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Berliner Journal für Soziologie

ISSN: 0863-1808eISSN: 1862-2593

Fachzeitschrift für Soziologie und ihre Randgebiete mit Beiträgen zum aktuellen Diskurs und zu Klassikern der Soziologie

Das Berliner Journal für Soziologie, herausgegeben vom Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, veröffentlicht Beiträge zu allgemeinen Themen und Forschungsbereichen der Soziologie sowie Schwerpunkthefte zu Klassikern der Soziologie und zu aktuellen Problemfeldern des soziologischen Diskurses. Umfassende Review-Essays greifen innovative Entwicklungen innerhalb der deutschen und internationalen Sozialwissenschaften auf und informieren über den Stand der Forschung in zentralen Bereichen der Soziologie.

Die Zeitschrift wurde 1991 auf Initiative der ostdeutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie gegründet. Sie versteht sich als eine allgemeine soziologische Fachzeitschrift, die Beiträge aus allen Forschungs- und Themenbereichen der Soziologie publiziert. Von Beginn an war es das programmatische Ziel, der Diskussion und Weiterentwicklung zent

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Brazilian Journal of Political Economy

ISSN: 0101-3157eISSN: 1809-4538

To publish papers on economic theory and political science, with theory and application, that involves state and market.

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British Journal of Canadian Studies

ISSN: 0269-9222eISSN: 1757-8078

Launched over thirty years ago, BJCS is broad-based, multidisciplinary, and international, welcoming contributions from all areas of the arts and humanities and the economic and social sciences. BJCS is committed to publishing research and scholarship on the analysis of Canadian issues, spanning wide-ranging historical and contemporary concerns and interests, as well as varied aspects of domestic, provincial, national, international and global significance.

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British Journal of Political Science

ISSN: 0007-1234eISSN: 1469-2112
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British Journal of Sociology of Education

ISSN: 0142-5692eISSN: 1465-3346

The British Journal of Sociology of Education is one of the most renowned international scholarly journals in the field. The editorial board of the journal brings together the expertise of leading sociologists and rising academics. The aim of the journal is to publish high quality original, theoretically informed analyses of the relationship between education and society. The Journal has an outstanding record of addressing major global debates about the social significance and impact of educational policy, provision, processes and practice in many countries around the world. The journal welcomes contributions which explore all phases of formal and informal education. It engages with a diverse range of contemporary and emergent social theories along with the full range of methodological approaches. It investigates the discursive politics of education, social stratification and mobility, the social dimensions of all aspects of pedagogy, and educational experiences from those of the privileged to those of the most disadvantaged. The vitality of the journal is sustained by its commitment to offer independent, critical evaluations of the ways in which education interfaces with local, national, regional and global developments, contexts and agendas. There is an established well-informed international audience for the Journal. Authors are expected to consider this wide readership and to exhibit knowledge of previously-published articles when submitting their work for consideration. Submissions should be well located within sociological theory, and should not only be rigorous and reflexive methodologically, but also offer original insights to educational problems/perspectives. Peer Review Policy: All articles submitted to the Journal are anonymously refereed by at least two members of the editorial board. This ensures the world class quality of the journal and maintains the continuity of sociological debate.

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British Politics

ISSN: 1746-918XeISSN: 1746-9198

British Politics offers the only forum explicitly designed to promote research in British political studies, and seeks to provide a counterweight to the growing fragmentation of this field during recent years. To this end, the journal aims to promote a more holistic understanding of British politics by encouraging a closer integration between theoretical and empirical research, between historical and contemporary analyses, and by fostering a conception of British politics as a broad and multi-disciplinary field of study. This incorporates a range of sub-fields, including psephology, policy analysis, regional studies, comparative politics, institutional analysis, political theory, political economy, historical analysis, cultural studies and social policy.While recognising the validity and the importance of research into specific aspects of British politics, the journal takes it to be a guiding principle that such research is more useful, and indeed meaningful, if it is related to the field of British politics in a broader and fuller sense.The scope of the journal will therefore be broad, incorporating a range of research papers and review articles from all theoretical perspectives, and on all aspects of British politics, including policy developments, institutional change and political behaviour. Priority will, however, be given to contributions which link contemporary developments in British politics to theoretical and/or historical analyses. The aim is as much to encourage the development of empirical research that is theoretically rigorous and informed, as it is to encourage the empirical application of theoretical work (or at least to encourage theorists to explicitly signify how their work could be applied in an empirical manner).

