academic criteria but they should not be personal attacks or libellous. The word limit is 2000. If you are interested in writing a piece or know someone who is, please contact: Professor Alan Roulstone, School of Social Sciences, Lipman Building, Northumbria University, Newcastle NE1 8SX. Email: We have established a section within the Journal, entitled Student Perspectives, in which student papers will be published. Papers will be refereed and can explore any topic related to disability issues and questions. The papers must be authored by students undertaking under-graduate, postgraduate or research degrees. The papers need to be between 3000 and 7000 words (maximum). The papers should: * Provide an adequate review of disability studies literature. * Have clearly acknowledged sources. * Be specifically written for the Journal taking into account its ethos and audience. * Conform to the academic requirements of the Journal * Where necessary adequately discuss the methods used. * Have particular attention paid to the presentation and analysis of empirical data. * Pay attention to the Journal's policy on language. The paper should not be a straight reproduction of work produced for academic assessment. Submission details are the same as for main articles. See link to Instructions for Authors. Book Reviews Every edition of the journal contains up to four book reviews. These cover a wide range of issues on the social, political and cultural aspects of disability from a national and international perspective. The Book Reviews Editor, Alison Sheldon welcomes suggestions both for books to be reviewed and suitable reviewers. Letters and Doctoral Theses Special Issues The Journal also publishes Special Issues which address a chosen theme central to disability studies. The issues are open to submission of papers by any interested parties and they seek to include contributions from authors in a range of countries. All papers are refereed in line with the normal refereeing procedures of the Journal. The most recent Special Issue published in 2009 Vol 24, Number 5 is on the theme: 'Brave New World?': Disability and the 21st Century: Challenges and Solutions.' Future Special Issues, procedures and dates for submission, will be advertised at least 9 months in advance of the deadline. Peer Review Policy: All articles submitted to the journal undergo rigorous peer review. This involves anonymised refereeing by two anonymous referees and where there is a split decision by a third referee. The journal has an extensive editorial board of referees that have standing both nationally and internationally. Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science publications: Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Disaster Prevention and Management publishes high-quality research which advances knowledge and practice in the field of disaster risk reduction and management.
Drug and Alcohol Review is an international meeting ground for the views, expertise and experience of all those involved in studying alcohol, tobacco and drug problems. Contributors to the Journal examine and report on alcohol and drug use from a wide range of clinical, biomedical, epidemiological, psychological and sociological perspectives. Drug and Alcohol Review particularly encourages the submission of papers which have a harm reduction perspective. However, all philosophies will find a place in the Journal: the principal criterion for publication of papers is their quality.
Drugs: education, prevention & policy is a refereed journal which aims to provide a forum for communication and debate between policy makers, practitioners and researchers concerned with social and health policy responses to legal and illicit drug use and drug-related harm. The journal publishes multi-disciplinary research papers, commentaries and reviews on policy, prevention and harm reduction issues regarding the use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. It is journal policy to encourage submissions which reflect different cultural, historical and theoretical approaches to the development of policy and practice.The Editor welcomes contributions based on original research, policy discussion, evaluations of policy and practice, literature reviews, and papers which examine historical and cultural aspects of substance use and social responses to use and problematic use.Short contributions are also welcome for two new sections in the journal:Policy News will aim to provide information and discussion on current policy developments and issues of national or international importance in prevention or harm reductionConference Reports is intended to provide brief accounts, from the contributor’s point of view, of the themes and outcomes from national or international conferences.Read More:
Economics and Human Biology is devoted to the exploration of the effect of socio-economic processes on human beings as biological organisms. Research covered in this (triennial) interdisciplinary journal is not bound by temporal or geographic limitations.Themes include:The impact of socio-economic processes, such as industrialization, urbanization, agricultural policy, technological change and commercialization and the degree of penetration of the world food system on biological welfare and health outcomes.The effects of government intervention programs, as well as macroeconomic and public health policy on the human organism at either the individual or the population level.Feedback effects from human biological outcomes to economic growth at the national, regional and local levels insofar as healthier individuals invariably lead longer more creative and more productive lives, influencing thereby the course of economic development.The complex symbiotic relationship between such anthropometric indicators as weight, birth-weight, physical stature and the body-mass-index, as well as morbidity and mortality, on the one hand and socio-economic processes or events on the other.The conceptualization of health and health models in economic theory.The measurement of poverty, malnutrition and psychological deprivation and the role of health and income inequality in the persistence of poverty traps.The biological components of the quality of life: how well does the human organism itself thrive in its socio-economic and epidemiological environment.Health and economic systems; environment and health; health in the transition economies.Statistical, econometric, methodological and philosophical issues associated with the measurement and modeling of these relationships.Contributions in auxology, anthropometry, biocultural anthropology, demography, development economics, economic history, epidemiology, health economics, human biology, human nutrition, health sciences, medicine, physical anthropology, public health and sociology are welcomed.
Egyptian Journal of Forensic Science is the official journal of the Forensic Medicine Authority, Ministry of Justice, Egypt.
Die Zeitschrift Ethik in der Medizin konzentriert sich auf die wissenschaftliche Erarbeitung, die interdisziplinäre Kommunikation und die Vermittlung von Ethik in der Medizin in allen Anwendungsbereichen. Mit Übersichts- und Originalarbeiten werden Grundinformationen bereitgestellt und Fallstudien exemplarisch kommentiert. In Verbindung mit Ethikkommissionen und öffentlichen Beratungsgremien werden entsprechende Texte, Verlautbarungen und Verordnungen veröffentlicht. Ethik in der Medizin dient sowohl dem grundsätzlichen ethischen Diskurs als auch der Förderung des praktischen Entscheidungsverhaltens im Medizinischen Alltag.