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Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science

ISSN: 2399-8083eISSN: 2399-8091

Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science is the leading journal for the publication of high-quality articles that present cutting-edge research in analytical methods for urban planning and design. The journal focuses on smart cities, urban analytics, GIS, and urban simulation models. It also deals with visualisation, computation, and formal design-based methods applicable to morphological processes and structures in cities and regions.

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Environment and Urbanization

ISSN: 0956-2478eISSN: 1746-0301

Environment and Urbanization aims to provide an effective means for the exchange of research findings, ideas and information in the fields of human settlements and environment among researchers, activists and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in low- and middle-income nations and between these and researchers, international agency staff, students and teachers in high-income nations. E&U is one of the world`s most highly ranked environmental and urban studies journals.

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Environment and Urbanization ASIA

ISSN: 0975-4253eISSN: 0976-3546
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Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos

ISSN: 0186-7210eISSN: 2448-6515
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European Journal of Spatial Development

eISSN: 1650-9544

European Planning Studies

ISSN: 0965-4313eISSN: 1469-5944

Click here to view a list of the latest free articles available from European Planning Studies. European Planning Studies provides a forum for ideas and information about spatial development processes and policies in Europe. The journal publishes articles of a theoretical, empirical and policy-relevant nature and is particularly concerned to integrate knowledge of processes with practical policy proposals, implementation and evaluation. Articles of particular interest to the journal focus upon specific spatial development problems, as well as emerging explanations of new urban, regional, national or supranational developmental tendencies. Country-specific, region-specific or locality-specific issues are focused upon, although comparative analysis is of especial value. Case studies of successful spatial policies and critiques of policy failure based on in-depth study are both welcomed. A key feature of the journal is to generalize learning about best practice analysis and policy-formulation in the field of spatial development planning. Additionally, European Planning Studies features articles which focus on the functional dimensions of planning, such as infrastructure, communications, environmental quality, design, cultural, social welfare, recreational, housing, industrial and employment concerns of planning at whatever spatial scale. Articles which are concerned with these questions in an appropriate spatial context, given the scope of the journal, are of special interest. The journal also carries European Briefing, Research Briefing and Book Reviews sections. European Planning Studies is published in cooperation with the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), an independent body of professional planning educators with a membership of over 100 planning schools throughout Western and Eastern Europe. Peer Review Statement All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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European Urban and Regional Studies

ISSN: 0969-7764eISSN: 1461-7145

European Urban and Regional Studies is a highly ranked, peer reviewed international journal. It provides an original contribution to academic and policy debate related to processes of urban and regional development in Europe. It offers a truly European coverage from the Atlantic to the Urals,and from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean.

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eISSN: 2039-0491
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Forum Stadt

ISSN: 0170-9364
Publisher: BAG-Verlag

Frontiers of Architectural Research

ISSN: 2095-2635eISSN: 2095-2643

Frontiers of Architectural Research is an international journal that publishes original research papers, review articles, and case studies to promote rapid communication and exchange among scholars, architects, and engineers. It introduces and reflects significant and pioneering achievements in the field of architecture research. The subject areas include the main branches of architecture. Papers are dealing with architectural design and theory, architectural science and technology, urban planning, landscaping architecture, existing building renovation and architectural heritage conservation. The journal encourages papers to take a rigorous scientific approach and apply state-of-the-art technology. All published papers will reflect the original thoughts of researcher and basic theories, model, computing and design in architecture. High standard papers dealing with the social aspects of architecture are also welcome. The journal is strictly peer-reviewed and accepts only original manuscripts submitted in English.

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Habitat International

ISSN: 0197-3975eISSN: 1873-5428

Habitat International is dedicated to the study of urban and ruralhuman settlements: their planning, design, production and management. Its main focus is on urbanisation in its broadest sense in the developing world. However, increasingly the interrelationships and linkages between cities and towns in the developing and developed worlds are becoming apparent and solutions to the problems that result are urgently required. The economic, social, technological and political systems of the world are intertwined and changes in one region almost always affect other regions. Habitat International welcomes reports of research on urban issues such as policy and implementation, the links between planning, building and land, finance and management, urban design, the interaction between the natural environment and urban areas the provision of urban services and other related problems. Papers on topics which clearly have broad implications and interrelationships based on the experiences of the developing or developed world will be considered. Submissions exploring these issues within the development context are particularly welcomed. Quality papers, short communications, comments on published papers and reports on relevant conferences from all parts of the world are presented as it is recognised that such urban problems arise everywhere. Hopefully, Habitat International will contribute to their solution.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Harvard Design Magazine

ISSN: 1093-4421

Histoire Urbaine

ISSN: 1628-0482

Historia Urbana

ISSN: 1221-650X

Housing Policy Debate

ISSN: 1051-1482eISSN: 2152-050X

Housing Policy Debate provides a venue for original research on U.S. housing policy. Subjects include affordable housing policy, fair housing policy, land use regulations influencing housing affordability, metropolitan development trends, and linkages among housing policy and energy, environmental, and transportation policy. Housing Policy Debate is published quarterly. Most issues feature a Forum section and an Articles section. The Forum, which highlights a current debate, features a central article and responding comments that represent a range of perspectives. All articles in the Forum and Articles sections undergo a double-blind peer review process. On a recurring basis, Housing Policy Debate also features an Outlook section where the editors, occasionally with expert guest writers, comment on emerging areas of housing and metropolitan research or current events.

