The Journal of Social Archaeology (JSA) promotes interdisciplinary research, focused on social approaches in archaeology, it champions innovative social interpretations of the past and encourages exploration of contemporary politics and heritage issues. It engages with contemporary perspectives on antiquity, linking past and present, the local and the global. JSA is now covered by the ISI Arts and Humanities Citation Index.
Aims and scopeJournal of World Prehistory is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed, original treatments of the prehistory of an area or larger region. It was founded nearly thirty years ago with the remit of providing researchers, instructors and students with timely and authoritative research syntheses from all fields of archaeology. Journal of World Prehistory continues to lead in this field. Our classic articles may be 20,000 or 25,000 words long, as appropriate (excluding their extensive bibliographies). Since 2008 they have been joined by shorter (around 10,000 words), position pieces, which provide in-depth, thoughtful development of data and concepts, including interventions in controversies that unfold in our pages. These, written in a fashion interesting and accessible to all archaeologists, are often paired with a longer treatment in a single volume. In addition, readers now benefit from thematic special issues and double issues, in which a number of leading authors deal with a key theme in world prehistory, such as the origins of metallurgy (2009, volumes 22: 3 and 4), or the East Asian Neolithic (2013, in preparation). All papers are available first online, followed by the print edition. We aim to be truly global in coverage, with recent articles dealing, inter alia, with Amazonian lithics, the late Jomon of Hokkaido, the Bronze Age in Southeast Asia, the Neanderthal settlement of Doggerland, Neolithic networks in Western Asia, younger Dryas Paleo-Indian adaptations, and state formation in the Horn of Africa. Articles benefit from multi-language abstracts where appropriate, and we work closely with authors who do not have English as a first language to present major syntheses in a clear and concise way to an international audience. Traditionally, JWP focuses on earlier periods, but it includes the beginnings and early development of complex societies,, and our understanding of ‘prehistory’ is broad and inclusive: for guidance on chronological scope, as well as our calendrical conventions, see the editorial article ‘Prehistory vs. Archaeology: terms of Engagement’ Our unique remit means that we do not encourage the submission of unsolicited papers: rather, specific proposals are encouraged and then guided prior to independent peer review. Our aims and the way we fulfil them, with close contact with authors throughout the publication process, mean that JWP is not a venue for the simple and rapid dissemination of new results. Whilst we expect scholarship to be current, with syntheses including much new data, our readers look to us for definitive area/period coverage that will have continuing value.If you are proposing an article or special theme for Journal of World Prehistory, please read the Instructions for authors.Rated 'A' in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)?Journal of World Prehistory is rated 'A' in the ERIH, a new reference index that aims to help evenly access the scientific quality of Humanities research output. For more information visit 'A' in the Australian Research Council Humanities and Creative Arts Journal List. For more information, visit:
Journal of Physiological Anthropology, is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on the physiological functions of modern mankind, with an emphasis on the bio-cultural effects on human adaptability to current environment.
The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute is the principal journal of the oldest anthropological organization in the world. It has attracted and inspired some of the world's greatest thinkers. International in scope, it presents accessible papers aimed at a broad anthropological readership. It is also acclaimed for its extensive book review section, and it publishes a bibliography of books received.
KIVA is the leading refereed serial publication in the archaeology, anthropology, and history of the American Southwest and northern Mexico. Past issues have been devoted to such topics as: the pottery village of Mata Ortiz, Chihuahua; Anasazi origins; and the Archaic-Formative transition in the Tucson Basin. It is the official journal of the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society (AAHS), the AAHS was founded in 1916 and it is a nonprofit, educational organization affiliated with the Arizona State Museum. It provides a forum for professionals in archaeology and related fields as well as the general public to share their common interests and enthusiasm for the Southwest’s rich cultural history.
First published in 1890, l'Anthropologie remains one of the most important journals devoted to prehistoric sciences and paleoanthropology. It regularly publishes thematic issues, originalsarticles and book reviews.
Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies is a cross-disciplinary venue for quality research on ethnicity, race relations, and indigenous peoples. It is open to case studies, comparative analysis and theoretical contributions that reflect innovative and critical perspectives, focused on any country or countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, written by authors from anywhere in the world. In a context in which ethnic issues are becoming increasingly important throughout the region, we are seeing the rapid expansion of a considerable corpus of work on their social, political, and cultural implications. The aim of the Journal is to play a constructive role in the consolidation of this new field of studies and in the configuration of its contours as an intellectual enterprise.Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies welcomes scholarly work from all the relevant disciplines in the Social Sciences and the Humanities. All submissions to the journal are independently refereed.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
To publish new research and theoretical approaches contributing to the development of Anthropology and the understanding of social and cultural reality.