Media Psychology is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to publishing theoretically-oriented empirical research that is at the intersection of psychology and media communication. These topics include media uses, processes, and effects. Such research is already well represented in mainstream journals in psychology and communication, but its publication is dispersed across many sources. Therefore, scholars working on common issues and problems in various disciplines often cannot fully utilize the contributions of kindred spirits in cognate disciplines. By providing a high-quality, common publication outlet for psychologists, communication researchers, human developmental specialists, and other scholars who are interested in the psychological consequences of the broad spectrum of communication media, potentially fertile cross-disciplinary work can flourish. Although most of the published articles will report original empirical research that bridges media communication and psychology, state-of-the-art reviews and meta-analyses that provide a major synthesis of primary research findings in a pivotal area will be considered. Studies of messages using single exemplars must include justification for the message selection and implications for generalizability. Manuscripts will be judged by the degree to which they contribute to theory and advance the body of knowledge about the psychology of uses, processes, or effects of the media. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Media and Communication (ISSN: 2183-2439) is an international open access journal dedicated to a wide variety of basic and applied research in communication and its related fields. Editors: Epp Lauk (University of Jyväskylä) and Raul Reis (Emerson College) (see full Editorial Board) Open Access: free to read and share, with an article processing charge for accepted papers to offset production costs (more details here) Indexing: Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus and other databases |
Media and Communication is accepting proposals for themed issues. Scholars interested in editing an issue that falls within the aims and scope of the journal and can be accessed free of charge by any reader are encouraged to contact the journal's editorial office at |
Media, Culture & Society provides a major peer-reviewed, international forum for research and discussion on the media, including the newer information and communication technologies, within their political, economic, cultural and historical contexts. It regularly engages with a wider range of issues in cultural and social analysis. Its champions research on substantive topics and critique and innovation in theory and method.
Media, War & Conflict is a major new international, peer-reviewed journal that maps the shifting arena of war, conflict and terrorism in an intensively and extensively mediated age. It explores cultural, political and technological transformations in media-military relations, journalistic practices, and new media, and their impact on policy, publics, and outcomes of warfare. The journal bridges communications, political science, sociology, history, and other disciplines.
This innovative journal is dedicated to the study of figurative language and the cognitive processes behind it. By applying a variety of perspectives to their investigations, contributors provide a broad spectrum of unique and thought-provoking articles - theoretical essays, original empirical research, and literature and book reviews. Its international editorial board is composed of scholars and experts in linguistics, education, artificial intelligence, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, and psychology. This journal appeals to the broad range of scholars and researchers in the field of metaphor. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Contributors should send three copies of their manuscripts to: Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr., Editor, Metaphor and Symbol, Department of Psychology, University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Fifth Edition. All manuscript copy should be double-spaced. The cover letter should include a complete mailing address for each author and the telephone number and E-mail address of the author to whom editorial correspondence is to be addressed. Figures should be in camera-ready condition. Contributors are responsible for all statements made in their work and for obtaining permission from copyright owners if they use an illustration, table, or lengthy quote (over 500 words) published elsewhere. Contributors should write to both publisher and author of such material, requesting nonexclusive world rights in all languages for use in the article and all future editions of it. Manuscripts will be evaluated on the basis of style as well as content. After a manuscript is accepted for publication, authors are asked to provide a computer disk containing the word processing file of the manuscript. Some minor copyediting may be done, but authors must take responsibility for clarity, conciseness, and felicity of expression. In order to set off printed figurative text from nonfigurative use of (a) italicization (underlining in manuscripts) for indicating emphasis, (b) quotation marks for indicating quotations, and (c) capitalization for indicating headings and subheadings, authors should abide by the following conventions: Any sentence or phrase in which a word or words are intended as figurative should be set in quoted lower-case italics (e.g., 'My soul is an enchanted boat,' 'to let the cat out of the bag,' etc.). What are called metaphor themes or metaphor formulas should be set in quoted upper-case italics (e.g., 'LIFE IS A JOURNEY,' 'LOVE IS INSANITY,' etc.), with italicization indicated by underlining in the manuscripts. Subordinate instances of these two sample themes should be set in quoted lower-case italics ('Our relationship has come a long way' and 'He was madly in love with her,' respectively). In experimental reports that involve figurative and nonfigurative material or stimulus items, figurative material should be set as indicated above; nonfigurative material (e.g., literal 'control' sentences) should be set in unquoted italics (e.g., This is a literal sentence).RELATED LINKS Psycholinguistics books Psycholinguistics conferences Join the Psychology Press Psycholinguistics mailing list! Any questions? Email us. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication provides a transcultural academic sphere that engages Middle Eastern and Western scholars in a critical dialogue about culture, communication and politics in the Middle East. It also provides a forum for debate on the region’s encounters with modernity and the ways in which this is reshaping people’s everyday experiences.
Multilingua is an international interdisciplinary journal aimed at the enhancement of cross-cultural understanding through the study of interlanguage communication. To this end it publishes articles in fields as diverse as: *cross-cultural differences in linguistic politeness phenomena *variety in what is traditionally regarded as one culture *conversational style *linguistic description of nonstandard oral varieties of language *strategies for the organization of verbal interaction *intracultural linguistic variety *communication breakdown *translation and interpretation *information technology *methods of managing and using multilingual tools.Multilingua further publishes research notes, reports, review articles, short reviews, and announcements of upcoming events.Multilingua occasionally appears as a special issue, covering a specific topic in one of its fields.Multilingua is a peer-reviewed journal of international scope.
Narrative Inquiry is devoted to providing a forum for theoretical, empirical, and methodological work on narrative. Articles appearing in Narrative Inquiry draw upon a variety of approaches and methodologies in the study of narrative as a way to give contour to experience, tradition, and values to next generations. Particular emphasis is placed on theoretical approaches to narrative and the analysis of narratives in human interaction, including those practiced by researchers in psychology, linguistics and related disciplines.
NCMR publishes fundamental research that focuses on theory and research on negotiation and conflict management across levels, including organizational conflict, interpersonal conflict and inter-group conflict, and across a range of domains including environmental conflict, crisis negotiations, political conflict and cross-cultural conflict, as well as formal and informal third party intervention, including mediation and arbitration.