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CBE-Life Sciences Education

eISSN: 1931-7913

CBE-LSE publishes peer-reviewed articles on life science education at the K 12, undergraduate, and graduate levels. The ASCB believes that learning in biology encompasses diverse fields, including math, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, and the interdisciplinary intersections of biology with these fields. Within biology, CBE-LSE focuses on how students are introduced to the study of life sciences, as well as approaches in cell biology, developmental biology, neuroscience, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, and proteomics. CBE-LSE is written by and to serve professionals engaged in biology teaching in all environments, including faculty at large research universities who teach but do not view teaching as their primary mission, as well as those whose teaching is the major focus of their careers, in primarily undergraduate institutions, museums and outreach programs, junior and community colleges, and K 12 schools.

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Molecular Biology of the Cell

eISSN: 1939-4586

MBoC publishes research articles and essays that report the results of original research and present conceptual advances of broad interest and significance within all areas of cell biology, genetics, and developmental biology. Manuscript submissions whose scope bridges several areas of cell and developmental biology are particularly encouraged. MBoC publishes articles that describe substantial research progress in full. Therefore, authors should include with their manuscript submissions all previously unpublished data and methods essential to support the conclusions drawn. MBoC does not, in general, publish articles that are narrow in scope and better suited to more specialized journals, merely confirmatory or preliminary reports of partially completed or incompletely documented research, findings of as yet uncertain significance, or reports that simply document well-known processes in organisms or cell types not previously studied. Submissions that report new methodologies will be considered only when a new result of biological significance has been achieved or when introduction of the method will significantly accelerate progress within a field.Note that MBoC places a premium on research articles that present conceptual advances of wide interest or deep mechanistic understanding of important CELLULAR processes. As such, articles dealing principally with describing behavior or modification of specific transcription factors, or analysis of the promoter elements through which they interact, will not generally be considered unless accompanied by information supporting in vivo relevance or broad significance.

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