Time & Society is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes articles, reviews, and scholarly comment discussing the workings of time and temporality across a range of disciplines, including anthropology, geography, history, psychology, and sociology. Work focuses on methodological and theoretical problems, including the use of time in organizational contexts. You'll also find critiques of and proposals for time-related changes in the formation of public, social, economic, and organizational policies.
The University of Toronto Law Journal has taken a broad and visionary approach to legal scholarship since its beginnings in 1935. Its first editor, Professor WPM Kennedy, hoped that the Journal would foster a knowledge of law as expressions of organized human life, of ordered progress, and of social justice. The University of Toronto Law Journal has since established itself as a leading journal for theoretical, interdisciplinary, comparative and other conceptually oriented inquiries into law and law reform. The Journal regularly publishes articles that study law from such perspectives as legal philosophy, law and economics, legal history, criminology, law and literature, and feminist analysis. Global in relevance, international in scope, it publishes work by highly regarded scholars from many countries, including Australia, Israel, Germany, New Zealand, the United States and the United Kingdom.
Urban Affairs Review (UAR), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is a leading scholarly journal on urban issues and themes. For almost five decades, scholars, researchers, policymakers, planners, and administrators have turned to UAR for the latest international research and empirical analysis. UAR covers: urban policy; urban economic development; residential and community development; governance and service delivery; comparative/international urban research; and social, spatial, and cultural dynamics.
Utilities Policy is the peer-reviewed journal for researchers, utility company professionals, financial analysts, and industry consultants. It publishes original research papers, review papers, viewpoints, as well as book reviews, about the entire range of utilities including coal, electricity, gas, oil, telecommunications, urban transport, water, waste, and renewable forms of energy.Utilities Policy is a unique international journal covering economic, development, environmental, institutional, legal, liberalization, management, organisation, performance, planning, policy, pricing, privatization, regulation, and strategic issues across the broad spectrum of utilities. The journal addresses utilities in developed and developing countries, and offers a leading forum for the dissemination of in-depth analysis of key trends to those concerned with the effective management and development of utilities.Submissions should consider the policy implications of the subject being written about. Specific policy-related suggestions, if relevant, are encouraged so as to provide policy makers firm ideas to consider for implementation. Utilities Policy welcomes submissions that assess and compare methodologies and novel approaches relating to two or more utility sectors.
Violence Against Women (VAW) peer-reviewed and published monthly, is an international, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the publication of research and information on all aspects of the problem of violence against women. VAW assumes a broad definition of violence; topics to be covered include, but are not limited to, domestic violence, sexual assault, incest, sexual harassment, female infantcide, female circumcision, and female sexual slavery.
The official journal of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR), Voluntas is an interdisciplinary journal that provides a central forum for worldwide research in the area between the state, market, and household sectors. The journal combines full-length articles with shorter research notes (reflecting the latest developments in the field) and book reviews.
Voluntas is essential reading for all those engaged in research on the Third Sector (voluntary and nonprofit organizations) including economists, lawyers, political scientists, psychologists, sociologists, and social and public policy analysts. It presents leading-edge academic argument around civil society issues in a style that is accessible to practitioners and policymakers.Articles are published in English with abstracts in French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic. 2-Year Impact Factor: .881 (2012)Subject Category 'Social Issues': Rank 20 out of 39SCImago Journal and Country Rank (SJR) 2011. SJR is a measure of the
Women's Studies International Forum (formerly Women's Studies International Quarterly, established in 1978) is a bimonthly journal to aid the distribution and exchange of feminist research in the multidisciplinary, international area of women's studies and in feminist research in other disciplines. The policy of the journal is to establish a feminist forum for discussion and debate.The journal seeks to critique and reconceptualize existing knowledge, to examine and re-evaluate the manner in which knowledge is produced and distributed, and to assess the implications this has for women's lives.We seek contributions from people, individually or collectively, from different countries and different backgrounds, who are engaged in feminist research inside or outside formal educational institutions. We welcome a variety of approaches and resources through the whole range of disciplines: papers geared toward action-oriented research as well as those which address theoretical methodological issues; and we encourage historical reassessments of the lives and works of women. We urge all contributors both to acknowledge the cultural and social specifics of their particular approach, and to draw out these issues in their articles.We also invite conference reports and announcements, calls for papers, notices of new publications and reports, contacts, etc., sent in by individuals or groups in the international feminist community.
Work and Occupations (WOX), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, provides a broad perspective on the dynamics of the workplace and examines international approaches to work-related issues. It offers distinguished scholarship with an interdisciplinary perspective.
Work, Employment and Society is a leading international peer reviewed journal of the British Sociological Association which publishes theoretically informed and original research on the sociology of work. Work, Employment and Society covers all aspects of work, employment and unemployment and their connections with wider social processes and social structures.