Public Choice studies the intersection between economics and political science. The journal plays a central role in fostering exchange between economists and political scientists, enabling both communities to explain and learn from each other’s perspectives. This journal’s roots are in the application of economic methods to problems normally dealt with by political scientists. While it retains strong traces of economic methodology, currently it also addresses newly developed, effective techniques that are not within the domain of economists.Officially cited as: Public Choice
Public Money & Management has recently been recognised by the Australian Business Deans Council as an A rated Journal, signifying that it is highly ranked in its field. Public Money & Management is a popular review of policy and management issues in the public service and regulated industries. Authoritative and independent, the Journal is essential reading for public sector managers and consultants, academics and students with interests in politics, public policy and management, economics and government. Public Money & Management publishes articles which contribute new knowledge as a basis for policy or management improvements, or which reflect on evidence from public service management and finance in order to suggest topics for research. Public Money & Management has a multidisciplinary and international audience and publishes articles which contribute new knowledge as a basis for policy or management improvements, or which reflect on evidence from public service management and finance. The Journal does not accept literature reviews. Readership include officials in all types of public service organizations; academics; consultants and advisers working with the public services; voluntary (third) sector organizations delivering public services; politicians; journalists; and students on both academic and professional courses. Public Money & Management is published bimonthly (six issues per annum) 'PMM is essential reading for all those concerned with the future of our public services'. Tony Wright, MP 'Public Money & Management is one of the few publications that really brings research and practice together and looks to join up government.' Steve Bundred, Chief Executive, Audit Commission, London Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Published since 1937, Public Opinion Quarterly is among the most frequently cited journals of its kind. Such interdisciplinary leadership benefits academicians and all social science researchers by providing a trusted source for a wide range of high quality research. POQ selectively publishes important theoretical contributions to opinion and communication research, analyses of current public opinion, and investigations of methodological issues involved in survey validity—including questionnaire construction, interviewing and interviewers, sampling strategy, and mode of administration. The theoretical and methodological advances detailed in pages of POQ ensure its importance as a research resource.Indexing/AbstractingThis journal is indexed by America: History and Life, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, Combined Retrospective Index Sets (CRIS), Historical Abstracts, International Political Science Abstracts, Peace Research Abstracts, Political Science Abstracts (PSA), Public Affairs Information Services, Social Sciences Index, Sociological Abstracts, United States Political Science Documents, and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. .
Public Policy and Administration is the journal of the UK Joint University Council (JUC) Public Administration Committee (PAC). PPA aims to publish original peer-reviewed material within the broad field of public policy and administration. This includes recent developments in research, scholarship and practice within public policy, public administration, government, public management, administrative theory, administrative history, and administrative politics.
Public Works Management & Policy (PWMP), published quarterly, is a peer-reviewed journal for academics and practitioners in public works and the public and private infrastructure industries. Articles convey research results, evaluate management innovations, suggest methods of analysis and evaluation, and examine policy issues. PWMP addresses the planning, financing, development, and operations of civil infrastructure systems at all levels of society-federal, state and local.
The Journal of Federalism: a virtual issue which provides a compendium of recent articles in Publius on a topical issue. The first virtual issue, available by clicking below, was edited by Patrick McGuinn on Federalism and Education Policy. This issue features Patrick’s overview on federalism and education policy and makes available previously published Publius articles on No Child Left Behind, the Race to the Top, higher education, and U.S. and Canadian education policy. This issue should be of great interest to scholars in education policy and valuable for classroom use to illustrate the dynamism and relevance of federalism in this important public policy area. This virtual issue is available at no cost for six months. Later this year we will upload a similar virtual issue on health policy. I hope you find these helpful and would welcome your feedback on this issue or ones you would like to see in the future.
NOW COVERED BY THE ISI SOCIAL SCIENCES CITATION INDEX The journal Qualitative Sociology is dedicated to the qualitative interpretation and analysis of social life. The journal offers both theoretical and analytical research, and publishes manuscripts based on research methods such as interviewing, participant observation, ethnography, historical analysis, content analysis and others which do not rely primarily on numerical data. All papers are reviewed.
In the last half-century, social scientists have engaged in a methodologically focused and substantively far-reaching mission to make the study of politics scientific. The mutually reinforcing components in this pursuit are the development of positive theories and the testing of their empirical implications. Although this paradigm has been associated with many advances in the understanding of politics, no leading journal of political science is dedicated primarily to the publication of positive political science.The Quarterly Journal of Political Science will solicit, review, and publish the highest quality manuscripts in positive political science and contemporary political economy. The substantive content of the journal will be broad and eclectic, including cutting-edge research on any aspect of private, local, national, comparative, or international politics. The methodological approach will be analytical, focusing on positive political theories, empirical tests of those theories, and the measurement of causal relationships. In their commitment to making the Journal the premier interdisciplinary publication of scientific research on politics, the editors welcome submissions not only from political scientists but also from scholars in cognate disciplines such as economics, business, and law.
Race & Class is a peer-reviewed, ISI-ranked publication, the foremost English language journal on racism and imperialism in the world today. For three decades it has established a reputation for the breadth of its analysis, its global outlook and its multidisciplinary approach.
Rationality & Society is an international peer reviewed journal that focuses on the growing contributions of rational-action based theory, and the questions and controversies surrounding this growth. Rationality and Society provides an interdisciplinary forum in which theoretic developments, empirical research, and policy analyses that are relevant to the rational action paradigm can be shared.