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Ethics & Global Politics

ISSN: 1654-4951eISSN: 1654-6369

Ethics & Global Politics is an Open Access, peer reviewed scholarly journal published by Co-Action Publishing with support from The Swedish Research Council and Uppsala University and with editorial office at the Department of Government, Uppsala University, Sweden ( Ethics & Global Politicslooks to foster theoretical contributions to the study of global politics by providing a forum for presenting novel ways of understanding and conceptualizing the global political challenges the world faces today.The editors welcome articles from a broad range of disciplines, among them political science, philosophy, sociology, history, and legal and gender studies. This range makes Ethics & Global Politics essential reading for graduate students, researchers, professionals, and policy-makers who are interested in contemporary political problems and how they transgress regional and national borders.

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Ethics and Social Welfare

ISSN: 1749-6535eISSN: 1749-6543

Ethics and Social Welfare publishes articles of a critical and reflective nature concerned with the ethical issues surrounding social welfare practice and policy. It has a particular focus on social work (including practice with individuals, families and small groups), social care, youth and community work and related professions.

The aim of the journal is to encourage dialogue and debate across social, intercultural and international boundaries on the serious ethical issues relating to professional interventions into social life. Through this we hope to contribute towards deepening understandings and further ethical practice in the field of social welfare.

The journal welcomes material in a variety of formats, including high quality peer-reviewed academic papers, reflections, debates and commentaries on policy and practice, book reviews and review articles. We actively encourage a diverse range of contributions from academic and field practitioners, voluntary workers, service users, carers and people bringing the perspectives of oppressed groups.

Contributions might include reports on research studies on the influence of values and ethics in social welfare practice, education and organisational structures, theoretical papers discussing the evolution of social welfare values and ethics, linked to contemporary philosophical, social and ethical thought, accounts of ethical issues, problems and dilemmas in practice, and reflections on the ethics and values of policy and organisational development.

The journal aims for the highest standards in its published material. All material submitted to the journal is subject to a process of assessment and evaluation through the Editors and through peer review.

Peer Review Integrity

All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections, or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, this generally involves initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent reviewers.
Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in our publications. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at
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Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics

ISSN: 1863-5415eISSN: 1611-8014
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Ethnic and Racial Studies

ISSN: 0141-9870eISSN: 1466-4356

Race, ethnicity and nationalism are at the heart of many of the major social and political issues in the present global environment. New antagonisms have emerged which require a rethinking of traditional theoretical and empirical perspectives. Ethnic and Racial Studies, published ten times a year, is the leading journal for the analysis of these issues throughout the world. The journal provides an interdisciplinary academic forum for the presentation of research and theoretical analysis, drawing on sociology, social policy, anthropology, political science, economics, geography, international relations, history, social psychology and cultural studies. Ethnic and Racial Studies welcomes contributions from both established and younger scholars working in any of the main areas of interest. We welcome articles with an empirical focus as well as contributions at the cutting edge of theoretical debates in this field. Each issue carries reviews of the latest books on race, ethnicity and nationalism. Regular special issues provide innovative perspectives on questions of current importance. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two or more anonymous referees.

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ISSN: 0091-2131eISSN: 1548-1352

Ethos is an interdisciplinary and international quarterly journal devoted to scholarly articles dealing with the interrelationships between the individual and the sociocultural milieu, between the psychological disciplines and the social disciplines.

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Etica e Politica/Ethics and Politics

ISSN: 1825-5167eISSN: 1825-5167
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Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa

eISSN: 1973-3194
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Eurasian Studies Library

ISSN: 1877-9484

Europe-Asia Studies

ISSN: 0966-8136eISSN: 1465-3427

Europe-Asia Studies is the principal academic journal in the world focusing on the history and current political, social and economic affairs of the countries of the former 'communist bloc' of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Asia. At the same time, the journal explores the economic, political and social transformation of these countries and the changing character of their relationships with the rest of Europe and Asia. From its first publication in 1949, until January 1993, the title of Europe-Asia Studies was Soviet Studies. The Editors' decision to change the title to Europe-Asia Studies followed the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991. It reflected the belief that countries of the former 'Soviet bloc' would gradually become more closely linked with both Europe and Asia, while continuing to present distinctive topics for research as a consequence of their specific experience. In 2007 the Editors took a further decision to extend the journal's scope to include China and other Asian countries that are or were under communist rule. Europe-Asia Studies is published by Routledge on behalf of the Department of Central and East European Studies, a centre for teaching and research at the University of Glasgow. Peer Review Statement All submitted articles are subject to a rigorous peer review process, based on initial editor screening and double-blind refereeing by a minimum of two referees. Disclaimer The University of Glasgow and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content';) contained in its publications. However, the University of Glasgow and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the University of Glasgow or Taylor & Francis.