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Bulletin of Sociological Methodology

ISSN: 0759-1063eISSN: 2070-2779

BMS is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal edited by Karl van Meter specializing in all aspects of sociological methodology, and published in both English and French. Each volume of the BMS contains research articles, extensive book and article reviews, as well as documentation and information on different centres of sociology and important meetings throughout the world.

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Business and Human Rights Journal

ISSN: 2057-0198eISSN: 2057-0201
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Business and Society Review

ISSN: 0045-3609eISSN: 1467-8594
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CIRIEC-Espana Revista de Economia Publica, Social y Cooperativa

eISSN: 1989-6816

CR: The New Centennial Review

ISSN: 1532-687XeISSN: 1539-6630

CR: The New Centennial Review is devoted to comparative studies of the Americas that suggest possibilities for a different future. Centennial Review is published three times a year under the editorship of Scott Michaelsen (Department of English, Michigan State University) and David E. Johnson (Department of Comparative Literature, SUNY at Buffalo). The journal recognizes that the language of the Americas is translation, and that questions of translation, dialogue, and border crossings (linguistic, cultural, national, and the like) are necessary for rethinking the foundations and limits of the Americas. Journal articles address philosophically inflected interventions, provocations, and insurgencies that question the existing configuration of the Americas, as well as global and theoretical work with implications for the hemisphere.

Caderno CRH

ISSN: 0103-4979eISSN: 1983-8239

To publish articles, essays and research results, recognizing the importance of debate bringing together ideas, themes, subjects for comparison with research results for the construction of critical thinking in the social sciences.

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Cadernos de Linguagem e Sociedade

ISSN: 0104-9712eISSN: 2179-4790
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Cahiers des Amériques Latines

ISSN: 1141-7161eISSN: 2268-4247

Cahiers du Genre

ISSN: 1298-6046eISSN: 1968-3928
Publisher: L'Harmattan

Cahiers du Monde Russe

ISSN: 1252-6576eISSN: 1777-5388

Calitatea Vietii

ISSN: 1018-0389

Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society

ISSN: 1752-1378eISSN: 1752-1386

Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society publishes multi-disciplinary international research on the spatial dimensions of contemporary socio-economic-political change. The Journal adopts a focused thematic format. Each issue is devoted to a particular theme selected by the international editorial team.

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Canadian Journal of African Studies

ISSN: 0008-3968eISSN: 1923-3051

The Canadian Journal of African Studies ( CJAS / RCEA) is the official publication of the Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS); launched in 1967, it is a bilingual multidisciplinary journal committed to facilitating the dissemination of social science research by Africanists world-wide.  It is one of only two international journals in African studies which has consistently published in both English and French.

CJAS aims to improve knowledge and awareness of Africa as well as the problems and aspirations of its people, to inform Canadian policy on and in Africa, and to generate public interest in the study and understanding of Africa in Canada.

CJAS publishes articles in the areas of anthropology/ethnography, political science, history, sociology, literature, human geography, and development. We encourage an inter/multi-disciplinary approach. The journal does not consider papers in quantitative development or economics, or papers on education, social work, public policy analysis or literary criticism. In addition to original research papers, the journal publishes Commentaries that cover current issues. Sometimes the journal includes Research Notes which permit contributors to present research in progress on African topics. The book review and review essay section provide critiques of recent books and reports on Africa in general and on individual countries.

Peer Review Statement
CJAS is a peer reviewed journal. Articles submitted to the journal are sent out to three independent reviewers who are familiar with the field and topic of an article. They are asked to review an article based on the following criteria: originality of research and analysis, review of the literature, the nature of the contribution to the field, whether the arguments made are convincing and the quality of writing.

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Canadian Journal of Law & Society / La Revue Canadienne Droit et Société

ISSN: 0829-3201eISSN: 1911-0227
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