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Journal of Theoretical Politics

ISSN: 0951-6298eISSN: 1460-3667

The Journal of Theoretical Politics is an international peer reviewed journal one of whose principal aims is to foster the development of theory in the study of political processes. JTP provides a forum for the publication of original papers seeking to make genuinely theoretical contributions to the study of politics.

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Journal of Transportation Security

ISSN: 1938-7741eISSN: 1938-775X

The events of 9/11 and beyond have compelled stakeholders to look at transport security as much more than merely another element of the global networks that move people and goods. An activity that was previously viewed as a routine component of modern transportation is now seen as both a vital necesity and a national priority. Across a wide spectrum, transportation security is playing a leading role in determining how both the present and future will look. Remarkably, no single clearinghouse of research and analysis on this important topic has arisen. Transportation security lies at the core of many important areas of study, including supply chain and logistics: information technology: public policy: international business: political science: engineering: transportation: economics: and counterterrorism, among others. This journal will be the first to take a global, apolitical, and in-depth multidisciplinary look at the field. The mission of the journal will be to disseminate new research, thought, and analysis for teachers, researchers, policy makers and practitioners around the world who view transportation security as a critical element in the post 9/11 world.Officially cited as: J Transp Secur

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Journal of Urban Affairs

ISSN: 0735-2166eISSN: 1467-9906

Focusing on urban research and policy analysis, the Journal of Urban Affairs is among the most widely cited journals in the field. Published for the Urban Affairs Association, the journal offers multidisciplinary perspectives and explores issues of relevance to both scholars and practitioners, including:.

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Journal of Urban History

ISSN: 0096-1442eISSN: 1552-6771

Journal of Urban History (JUH), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, provides scholars and professionals with the latest research, analyses, and discussion on the history of cities and urban societies throughout the world. JUH presents original research by distinguished authors from the variety of fields concerned with urban history. Each insightful issue offers the latest scholarship on such topics as public housing, migration, urban growth, and more.

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Journal of Women, Politics and Policy

ISSN: 1554-477XeISSN: 1554-4788

The Journal of Women, Politics & Policy explores women's roles in the political process -- as voters, activists, leaders in interest groups and political parties, and office holders in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government, including the increasingly relevant international bodies such as the European Union and the World Trade Organization. It examines the impact of public policies on women's lives, examining areas such as tax and budget issues, poverty reduction and income security, education and employment, care giving, and health and human rights, including violence, safety, and reproductive rights. This multidisciplinary, international journal presents the work of social scientists -- including political scientists, sociologists, economists, and public policy specialists -- who study the world through a gendered lens and uncover how gender functions in the political and policy arenas. Throughout, the journal places a special emphasis on the intersection of gender, race/ethnicity, class, and other dimensions of women's experiences. The Journal of Women, Politics & Policy: * is devoted to the advancement of knowledge about women's political participation and about the development of public policies that affect women and their families * emphasizes rigorous empirical research and the development of theory about political and policy processes * publishes feminist theory and reports from feminist activists as well as interviews with, and case studies of, specific women leaders * contributes to the development and understanding of government policies designed to improve women's lives * welcomes submissions that include attention to the intersection of gender, race/ethnicity and class. Peer Review Policy: All papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer reviews. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Youth Studies

ISSN: 1367-6261eISSN: 1469-9680

Journal of Youth Studies is an international scholarly journal devoted to a theoretical and empirical understanding of young people's experiences and life contexts. Over the last decade, changing socio-economic circumstances have had important implications for young people: new opportunities have been created, but the risks of marginalisation and exclusion have also become significant. This is the background against which Journal of Youth Studies has been launched, with the aim of becoming the key multidisciplinary journal for academics with interests relating to youth and adolescence. Journal of Youth Studies is focused upon young people within a range of contexts, such as education, the labour market and the family, and highlights key research themes such as the construction of identity, the use of leisure time, involvement in crime, consumption and political behaviour. The journal particularly encourages the submission of articles which highlight interconnections between the different spheres of young people's lives (such the transition from school to work) and articles which offer a critical perspective on social policies which affect young people. Journal of Youth Studies brings together social scientists working in a range of disciplines. These include sociology, psychology, education, social policy, political science, economics, anthropology and social geography. Peer Review: All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and full peer review. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Journal of the Early Republic

ISSN: 0275-1275eISSN: 1553-0620

The Journal of the Early Republic is a quarterly journal committed to publishing the best scholarship on the history and culture of the United States in the years of the early republic (1776-1861).

