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Molecular Systems Biology

eISSN: 1744-4292

Molecular systems biology is an integrative discipline that seeks to explain the properties and behaviour of complex biological systems in terms of their molecular components and their interactions.Molecular Systems Biology is a peer-reviewed author-pays online journal that publishes full-length papers and accompanying synopses describing original research in the field of molecular systems biology and which focuses on the analysis, integration and modeling of molecular and cellular phenomena. Since molecular systems biology relies on a variety of computational and high-throughput technologies, the journal makes full use of the online to allow reader interaction with data and models presented in the published articles.Topics falling within the scope of the journal include, but are not limited to:* Proteomics* Metabolomics* Functional genomics* Structural genomics* Transcriptomics* Computational biology* Bioinformatics* Theoretical biology* Synthetic biologyMolecular Systems Biology aims to provide:The most integrative coverage: Molecular Systems Biology facilitates the integration of the individual subject areas that make up the overall field of molecular systems biology by ensuring that all research papers are accessible to all readers. This is done in three main ways:* All papers have a brief 'synopsis', which explains the findings and significance of the research. These will be written by the authors, with help from in-house editorial staff* Many papers are covered by News and Views articles. These are written by experts in the field and aim to place the research in a broader context* Rich linking from papers allows readers access to related databases and other web resourcesA forum for setting standards: The world-class Senior Editors and editorial board of Molecular Systems Biology will enable the journal to become a forum for the publication of papers that set the standards in this emerging field. Papers that aim to do this will be given special consideration, and readers will be encouraged to comment on the journal's 'feedback forum'.Unparalleled editorial support: No other journal in the field of systems biology offers the same level of editorial support as Molecular Systems Biology. Our in-house PhD-qualified editorial staff will work with the authors of all research papers to ensure that the synopses and manuscripts are as accessible and readable as possible, and they will commission accompanying 'News & Views' and review articles.The latest technological developments: Molecular Systems Biology is first journal from the Nature Publishing Group stable to accept data in the systems biology mark-up language (SBML) format. The journal also features:* RSS alerts for instant notification when new papers are published.

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