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Housing Studies

ISSN: 0267-3037eISSN: 1466-1810

Click here to view a list of the latest free articles available from Housing Studies. Congratulations to new Academician: Housing Studies editor Professor Ray Forrest has been awarded Academician status by the Academy of Social Sciences. The award acknowledges his significant contributions to the social sciences and to the planning discipline. Housing Studies is the essential international forum for academic debate in the housing field. Since its establishment in 1986, Housing Studies has become the leading housing journal and has played a major role in theoretical and analytical developments within this area of study. The journal has explored a range of academic and policy concerns including the following: * linkages between housing and other areas of social and economic policy * the role of housing in everyday life and in gender, class and age relationships * the economics of housing expenditure and housing finance * international comparisons and developments * issues of sustainability and housing development * demographic and social trends and the changing role of housing tenures * theoretical and conceptual frameworks for housing studies Housing Studies is not limited in its geographical scope and welcomes contributions on housing and housing related issues in any national or cross-national context. The journal also features contributions from many different disciplines including economics, political science, urban studies, history, social administration, sociology, geography, law and planning. A wide range of important refereed articles makes Housing Studies a vital resource for all of those who need access to major research and debate in this area. All submissions are subject to review by three external referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Housing and Society

ISSN: 0888-2746eISSN: 2376-0923

Housing and Society is the journal of the Housing Education and Research Association (HERA). The journal supports the mission of HERA by providing for the dissemination of research and other scholarly work. Submissions from a broad range of perspectives are encouraged. Topics in housing include: policy, design, social aspects, gerontology, behavioral aspects, energy/environment, equipment, interiors, economics, theory/model development, education, and program development or evaluation.

The journal welcomes the submission of original research articles, notes and commentaries. Notes are shorter manuscripts presenting succinct information on housing related to one of the following categories:

- Research: exploratory or not heavily theory-based or statistically analyzed
- Academic: innovative teaching ideas
- Program: development, implementation, and/or evaluation of Cooperative Extension or other housing programming efforts
- Policy: examination of policy impact, comparative analysis, and/or need to achieve housing goals

Peer Review Statement

All submissions to Housing and Society undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and double-blind review by at least two referees.

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Housing, Theory and Society

ISSN: 1403-6096eISSN: 1651-2278

Click here to view a list of the latest free articles available from Housing, Theory & Society.Housing, Theory and Society is an international, academic journal that aims to encourage the application and development of social theory in the housing field. The journal has a broad focus that includes content related to international housing, social theory and other social issues.Contributions regularly integrate housing research into particular aspects of social science, social research and policy, including welfare studies, employment, education, gender, public health and the environment.The journal also includes systematic and theoretical comparative studies of housing, and conceptually refined approaches to differences between housing systems.With a distinguished, international editorial board, the journal furthers the agenda of housing research as an integrated, multidisciplinary field that is theoretically-informed and embedded in wider societal issues. The editor welcomes original contributions on all aspects of housing and social theory. Housing, Theory and Society accepts papers from all across the world and is aimed at an international audience.

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Hábitat y Sociedad

eISSN: 2173-125X
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IATSS Research

ISSN: 0386-1112

First published in 1977, IATSS Research is an international English-language journal sponsored by the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences. It seeks to foster a harmonious traffic environment by inspiring all readers, whether interested in today or the future, to contemplate and discuss traffic-related research results drawn from a wide range of academic fields.IATSS Research provides an international forum for the publication of original articles covering a wide range of practical and theoretical aspects of traffic and traffic safety. IATSS Research seeks to improve scientific knowledge, clarifying traffic issues through a comprehensive approach that demands a high level of evidential proof. IATSS Research will publish original research papers addressing any transport mode or traffic participant from any academic discipline including engineering, information and communication technology, sociology, economics, business administration, law, public administration, psychology, education, and medical sciences. Submissions dealing with policy proposals for solving traffic and transport issues may also be accepted. All submissions are subject to peer review.The International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) was established in 1974 as a public-interest corporation to foster a harmonious traffic environment through the pursuit of international, interdisciplinary research on traffic and traffic safety issues seen in the light of the interrelationship between man, machine and environment.

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