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European Integration online Papers

ISSN: 1027-5193

EIoP is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary E-journal in the field of European integration research. Scholarly contributions from all relevant disciplines are welcome, e.g. from legal studies, political science, economics, sociology, and history."European integration research" is to be understood in a broad sense. The following hints are intended to circumscribe what we mean by "European integration research":*legislative and political processes of the EU and its institutions;*subjects dealing with the growing together of the European states and peoples;*comparisons between policies, societies or legal systems between at least two European states;*effects of European integration on the member states;*policies and activities of other European international institutions (Council of Europe, OECD, etc.);*common policies of the European states vis-à-vis third countries or other supranational/international institutions.

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European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice

ISSN: 0928-9569eISSN: 1571-8174

Crime, criminal law and criminal justice are more than ever on the political agenda of the European institutions, above all the European Union and the Council of Europe. This is not only because of the increasingly vehement debate on transnational crime problems in the individual Member States, but also as a consequence of the widening of the European Union and the drafting of an European Constitution, and last but not least because of the threat of terrorism.

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European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology

ISSN: 2325-4823eISSN: 2325-4815
The European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology is a peer-reviewed journal published under the auspices of the European Sociological Association.

The study of culture is the fastest growing area in both European and North American sociology. Political sociology is also re-establishing itself as a central plank of the discipline. The European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology aims to be a forum not so much for these fields of study considered separately, as for any work seeking to explore the relationship between culture and politics through a sociological lens. It welcomes, thus, both considerations of cultural phenomena in relation to political context, work that situates political phenomena within a cultural framework, and all points between these poles. In so doing it seeks both to address matters of immediate concern and to recover the broad sociological sensibility that was once a staple of the classical tradition.

Peer Review Statement
The European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology (EJCPS) is an international, peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research contributions to scientific knowledge.

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees.

Peer review is double blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.
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European Journal of East Asian Studies

ISSN: 1568-0584eISSN: 1570-0615

European Journal of East Asian Studies is a multi-disciplinary journal dedicated to East Asia, one of the most varied, complex, and rapidly changing parts of the world. Published in Europe by European specialists, the journal is open to new ideas and findings from wherever they may come. We welcome the submission of manuscripts in social sciences such as political science, economics, sociology and cultural studies (including but not limited to business studies, development studies, international relations, political economy,...). Articles can address the wider East Asian region (China, Japan, Korean Peninsular, Japan, Mongolia), including Southeast Asia (ASEAN countries but not Oceania/South Pacific). They may also study inter-regional relations involving the Asian region (such as Asia-Europe relations for instance), or sub-regions (such as Southeast Asia for example) and individual East Asian countries. The journal covers both 20th and 21st centuries with a clear contemporary focus.

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European Journal of Futures Research

