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3D Printing in Medicine

eISSN: 2365-6271
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AMB Express

eISSN: 2191-0855

AMB Express is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. This high-quality journal brings together research in the expanding, innovative field of Industrial Microbiology. Its coverage includes processes employing microorganisms, eukaryotic cell cultures or enzymes for the biosynthesis, transformation and degradation of compounds including fine and bulk chemicals, polymeric compounds and enzymes or other proteins. The primary areas of focus are White Biotechnology which broadly includes biotech applications and processes used in industrial settings: and Red Biotechnology, covering pharmaceutical and medical uses of biotechnology.In addition to original research papers, the journal publishes short reviews which critically summarize and evaluate new developments, new processes, new products, features of production organisms or industrially relevant enzymes.   

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Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences

eISSN: 2213-7467

Computational mechanics, Theoretical and applied mechanics, Advanced modeling, Simulation of materials, Numerical analysis, CSMA

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Advances in Bridge Engineering

eISSN: 2662-5407
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Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models: Theory and Modern Applications

ISSN: 2731-4235eISSN: 2731-4235

Advances in Difference Equations is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. The theory of difference equations, the methods used, and their wide applications have advanced beyond their adolescent stage to occupy a central position in applicable analysis. In fact, in the last 12 years, the proliferation of the subject has been witnessed by hundreds of research articles, several monographs, many international conferences, and numerous special sessions.The theory of differential and difference equations forms two extreme representations of real world problems. For example, a simple population model when represented as a differential equation shows the good behavior of solutions whereas the corresponding discrete analogue shows the chaotic behavior. The actual behavior of the population is somewhere in between. Articles published in Advances in Difference Equations will include such situations.The aim of Advances in Difference Equations is to report new developments in the field of difference equations, and their applications in all fields. Advances in Difference Equations will accept high-quality articles containing original research results and survey articles of exceptional merit.

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African Journal of Urology

ISSN: 1110-5704eISSN: 1961-9987

Organ of the Pan-African Urological Surgeon's Association (PAUSA).

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Agricultural and Food Economics

eISSN: 2193-7532

Agricultural and Food Economics is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen.Agricultural and Food Economics (AFE) is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal published on behalf of the Italian Association of Agricultural Economics. AFE welcomes research articles from economists, scholars and researchers from all over the world to publish problem-oriented, high quality and refereed articles. AFE seeks clearly written articles from experts in the field, to promote insightful understanding of the current trends in the agri-food system. AFE publishes only original articles from a wide variety of economic perspectives that address current and relevant issues related to the agricultural and food system. Published articles focus on applied analysis, the discussion of innovative results, and relevant policy and managerial implications.Agricultural and Food Economics is sponsored by the SIDEA (Italian Society of Agricultural Economics) the most representative associations of agricultural economists in Italy. SIDEA's mission is to contribute to an efficient farm and agrifood sector promoting free, independent and original research in the field of agricultural economics.

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Annals of Intensive Care

eISSN: 2110-5820

Annals of Intensive Care is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. It is aimed at publishing high-quality review articles and original research papers on intensive care medicine. The journal is intended for all critical care providers (attending physicians, fellows, residents, nurses, and physiotherapists) seeking to update their own knowledge to ensure they provide the best care for their patients.

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Applied Network Science

eISSN: 2364-8228
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Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility

eISSN: 2365-6417
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Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education

eISSN: 2363-5169
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Atlantic Review of Economics

ISSN: 2174-3835eISSN: 2174-3835
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Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

eISSN: 2314-8543

Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (BJBAS) was formerly named Beni-Suef University Journal of Applied Sciences (BUJAS). Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (BJBAS) is a quarterly periodical that publishes original articles and review articles in areas of basic sciences, applied sciences, medical sciences, pharmaceutical sciences and engineering.

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eISSN: 2524-7867
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Bioresources and Bioprocessing

eISSN: 2197-4365

biochemical engineering, industrial and production engineering, bioprocess engineering, environmental engineering, biotechnology

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Botanical Studies

eISSN: 1999-3110
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Boundary Value Problems

ISSN: 1687-2762eISSN: 1687-2770

Boundary Value Problems is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. The main aim of Boundary Value Problems is to provide a forum to promote, encourage, and bring together various disciplines which use the theory, methods, and applications of boundary value problems. Boundary Value Problems will publish very high quality research articles on boundary value problems for ordinary, functional, difference, elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic differential equations. Articles on singular, free, and ill-posed boundary value problems, and other areas of abstract and concrete analysis are welcome. In addition to regular research articles, Boundary Value Problems will publish review articles.

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Brain Informatics

ISSN: 2198-4018eISSN: 2198-4026
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Built Heritage

eISSN: 2662-6802
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Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy

ISSN: 1110-6611
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