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Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient

ISSN: 0022-4995eISSN: 1568-5209
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Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research

ISSN: 2334-2315eISSN: 1948-822X
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KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie

ISSN: 0023-2653eISSN: 1861-891X

Die soziologische Fachzeitschrift 'Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie' (KZfSS) wurde 1948 durch den Kölner Soziologen Leopold von Wiese als 'Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie' gegründet. Sein Amtsnachfolger René König richtete sie stärker auf sozialpsychologische Themenstellungen aus, u.a. Kultursoziologie und qualitative Sozialforschung, wodurch sie ihren heutigen Namen erhielt.

Sie ist nach Umfang und Verbreitung das bei weitem bedeutendste soziologische Fachorgan im deutschen Sprachraum und berichtet umfassend über die deutsche soziologische Forschung aller Fachrichtungen und vermittelt regelmäßig Forschungsergebnisse aus vielen Ländern der Welt.

Die KZfSS verfolgt das Modell einer soziologischen Universal-Zeitschrift. Neben jährlich über 40 Aufsätzen, bei denen es sich grundsätzlich um Erstveröffentlichungen handelt, werden ausführliche Literaturberichte sowie in einem umfangreichen Rezensionsteil Besprechungen der deutschen und internationalen F

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Knowledge Cultures

ISSN: 2327-5731eISSN: 2375-6527

La Revue du MAUSS

ISSN: 1247-4819

Labor Studies Journal

ISSN: 0160-449XeISSN: 1538-9758

Labor Studies Journal is a multi-disciplinary publication about work, workers, labor organizations, and labor studies and worker education in the United States and internationally. As the official journal of the United Association for Labor Education, the journal is directed at a diverse audience including union, university and community-based sciences and humanities.

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Labour History

ISSN: 0023-6942

Language Policy

ISSN: 1568-4555eISSN: 1573-1863

Language Policy contributes to the growth of the field by publishing high-quality studies that help build a sound theoretical understanding of the subject area. It presents papers that deal with the widest range of cases, situations and regions. This journal covers both language policy and educational policy. It presents policies concerning the status and form of languages as well as acquisition policies pertaining to the teaching and learning of languages. It contains detailed accounts of promoting and managing language policy and research papers on the development, implementation and effects of language policy in all regions of the world and under different conditions. The journal also includes empirical studies that contribute to a theory of language policy. In addition, Language Policy examines policy development by governments and governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations and business enterprises as well as attempts made by ethnic, religious and minority groups to establish, resist, or modify

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Language and Speech

ISSN: 0023-8309eISSN: 1756-6053

Language and Speech provides an international forum for communication among researchers in the disciplines that contribute to our understanding of the production, perception, processing, learning, use, and disorders of speech and language. The journal accepts reports of original research in all these areas. Interdisciplinary submissions are encouraged. Corpus-based, experimental, and observational research bringing spoken or written language within the domain of linguistic, psychological, or computational models are particularly welcome.

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Language in Society

ISSN: 0047-4045eISSN: 1469-8013
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Las Torres de Lucca, Revista de Filosofía Política

eISSN: 2255-3827

Latin American Perspectives

ISSN: 0094-582XeISSN: 1552-678X

Latin American Perspectives (LAP), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is a theoretical and scholarly journal for discussion and debate on the political economy of capitalism, imperialism, and socialism in the Americas. Offering a vital multidisciplinary view of the powerful forces that shape the Americas, most issues focus on a single problem, nation, or region, providing an in-depth look from participants and scholars.

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Latin American Policy

ISSN: 2041-7365eISSN: 2041-7373
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