ISSN: 2195-4194eISSN: 2195-2248

There is a significant need for European futures research as European countries face numerous substantial problems: at the same time they seek to make a contribution to solving global challenges. European regions “share” common experiences, divisions and conflicts – which altogether build a rich resource for critical examination as well as forward-looking renewal.  European integration after World War II has reshaped political, economic and social relations in Europe and beyond. Therefore, the future of Europe will also depend on the further development of the European Union in its wider transnational and global contexts. Consequently, the journal seeks to foster thorough analysis of key European policies, such as those for research and education.  Nonetheless, topics addressed in the journal are not limited to the (development of the) European Union: we invite articles that raise questions about European futures more generally. Interdisciplinary research is as welcome as are disciplinary studies, ranging from the social sciences and humanities to the natural sciences and engineering. Besides its empirical focus the journal promotes discussions about European traditions and perspectives in futures research. Another objective is to advance the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of futures studies.  Possible fields of research and topics include but are not limited to:Society: demographic change: migration: gender and social relations: welfare society: inclusion and exclusion Politics: economic, financial, and political integration in the European Union: political participation and citizenship: European identity building: EU research, innovation, and (higher) education policies:  Economy and Business Sectors: futures of work and labour, production and consumption: competitiveness and technological innovations: growth and, sustainable development: social environment and entrepreneurship: futures of leisure, sports and tourism: Science and Technology: technology foresight and technology assessment: technoscience: radical technologies: logistics, transport and mobility: media and telecommunication: human enhancement: young generations and new technologies: European citizens and the broadband society: X-cutting Issues: gender-specific and diversity perspectives: sustainability: environmental challenges and the greening of Europe: climate change policies: Methodology and Methods: futures studies in comparative perspective: new research methods: integration of qualitative and quantitative methods: future-related uncertainties, risks, and ignorance:

Philosophy of Science: epistemological and ontological questions: theory of futures studies: “new” forms of knowledge: post-positivist research approaches: ethical questions:

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European Journal of International Relations

ISSN: 1354-0661eISSN: 1460-3713

European Journal of International Relations is the journal of the Standing Group on International Relations (SGIR) of the European Consortium for Political Research. The peer-reviewed content of EJIR ranges widely across the whole of International Relations and covers subjects and theories of interest to researchers around the world.

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European Journal of Political Research

ISSN: 0304-4130eISSN: 1475-6765

The European Journal of Political Research is published on behalf of the European Consortium for Political Research. The journal specialises in articles articulating theoretical and comparative perspectives in political science, and welcomes both quantitative and qualitative approaches. EJPR also publishes short research notes outlining ongoing research in more specific areas of research.

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European Journal of Political Theory

ISSN: 1474-8851eISSN: 1741-2730

The EJPT provides a high profile research forum for political theory. Broad in scope and international in readership, the European Journal of Political Theory publishes articles in political philosophy, political theory and the history of ideas. All articles are subject to peer-review by internationally renowned scholars in order to ensure the highest quality.

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European Journal of Social Theory

ISSN: 1368-4310eISSN: 1461-7137

European Journal of Social Theory (EJST), edited by Gerard Delanty, is a peer reviewed quarterly journal exploring major social transformations and questions concerning European societies. Engaged with contemporary debates in social theory the journal explores theoretical contexts of issues such as the nation state, democracy, citizenship, risk; identity, social divisions, violence, gender and knowledge. Now indexed by ISI - Impact Factor pending.

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European Journal of Social Work

ISSN: 1369-1457eISSN: 1468-2664

The European Journal of Social Work provides a forum for the social professions in all parts of Europe and beyond. It analyses and promotes European and international developments in social work, social policy, social service institutions, and strategies for social change by publishing refereed papers on contemporary key issues. Contributions include theoretical debates, empirical studies, research notes, country perspectives, and reviews. It maintains an interdisciplinary perspective which recognises positively the diversity of cultural and conceptual traditions in which the social professions of Europe are grounded. In particular it examines emerging European paradigms in methodology and comparative analysis.The European Journal of Social Work is committed to the idea that the social professions have to respond to globalisation and the decline of existing welfare regimes in a critical, informed, and independent manner. It regards itself as a vehicle for their active contribution to the creation of a Social Europe. The specific competence of the social professions promotes practice based on justice and the recognition of human rights and thereby seeks to eliminate discrimination, racism and exclusion. The editorial board welcomes papers of high quality dealing with local, national, European, or international issues which advance this discourse.In 2004, Social Work in Europe and the European Journal of Social Work, merged. The merger was warmly welcomed by those involved in social work education, practice, policy and management in Europe. The journal now maintains the highest profile for European social work policy, practice and education, acting as one strong voice for the promotion and dissemination of European social work. Institutional subscribers to the print version can enjoy online access to the electronic version of the journal free of charge.Peer Review IntegrityAll research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections, or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, this generally involves initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent reviewers. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor and Francis.

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European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie

ISSN: 0003-9756eISSN: 1474-0583
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