Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy”www.jocb.euJournal of the Polish Brachytherapy SocietyThe “Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy” is an international and multidisciplinary magazine that will publish papers of original research as well as reviews of articles. Main subjects of the journal include: clinical brachytherapy, combined modality treatment, advances in radiobiology, hyperthermia and tumour biology, as well as physical aspects relevant to brachytherapy, particularly in the field of imaging, dosimetry and radiation therapy planning. Original contributions will include experimental studies of combined modality treatment, tumor sensitization and normal tissue protection, molecular radiation biology, and clinical investigations of cancer treatment in brachytherapy. Another field of interest will be the educational part of the magazine.The “Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy” publish original peer-reviewed papers, technical advances, reviews of articles, and point/counterpoint of opinions on controversial issues. Original articles regarding any aspect of brachytherapy always are welcome. Educational papers will be prepared and presented by invited authors. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
Postepy w Kardiologii Interwencyjnej to kwartalnik naukowy skierowany do specjalistów z róznych dziedzin, glównie kardiologów i kardiochirurgów.Pismo jest organem Asocjacji Interwencji Sercowo-Naczyniowych Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego.
The journal is aimed mainly at allergologists, but also medical doctors working in related fields, such as otolaryngology, pulmonology, and dermatology.
The main goal of the journal is to ensure rapid publication of important research papers and interesting case studies from the following areas:
therapy of allergic diseases,
in particular in the area of immunotherapy,
The Editorial Board accepts for publication original papers, case studies and letters to the Editor. We also publish review articles (both commissioned and those agreed upon with the Editor-in-Chief), articles dealing with standards of medical practice, as well as special issues.
The journal is published quarterly. We guarantee short review times (up to two weeks) and immediate publication on-line upon Editor acceptance.
Alergologia Polska - Polish Journal of Allergology is an official journal of the Polish Society of Allergology.
BIOLOGY OF SPORT publishes reports of methodological and experimental work on science of sport, natural sciences, medicine and pharmacology, technical siences, biocybernetics and application of statistics and psychology, with priority for inter-discyplinary papers. Brief reviews of monographic papers on problems of sport, information on recent developments in research equipment and training aids, are also published. Papers are invided from researchers, coaches and all authors engaged in problems of trining effects, selection in sport as well as biological and social effects of athletic activity durning various periods of man's ontogenetic development.
Contemporary Oncology is a journal aimed at oncologists, oncological surgeons, hematologists and radiologists.Journal published under the patronage of Stowarzyszenia na Rzecz Walki z Rakiem „Geny Zycia” (Poznan) and Fundacji Onkologii Doswiadczalnej i Klinicznej (Warsaw).
Folia Neuropathologica is an official journal of the Polish Association of Neuropathologists and the Medical Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The journal appears every three months and publishes reviews on invitation, editorials, original articles and short communications from the entire field of clinical and experimental neuropathology and related neurosciences. These papers may be descriptive, experimental or methodological. Only original papers written in English are accepted for publication. The journal is abstracted and indexed in: Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Neuroscience Citation Index, SciSearch, Research Alert, Chemical Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Polish Medical Bibliography, Index Copernicus.
HIV & AIDS Review is the official journal of the Polish AIDS Research Society (PTN AIDS). It is published quarterly. HIV & AIDS Review publishes several types of paper: original papers, preliminary communications, epidemiology - population studies, psychological and socio-medical aspects of HIV/AIDS, educational aspects, patient-physician relationship, conference or workshop summaries, product investigations - scientific evaluations on medical and pharmaceutical products, case reports, letters to the Editor, reviews and special reports. A limited number of articles either by invitation or following your suggestions will be of a more "tutorial" format written by experts for scientists seeking introduction into or clarification on some important issues in HIV-related research areas.Wersja pierwotna czasopisma jest wersja internetowa.