The Comptes rendus Biologies publish monthly communications dealing with all biological and medical research fields (biological modelling, development and reproduction biology, cell biology, biochemistry, neurosciences, immunology, pharmacology, ecology, etc.).Articles are preferably written in English. Articles in French with an abstract in English are accepted.
Comptes rendus Geoscience (12 issues per year) cover all the domains of Earth Sciences: external geophysics, climate and environment, internal geophysics, geomaterials, geochemistry, surface geosciences, oceanography, stratigraphy, tectonics, geodynamics, history of sciences. The 'Perspective' heading gathers short articles written by scientists collaborating with the Editorial Board, specialists of the topic under consideration.Articles are preferably written in English, with a French Abstract. Articles in French including an abridged English version, at least one page long, are accepted.
The Comptes rendus Mathematique cover all fields of the discipline: Logic, Combinatorics, Number Theory, Group Theory, Mathematical Analysis, (Partial) Differential Equations, Geometry, Topology, Dynamical systems, Mathematical Physics, Mathematical Problems in Mechanics, Signal Theory, Mathematical Economics,...The articles published are short, original notes describing briefly an important discovery, or a new result. These can be in either English or in French, with an abstract in both languages. An abridged version of the main text in the second language may also be included.
Comptes rendus Physique: thematic issues oriented towards a rapid, targeted diffusion of research results.The Comptes rendus Physique (10 issues per year) cover all fields of Physics and Astrophysics, and propose thematic issues. Because of this format, readers find, in each issue, the presentation of a field of research which is in particularly fast development. The authors are chosen among the most active in the domain, and the issue is coordinated by an Invited Editor, guaranteeing that the results are up-to-date, and are the most significant.The Comptes rendus Physique also publishes, preserving its historic vocation, short, original notes describing briefly an important discovery, or a new theory. These can be in either English or in French, with an abstract in both languages.
The journal Comptes rendus Chimie publishes original research (notes, short papers) and accounts (short reviews and historic chronicles) in all areas of chemistry (organic, inorganic, bioorganic, bioinorganic, organometallic, physical, solid state, theoretical).Articles are preferably written in English, but articles in French including an abstract in English are accepted.
A monthly publication, giving fresh news of recent innovations in Mechanics.The Comptes rendus Mecanique cover all fields of Mechanics: Dynamical Systems, Solid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Acoustics, Wave Motion, Control Theory, Signal Processing,...The articles published are short, original notes describing briefly an important discovery, or a new theory. Since this is a monthly publication, significant results are published rapidly, generally two to three months after being accepted. Articles can be in either English or in French, with an abstract in both languages. An abridged version of the main text in the second language may also be included.